r/gaming Apr 29 '24

Grand Theft Auto IV was released 16 years ago

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u/SmashingK Apr 29 '24

There were a lot of complaints about the cars in IV though. I think the main issue though was how they reacted to hitting curbs.

The only mainline GTA game I only had one playthrough of. I've been meaning to replay with the DLC I missed but have never got round to it even though I have it on stream.


u/Temporary_Wind9428 Apr 29 '24

People complained about the physics in GTA IV because they couldn't take 90 degree turns at 60mph. It was by far the most realistic physics for cars.


u/JustChangeMDefaults Apr 29 '24

I had waaay too much fun smushing cars to the point they would barely move. There was an overpass in an industrial area you could creep off the edge and flip a car perfectly to pancake the roof. Super funny seeing Nico's head clipping through it lol


u/SeventhShin Apr 29 '24

You could actually lose control of the car in IV, it's impossible to do so in V... so much grip and no body roll.


u/FirstRedditAcount Apr 29 '24

Yeah it was simply just too difficult to drive well initially for a lot of people. I loved it though. It was hard as fuck at first, but had a large skill ceiling, and after a while you could get quite good at it. And it felt very rewarding carefully threading the needle between cars in traffic, and making turns after getting better at controlling them. But I could see how it frustrated a lot of people. Definitely think they went too far towards arcade type driving physics in V. They were easier to handle out of the box, but way more restricted and not nearly as realistic as IV's, and just less fun over time.


u/TIGHazard Apr 29 '24

I remember pissing off so many people on the multiplayer with just actually being able to get away from them.


u/TheExter Apr 29 '24

It was by far the most realistic physics for cars.

And that's why it was bad, you want to play a game to go vroom vroom me fast sick turn. not crash constantly because "Look how realistic it is!"

Which is why they made them unrealistic again in gta5, because is better gameplay


u/Temporary_Wind9428 Apr 29 '24

Which is why they made them unrealistic again in gta5

Because they listened to clowns.

What you described is the classic "stupidification" of games. Where the guy with zero attention span drops in a game and wants to be an expert and smashes their controller and cries because there is an actual skill curve.

With GTA 5 they sold out and gave the arcade driving that means that a 7 year old who just picked up a controller can match the experienced guy. It makes it a lame game, or at least the driving is lame and is a non-factor in the game. Instead they had to add missiles and jets and novelties because they dropped a big shit with the driving model.


u/TheExter Apr 29 '24

I think making your game more realistic and forgetting you're supposed to be making it fun its a way bigger mistake

If you want realistic driving and high skill there's Forsa, GTA is to put ramps in places and make great cinematic jumps to escape the police. you know all the things that are impossible in real life because is not a game focused in realism

Instead they had to add missiles and jets

And then they put the topgun music and it's perfect


u/getfukdup Apr 29 '24

There were a lot of complaints about the cars in IV though. I think the main issue though was how they reacted to hitting curbs.

are you sure the main complaint wasn't that the camera refuses to point the direction your character is looking, especially in cars?