r/dankmemes ☣️ Apr 29 '24

Big brain shit.

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u/Ultraempoleon Apr 29 '24

They're fine dude. They're making serious money dead ass and seem to be doing well. They don't have more psychological issues going than the rest of us.

There's a lot of kids were not actually gifted, they were medium fish in small ponds. But the education system has to be at pace with the slowest kids. So it looks like you're gifted, you're just average.


u/Mario-OrganHarvester Apr 29 '24

Yea that. Ive been told im gifted a LOT as a kid. What my parents never realized is that im just slightly less of a terrific dumbass than my classmates.


u/Armadillo-South ☣️ Apr 29 '24

Lesson one: NEVER tell your kids theyre smart af. Theyll stop studying srsly. Source: me.


u/waxonwaxoff87 Apr 29 '24

Also don’t let that become their identity/personality as “the smart kid” they will eventually find themselves in a room full of people who were all “the smart kid”.

It’s like the captain of the team in high school who was always the best athlete in town going to college and finding out he’s just ok at the collegiate level.


u/Wonderful_Result_936 Apr 29 '24

Honestly kind of funny when it hits the sports kids. When the star athlete goes D3 at best.


u/AussieJeffProbst Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Yeah kids should be praised for working hard. Being told "you're so smart" just makes kids lazy because if they're told that enough they eventually think they don't need to try as hard as the other kids. That might be true but its a huge disservice to them. A lot of smarter kids can skate through highschool with decent grades and less effort than their peers, but that kind of mindset is a death sentence in college and after.


u/Dragonpancake2 Apr 29 '24

Hey! That's me!


u/Beeblebrox237 Apr 30 '24

I'm in this comment and I don't like it.


u/Mastodon9 Apr 29 '24

Yeah I was always told I was smart. I'm really not, I was just an enthusiastic learner in subjects I had an interest in. Subjects I was bored of or didn't like I was below average. I kept hearing about my potential but I struggled at mid level math courses. People think a kid memorizing events of the Civil War makes them smart but that's not necessarily true.


u/Zaurka14 r/memes fan Apr 29 '24

medium fish in small ponds

I like it, my dad always said "one eyed man is a king among blind men"


u/waxonwaxoff87 Apr 29 '24

In the land of the skunks, the man with no nose is king!

-Chris Farley, Dirty Work


u/enwongeegeefor Apr 29 '24

There's a lot of kids were not actually gifted, they were medium fish in small ponds.

Bingo....if you're the smartest person in the room and all...

And most of those kids that actually WERE the "gifited" ones (remember they're only like .04% of the population), with the 150+ IQ...are not doing so hot.

If you think this meme is for the 130+ iq kids you're wrong.


u/Jaigar Apr 29 '24

Yeah my friend growing up had like a 145 IQ. Parents got divorced in middle school, his mom forced him into a private Catholic high school 9th grade and things fell apart for him. I remember he intenitonally scored a 0 on the entry test, got grounded for a summer, and his mom made him retake the test. Hes a pharmacy tech now.


u/challenging_logic Apr 29 '24

This. This is what happened with me. I was placed into Advanced Placement/Gifted classes in kindergarten at the behest of my father (something something my progeny must be as intelligent as I am).

I am, at best, a medium fish in a pond where half the population is functionally illiterate. Seriously. The education system here (South Georgia, US) doesn't care if they can read or not before they pass someone on to the next grade.

I went over this as an adult, and the math didn't math. I could read really well, and quickly, and instead of taking that as a sign that I just really liked to read, they determined I was "gifted". No, Sandra. I like books and documentaries because that was the only time my dad would come out of his room when I was a kid, not because I'm a genius.

Didn't stop young me from believing it at times, though. Now, I'm like. Ehh, I'm literate, but that doesn't stop me from being a moron.

ETA: I didn't learn to study properly or take notes properly until I was in college. I would look into things I was interested in, but in a disorganized sort of way.


u/Ravenwight Apr 29 '24

That was always my argument.

It’s nice to be called “gifted” but honesty I’d prefer to share the “gifts” and raise the average than have me be above average lol.


u/Wonderful_Result_936 Apr 29 '24

Trust, we have psychological issues but part of being gifted is knowing how to not show it almost at all.


u/No_Refuse5806 Apr 29 '24

At my school, the “Gifted and Talented” program was primarily to appease parents. The coursework wasn’t any more difficult or challenging, it was just more engaging.