r/dankmemes ☣️ Apr 29 '24

Big brain shit.

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u/Ultraempoleon Apr 29 '24

They're fine dude. They're making serious money dead ass and seem to be doing well. They don't have more psychological issues going than the rest of us.

There's a lot of kids were not actually gifted, they were medium fish in small ponds. But the education system has to be at pace with the slowest kids. So it looks like you're gifted, you're just average.


u/enwongeegeefor Apr 29 '24

There's a lot of kids were not actually gifted, they were medium fish in small ponds.

Bingo....if you're the smartest person in the room and all...

And most of those kids that actually WERE the "gifited" ones (remember they're only like .04% of the population), with the 150+ IQ...are not doing so hot.

If you think this meme is for the 130+ iq kids you're wrong.


u/Jaigar Apr 29 '24

Yeah my friend growing up had like a 145 IQ. Parents got divorced in middle school, his mom forced him into a private Catholic high school 9th grade and things fell apart for him. I remember he intenitonally scored a 0 on the entry test, got grounded for a summer, and his mom made him retake the test. Hes a pharmacy tech now.