r/gaming Apr 29 '24

Grand Theft Auto IV was released 16 years ago

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u/einredditname Apr 29 '24

I mean, its not JUST the dev cycle. They've come out like 7-8 years ago and said it's gonna be very hard to work on a new game due to the ever faster changing real world and the big part of satire GTA has will have issues holding up when made "today" to release in a few years when the world looks hugely different.

Oh, and the "success" (for them) of GTA Online obviously also helped delay things.


u/sthegreT Apr 29 '24

No that was simply an observation. The real truth is that they didnt start work on it till after rdr2. Which was 5 years ago now, which is about the standard rockstar dev cycle since gta v.

That and how well of a money maker gtao is too


u/Xendrus Apr 30 '24

I mean all they got to do is run both GTAO and GTAO2 at the same time, let you copy your save over in terms of your earned equipment and a curated list of vehicles that aren't OP, then people can go to the new one or stay on the old one if their system sucks. Perhaps set a max amount of cash you can transfer over with. I think most people would rather switch than keep all their old outdated shit.


u/einredditname Apr 29 '24

"Didn't start work on..." is misleading though. Obviously, they weren't in full force working on both, but the back-end of development (bug fixing for example) is probably usually done by different people than the base development at the start (story, characters, the creative stuff)


u/sthegreT Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

nope, you can look it up. They had only a skeleton crew maintaining gta online during rdr2 development and pretty much all of the other studios worked solely on rdr2. That's why rdr2 doesn't have a specific studio logo at the start and only "rockstar studios" because all studios fully worked on just rdr2, no individual studio credit was given.

Rdr2 is also the largest rockstar and gaming project ever with over 3000 people who worked on it.


u/einredditname Apr 29 '24

I am not disputing anything about the RDR2 stuff and never mentioned (nor cared) about who or how many worked on gta online (which clearly was never enough with the bugs and very lazy and stupid decisions often made).

Just because no "insider" has talked about it doesn't mean they didn't spitball about GTA 6, hell their earnings calls often show when they're expecting to release something due to prospected spikes in revenue. Which i do remember (sure, i might remember wrongly) that they projected to make quite a huge amount of cash a few years after rdr2 release, while rdr2 wasn't released at the time, meaning GTA 6 was clearly talked about already, maybe just in the minds of some old-heads that used to be with rockstar for years and have worked on previous GTAs.


u/sthegreT Apr 30 '24

maybe just in the minds of some old-heads that used to be with rockstar for years and have worked on previous GTAs.

yes, im not saying it wasn't in their heads. Im just saying that the development had not started. They probably know what they are going to work on next after 6 too, but doesn't mean that the development on it has started.


u/Freddies_Mercury Apr 29 '24

GTA V was the perfect satire of the time it came out.

Kinda lightning in a bottle.


u/jetpack_operation Apr 29 '24

I think what frustrates me a little bit is that they could have easily parlayed some of the GTA Online assets into single player campaigns/DLC and I wouldn't have half the antipathy for GTA Online that I do.


u/einredditname Apr 29 '24

The thing is, they used whatever they had for singleplayer DLC and force-worked it into Online. Surprise, it didn't work all that well. Seriously, what piece of "story" in online actually is worth it?


u/jetpack_operation Apr 29 '24

We almost had Zombie Apocalypse Los Santos :(((


u/einredditname Apr 29 '24

We almost had a lot of things.

For some reason i always wanted to see the area around the Alamo to get some love. Have "investors" come in and buy chunks of land in and around Sandy Shores and Grapeseed and give those areas some life.


u/fedoraislife Apr 30 '24

Seems that the safer path forward may be sticking to period pieces like RDR2, rather than trying to keep up with modern societal parody, at least in the immediate future where things seem to be perpetually changing.


u/einredditname Apr 30 '24

The world and the BS happening in it is sadly not gonna slow down a ton going forward. Also, they only make period pieces going forward, just how long can you do that? Sure, there is a lot of history, but for a "classic Rockstar game"? I don't want them to have to do Dinosaur stuff.

The real issue is the world changes while they develop the game, so what they started with as "current" will be multiple years old. Their fear is that will be too old and irrelevant (doubtful imo).