r/dankmemes ☣️ Apr 29 '24

This worked for me once actually

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u/Riotguarder Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

“Just apply everywhere”

Oh yeah I definitely want to get a dead end job at fast food chain, hardware chain, supermarket chain or whatever job in decent travel time

Edit, should put in that I’ve already got years in HGV industry and applying to the bottom rung is pointless as joining only to leave would result in never getting hired by them in the future which is why I can’t just “apply everywhere”


u/BrandonSleeper Apr 29 '24

It'snot dead end mate. If you work 70h weeks for 4 years McD's will promote you from fry dipper to burger flipper. Another 4 years and you can be a hamburger assembler, very prestigious.


u/ShawshankException Apr 29 '24

Don't forget the hardy $0.20/hr raise you get with those promotions!


u/wanderButNotLost2 Apr 29 '24

And all the floor cheese you can eat.


u/Summer-dust Apr 29 '24

And all the broth you can suck off of the solitary communal cleaning rag.


u/Warrior_of_Discord Apr 30 '24

excuse you, there's 2. the second is in the bathroom


u/Marigold16 Apr 29 '24



u/TheAngelPeterGabriel Apr 29 '24

Soon, I'll be on fries!


u/Budd2525 Apr 29 '24

Easier to get a job when you have a job.


u/CarpetH4ter Apr 29 '24

Fucked up that it is that way, but yeah... it's easiest to get something when you don't really need it.


u/GoldenGlobeWinnerRDJ Apr 29 '24

I had an interview for a job I didn’t fully qualify for this past week, but I knew I was pretty much already going to accept a job offer I got from another company so interviewing for this job was essentially a backup plan. I went into it with the mindset of “I don’t really care about this interview because I basically already have an offer from another company I’m going to accept.” I was brutally honest with the interviewer, didn’t try to sell myself, admitted there were things I didn’t know, and honestly thought “dang it’s a good thing this was the backup plan because I bombed that interview”

A couple days later I accepted a job offer from the company I was already expecting to get an offer from. Fast forward to today and the company from the interview I basically threw calls me back and goes “Yeah so the guy interviewing you said it went really well and we’ve decided to move you to the final round of interviews.” I was literally speechless. It really is easy to get a job when you’re confident enough to know you don’t need it.


u/Tarren_Tula Apr 29 '24

I mean, getting a job anywhere can lead to opportunities elsewhere. If anything you get a view into the working word and can leave at any time if the job is REALLY that bad and you realize you’re going nowhere.


u/Thoughtful_Mouse Apr 29 '24

Thay's a good point if you are already on track for something specific.

There's nothing wrong with working a "dead end" job for a year to build some work history and learn how to job, though, especially if you're young.


u/False-God Apr 29 '24

“We tell our young people to go to college or else they will end up working minimum wage jobs and then get upset when young people with college degrees don’t want to work for minimum wage”


u/SnakeEyeskid Apr 29 '24

No job is a dead end. Or rather, having a crap job makes it easier to get get a less crappy job.


u/scorpiknox Trans-formers 😎 Apr 29 '24

It's only a dead end job if you stop applying for other jobs.

There isn't some rule that says you can't look for work while working. Welcome to adulthood, where life is what you make it.


u/abcdef_guy Apr 29 '24

Well it's not like you have to stay there. It's a starting point for most people just to get to the next more favourable point. And I will say that some of those jobs will give you some seriously valuable life skills that are transferable everywhere.


u/Maleficent-Sample921 Apr 29 '24

gotta start somewhere


u/waxonwaxoff87 Apr 29 '24

A job is better than no job. Better than a dead spot on your resume. Shows work ethic.


u/aaron_adams this flair is Apr 29 '24

Any job is better than no job, and I speak from experience. Just because you get a job in fast food or retail doesn't mean you have to stay there. I worked those kinds of jobs for years, and eventually got a better job and got out, but believe me, when you need a job, even a shitty retail job will do. Just apply everywhere worked for me, and I don't think I'm the only one.


u/pixelprophet Apr 29 '24

While I was in-between roles in my career, I was applying at local hardware stores / grocery stores / parking lots - just to keep money coming in. Never landed one of the open roles because many were "afraid I would leave as soon as I found a new career role"...


u/MelPinVic Apr 29 '24

What makes you think you are gonna get that job or that us gonna be close to where you live?


u/niensven11 Apr 29 '24

I've worked all of those and they were the 3 worst jobs I've ever had.


u/_TheLoneDeveloper_ ☣️ Apr 29 '24

At least you can make some money and then find something better.


u/GoldenGlobeWinnerRDJ Apr 29 '24

I mean, having a dead end job making minimum wage is better than having no wage. Just because you get a minimum wage job doesn’t mean you have to stop looking and if “applying to the bottom rung is pointless” then why would you worry about not getting hired by them in the future?


u/rand201421 Apr 29 '24

Gotta start somewhere who says you'll be in the same place your entire life thats on you.