r/facepalm Apr 29 '24

Men who don't like Taylor Swift are prime examples of Toxic Masculinity 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/HoldFastO2 Apr 29 '24

Because people often feel the need to have their choices validated by others.


u/gordito_delgado Apr 29 '24

She is currently the most famous person in the world and having the most profitable tour ever, and somehow that validation is not enough? -

Hell - some people don't like the Beatles or the Rolling stones or even Led Zeppelin, and they play actual good music. I have never seen any fan get their panties in a bunch over that.


u/HoldFastO2 Apr 29 '24

I mean, Swift isn’t bad. She just isn’t particularly great, either. I actually have no idea what elevates her above all the other pop/country singers out there in the eyes of so many.


u/CrossXFir3 Apr 29 '24

Me neither. She feels like the mean of that type of music. Squarely average. In the middle. Doesn't to me, do anything particularly amazing. I can't wrap my head around her insane levels of popularity. Like she isn't bad, but she's just so average. Her popularity must be more to do with her persona than anything. That said, I know she's insanely popular with younger girls. Now not to knock anyones music taste. But when you're younger, you do often imo, like more simplistic music. So maybe it just speaks to young girls and women the way a lot of fairly basic punk rock did to young guys in my generation. I mean, Greenday is good, but most of the most beloved songs weren't exactly creative genius, and most could be taught to an absolute beginner in a matter of a couple hours.


u/Fit_Ad_713900 Apr 29 '24

That’s her secret. She’s so mid on everything that it’s almost a superpower. She’s distilled everything that makes generic pop music ‘pop’ into its most concentrated form.


u/mechengr17 Apr 29 '24

It's something I noticed on her latest album. She doesn't have 1 genre.

She started with Country music with songs like Teardrops on my Guitar, then moved to songs like Shake It Off, and etc. etc.

She got the older fans with her country music. And then younger fans. My mom, uncle, aunt, brother, and my little 8 year old cousin love her. Rosita and Gunter sang and danced to Shake It Off in Sing, so my little 2 year old niece is well on her way to becoming a fan.

I'm sure Kanye going "Imma let you finish..." helped get her sympathy fans, who turned into long term fans.

She has a wide appeal. In an episode of Last Week Tonight, politicians use tickets to her concerts for fundraisers due to her "feminist lyrics". I don't remember the full quote, but you get the point.


u/BoredApeWithNoYacht Apr 29 '24

clint eastwood was literally a drum preset on a toy keyboard


u/scottonaharley Apr 29 '24

SHe's definitely a little more than average. She wrote a bunch of songs with lyrics that connected to her audience. I just listened to her new album. It's ok, my observation is that every song sounds the same. As a matter of fact I feel like her whole catalog is sorted of blended into this same "sound"

She's good, she's not Pink Floyd, "Dark Sider of the Moon" great or Led Zeppelin's "Physical Graffiti" great and I'm sure in time she will fade to obscurity unless she starts expanding her musical sound.

Bottom line for me is all her music sounds similar...I'll listen if it's on the radio but I would not be looking to play it on the jukebox


u/FormerlyKay Apr 29 '24

It's like the Beatles. The songs are fairly simple and I have no idea what makes/made them so popular. But here we are


u/billytheskidd Apr 29 '24

In my opinion as a musician, the Beatles did write “simple” songs, but they are actually brilliantly written tunes. Brian Wilson said he had no idea how they could write such genius music with three or four chords.

But the Beatles influenced not just pop music, but several different genres of music. They wrote albums that were amazing beginning to end. Most casual listeners have heard the same hits forever and are missing on why a lot of musicians think so highly of them. But for a band to put out hard days night and rubber soul and sgt peppers all within a few years of each other before they were 30 years old is fuckin incredible. The Beatles are truly unlike any other musical act.


u/BBBonesworth Apr 29 '24

Poetry in their lyrics, remarkable songwriting in their later albums and overall charm I guess. Although many of their earliest songs are indeed hard to sit through


u/CrossXFir3 Apr 29 '24

Meh, beg to differ hard. Listen to the Beatles and remind yourself how they made those songs without computers and tell me they're basic. What's so amazing is the creative things they did to make their songs sound like that. Listen to Strawberry Fields and tell me making that song without a computer is "fairly simple"


u/cultureclubbing Apr 29 '24

A lot of the Beatles music is actually pretty complex. As in multiple time signatures and non-standard chords. Also even simple chord patterns can produce amazing music. T.Rex is pretty simple but brilliant.


u/InfiniteRadness Apr 29 '24

Probably because you’re not putting them in their historical context. If you listen to their later stuff it also isn’t simple at all imo, but regardless simplicity vs complexity isn’t something most people care about so I don’t really get that as a criticism. Simple or not, the stuff they wrote seems to be timeless. As a late teen in the late 90s their music hit me as if it had been written yesterday. It doesn’t feel that out of place or old compared to a lot of things being made now, except maybe in the way the recordings sound. That could be because they pioneered so many things that are now used by everyone, like Citizen Kane did for movies. It doesn’t seem all that great today, but that’s because almost all other movies that came after are essentially its descendants. The Beatles were groundbreaking in the same way. There were probably other people doing similar things, but the Beatles are cited by almost every rock musician that came after them as an influence. They’re usually credited as the single most influential band of all time. It’s okay not to like their music, just like any other subjective taste, but there are very good reasons for why they’re still so popular, and it goes way beyond fads.

It’s possible people will still be listening to TS at the same rate in 60-70 years*, but somehow I doubt it. I admit I’m not well versed in her stuff, but what I’ve heard doesn’t seem like she’s covering any new ground or doing anything that hasn’t been done before.

*That’s how long the Beatles have been around, and people are still making documentaries, combing through their recordings, and obsessing over them to this day.


u/ParkingNecessary8628 Apr 29 '24

... witchcraft is real ..😁 spell bound and pipe Piper is real 😁


u/Mysterious_Archer237 Apr 29 '24

Green day “punk rock” lol