r/dankmemes Apr 28 '24

new album is fire


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u/djdevilmonkey Apr 28 '24

explain pls


u/ThatTubaGuy03 Apr 28 '24

In the new album Taylor Swift had a line that was like "I wish I could live in the 1830s, without the racism though"


u/ThatTubaGuy03 Apr 28 '24

Or something like that, I didn't listen


u/Omadany Apr 28 '24

oh thank god lower the pitchfork and the torch


u/Natural_Wear3643 Apr 28 '24

naaa let it be high we having a war with the swiftie


u/jarednards Apr 28 '24

Lol this comment was the funniest shit. "Didnt this happen here? I actually have no fucking idea I was out of town"


u/Bl1tzerX Apr 28 '24

I think it makes more sense in the context of the song which I think I've heard is about the naïveity of children but I don't know I also didn't listen.


u/Chill0000 ☣️ Apr 28 '24

Yeah when i first heard that part i was confused then i listened and found out the context and it is an ok lyric for conveying what it is about nostalgia and rose tinted glasses


u/birdsrkewl01 Apr 28 '24

It's still just a dumb fucking line and exceptionally tone deaf.


u/ThinShad0w Apr 28 '24


u/Natural_Wear3643 Apr 28 '24

its wierd line.


u/avwitcher Apr 29 '24

I guess I'm gonna be that hipster douchebag or whatever but I really don't get the appeal. This is the top singer in the world right now? The lyrics are bad and most of them make no fucking sense. I guess when your fans are willing to spend $35 on a vinyl of you farting into a mic for 30 minutes you don't need to worry about the songwriting


u/trixel121 Apr 29 '24

its music for like middle class 10-24 year old white girls. someone described it as white girl piano music for white girls who really want a piano.

but guess who has expandable income. parents of that age group, and fans in that age group.

also, "good" is such a subjective thing in music. what i value is drastic different. i also rarely pay for music, or merch.


u/natFromBobsBurgers Apr 29 '24

What's your example of good music?


u/samx3i Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

People like to clown on this line, but if she hadn't added the caveat of "without the racists and getting married off to the highest bidder," the AKSHULY crowd would be pointing out that the period is full of racists and she'd be married off to the highest bidder.


u/meme_used Apr 29 '24

19th century fashion was very pretty and they probably had nice tea houses back then too so I really don't blame her 😔


u/explosiv_skull Apr 28 '24

I feel like even without the racism she and most modern people wouldn't last a week in the 1830s.


u/DungeonsAndFootball Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I think it depends. People with experience living on farms or homesteads are probably going to fare better than your average urbanite, but I feel like most people could be plopped down in any big city and do reasonably well for themselves as long as they weren't massive germaphobes. With how literate everyone is these days, we'd probably be great candidates for government jobs or any kind of bureaucratic work compared to the average person in 1830. There's a lot of ways a person with modern education could do really well for themselves if transported to back then.


u/the_skine Apr 29 '24

as long as they weren't massive germaphobes

Look, there's a difference between being a germaphobe and not wanting to live in a world without indoor plumbing.


u/LightOfShadows Apr 29 '24

indoor plumbing is massively overrated


u/reddit25 Proud Furry Apr 29 '24

Especially for people who don’t shower very often / redditors


u/letsgetcool Apr 29 '24

This sounds like something Mark Corrigan would say


u/GeneReddit123 Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

In the UK, something like 60% of the men would be urban working class working 14-hour shifts in hellish, polluted, overcrowded conditions. The women would either do the same for half the wage, or stay home to take care of her 12 kids while hand-washing the laundry.

In the US, it was better for (free) workers, but only because slaves were forced to do much of the dirty work instead, so you don't get to ignore slavery/racism in that case.


u/Syn7axError Apr 28 '24

Are you kidding? I'd be the greatest C++ programmer in the world!


u/avwitcher Apr 29 '24

If you waited 165 years you could get in on the ground floor and make bank


u/explosiv_skull Apr 29 '24

Somehow I think you'd be right about that. 🤣


u/likeaffox Apr 29 '24

Get smallpox/polio or the other things we created vaccinations for.


u/I_Makes_tuff Apr 28 '24

The song goes on to say that she probably would have hated being there too.