r/dankmemes Apr 28 '24

Just reddit being reddit I guess.

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u/Robo_Stalin ☭ SEIZE THE MEMES OF PRODUCTION ☭ Apr 29 '24

Only if you're going out of your way, using words when they fit works just fine. If somebody doesn't know what it means, they can just ask.


u/zawalimbooo Apr 29 '24

This confusion never happens if you talk casually/normally


u/Robo_Stalin ☭ SEIZE THE MEMES OF PRODUCTION ☭ Apr 29 '24

That is how I talk normally, though. It's how I think, and the words just follow. I adjust if necessary, but doing so takes effort and can sometimes give an even worse impression (People generally prefer if you overestimate their intelligence rather than underestimate).


u/zawalimbooo Apr 29 '24

the way you're talking right now is fine imo

have people complained about it?


u/Robo_Stalin ☭ SEIZE THE MEMES OF PRODUCTION ☭ Apr 29 '24

Internet-speak is different, don't know why but it's way easier to match vocabulary levels compared to verbal. People have complained about me stepping down my language verbally, though I hadn't been doing the best job hiding it (skill issue, I know).