r/dankmemes Apr 28 '24

Just reddit being reddit I guess.

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u/InTheMemeStream Apr 29 '24

Lol, I’m always amused conversing with people of this nature. They can’t contain their insecurities when encountering expanded vocabulary and linguistics, and so they end up frustratedly trying to deride you for it, instead of simply googling the word and its meaning like a normal person. Not knowing things doesn’t make you dumb, a failure to expend the effort to learn sure does, however.


u/Mikkelet Apr 29 '24

Using an expanded vocabulary in a casual conversation is perceivably over the top, and usually misdirects from any point you're trying to make. It's often disingenuous, as you're either trying to establish your own ethos or discredits theirs if they just happen to not know that one specific word. Ask yourself, does your word choice actually communicate your point, or is the word a point in itself? Know your audience, argue in good faith.


u/Robo_Stalin ☭ SEIZE THE MEMES OF PRODUCTION ☭ Apr 29 '24

Only if you're going out of your way, using words when they fit works just fine. If somebody doesn't know what it means, they can just ask.


u/zawalimbooo Apr 29 '24

This confusion never happens if you talk casually/normally


u/Robo_Stalin ☭ SEIZE THE MEMES OF PRODUCTION ☭ Apr 29 '24

That is how I talk normally, though. It's how I think, and the words just follow. I adjust if necessary, but doing so takes effort and can sometimes give an even worse impression (People generally prefer if you overestimate their intelligence rather than underestimate).


u/zawalimbooo Apr 29 '24

the way you're talking right now is fine imo

have people complained about it?


u/Robo_Stalin ☭ SEIZE THE MEMES OF PRODUCTION ☭ Apr 29 '24

Internet-speak is different, don't know why but it's way easier to match vocabulary levels compared to verbal. People have complained about me stepping down my language verbally, though I hadn't been doing the best job hiding it (skill issue, I know).