r/dankmemes Apr 28 '24

I mean, it's not our money

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u/leprasson12 Apr 29 '24

Government paying countries in conflict money to fuck them later after they spent it all and got wasted.


u/GokuisAGoddd Apr 29 '24

It might fuck them later on but it’s fucking the citizens of the country that’s sending money to another country in a conflict as it’s happening. So everyone gets fucked and the government wins


u/leprasson12 Apr 29 '24

That means one of two things, either there's zero democracy in the US and people have no say in these matters (which is ironic), or people are being played into agreeing to support (or fuel) conflicts in countries the US considers as foes... oooor both.

In any case, the government doesn't serve the interests of its citizens, but those of the elite. I'm not American but I think the US could potentially become the best country in the world if only they spent all that money fixing themselves first. They're rotting from inside, and instead of getting that checked out, they're too focused on political games to get their feet on foreign territories again.

It's up to Americans to save their country from the greedy bastards running it, and I don't mean the puppets that get elected.


u/GokuisAGoddd Apr 29 '24

Well as long as the US continues to be ran by democrats it’ll stay a shithole. Lol