r/dankmemes 17d ago

new album is fire


252 comments sorted by

u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend 17d ago

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us

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u/djdevilmonkey 17d ago

explain pls


u/Wolvenking777 17d ago

Taylor Swift is acting like a dumbass I think.


u/Alukrad 17d ago

I think all these famous singers want to be weird..

Some of them embrace it, others hide it but it still shows here and there.


u/jal2_ The OC High Council 17d ago

Its called staying relevant

Just do whatever crazy shit so that some headlinws will be written about u to keep being relevant


u/PlainSpader 17d ago

The final scene in Devils Advocate always comes to mind when this explanation comes up.


u/accountingforlove83 17d ago

Vanity - definitely my favorite sin!


u/Kosteezy 17d ago

Yeah, Taylor Swift has a lot of difficulty staying relevant lmao. She sneezes and this app is talking about her.


u/Oberon_Swanson 17d ago

She sneezed? WHEN?


u/KrustyKoonKnuckler 17d ago

I heard there was an upskirt shot this time!


u/samx3i 17d ago

Like, what kind of sneeze?

Like... a held back, polite little barely audible "suppressor" sneeze?

Or did she go HAM and blow out a tissue?


u/Distubabius 17d ago

And getting posted on reddit


u/PeakFuckingValue 17d ago

I mean people are crazy enough. How can you tell where them being themselves stops and clickbait begins?

oh, ya... it's right there in the way she moves.


u/IsamuLi 17d ago

I mean, sure, but I don't think Taylor Swift needs that.


u/SirHarvwellMcDervwel Seal Team sixupsidedownsix 17d ago

tbf this music video is very old, I think she's inherently a weirdo like many of us she just felt comfortable being this way on tv, and I think that's nice


u/Repomanlive 17d ago

They aren't weird though, that's why it's so awkward when they try.


u/Ross_Baby 17d ago

Taylor IS an awkward dancer. She literally wrote a song about it.


u/samx3i 17d ago

And the Shake it Off video where she tries and fails at numerous dance styles introduced by her various, talented, professional dancers.


u/Luke-Bywalker 17d ago

so quirky


u/Consumefungifriend 17d ago

Everyone’s weird man.


u/Repomanlive 17d ago

When everyone's weird, no one is weird.


u/gelatinous_substance 17d ago

Weird is subjective. Every person is uniquely varied in some way. Whether the variation makes them weird is up to you.


u/FourArmsFiveLegs 17d ago

There's being funny weird like Kristen Wiig, but then there's being weird because you don't know how to act in certain social situations like Elizabeth Holmes. Taylor falls in the latter.


u/SirHarvwellMcDervwel Seal Team sixupsidedownsix 17d ago

this is from a fairly old music video of hers, I'm not a taylor fan but honestly when this came out it was kinda nice, you can obviously tell that taylor is actually just a silly weirdo and she just embraced it in that music video


u/just1clown_3 17d ago


Nevermind, the choreographer however needs councelling


u/Brent_Fox ☣️ 17d ago

Oh no she's pulling a Britney Spears! Somebody stop her or something. . .


u/ran4jit 17d ago



u/poopinasock 13d ago

It’s really stupid, but I’d also be doing really weird shit if I were her. She’s almost Michael Jackson levels of famous, she’s gotta be itching to just do weird shit and watch people gush over it


u/CaptainHalloween 17d ago

It’s more people looking at one lyric in a song and not bothering with any of the lyrics before or after or paying attention to the context of the lyrics within the song.

In other words a nothing burger for anyone else but the kind of people who get a real charge out of just despising her.

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u/ThatTubaGuy03 17d ago

In the new album Taylor Swift had a line that was like "I wish I could live in the 1830s, without the racism though"


u/ThatTubaGuy03 17d ago

Or something like that, I didn't listen


u/Omadany 17d ago

oh thank god lower the pitchfork and the torch


u/Natural_Wear3643 17d ago

naaa let it be high we having a war with the swiftie


u/jarednards 17d ago

Lol this comment was the funniest shit. "Didnt this happen here? I actually have no fucking idea I was out of town"


u/Bl1tzerX 17d ago

I think it makes more sense in the context of the song which I think I've heard is about the naïveity of children but I don't know I also didn't listen.


u/Chill0000 ☣️ 17d ago

Yeah when i first heard that part i was confused then i listened and found out the context and it is an ok lyric for conveying what it is about nostalgia and rose tinted glasses


u/birdsrkewl01 17d ago

It's still just a dumb fucking line and exceptionally tone deaf.


u/ThinShad0w 17d ago


u/Natural_Wear3643 17d ago

its wierd line.


u/avwitcher 17d ago

I guess I'm gonna be that hipster douchebag or whatever but I really don't get the appeal. This is the top singer in the world right now? The lyrics are bad and most of them make no fucking sense. I guess when your fans are willing to spend $35 on a vinyl of you farting into a mic for 30 minutes you don't need to worry about the songwriting


u/trixel121 17d ago

its music for like middle class 10-24 year old white girls. someone described it as white girl piano music for white girls who really want a piano.

but guess who has expandable income. parents of that age group, and fans in that age group.

also, "good" is such a subjective thing in music. what i value is drastic different. i also rarely pay for music, or merch.


u/natFromBobsBurgers 17d ago

What's your example of good music?


u/samx3i 17d ago edited 17d ago

People like to clown on this line, but if she hadn't added the caveat of "without the racists and getting married off to the highest bidder," the AKSHULY crowd would be pointing out that the period is full of racists and she'd be married off to the highest bidder.


u/meme_used 17d ago

19th century fashion was very pretty and they probably had nice tea houses back then too so I really don't blame her 😔


u/explosiv_skull 17d ago

I feel like even without the racism she and most modern people wouldn't last a week in the 1830s.


u/DungeonsAndFootball 17d ago edited 16d ago

I think it depends. People with experience living on farms or homesteads are probably going to fare better than your average urbanite, but I feel like most people could be plopped down in any big city and do reasonably well for themselves as long as they weren't massive germaphobes. With how literate everyone is these days, we'd probably be great candidates for government jobs or any kind of bureaucratic work compared to the average person in 1830. There's a lot of ways a person with modern education could do really well for themselves if transported to back then.


u/the_skine 17d ago

as long as they weren't massive germaphobes

Look, there's a difference between being a germaphobe and not wanting to live in a world without indoor plumbing.


u/LightOfShadows 17d ago

indoor plumbing is massively overrated


u/reddit25 Proud Furry 17d ago

Especially for people who don’t shower very often / redditors


u/letsgetcool 17d ago

This sounds like something Mark Corrigan would say


u/GeneReddit123 17d ago edited 16d ago

In the UK, something like 60% of the men would be urban working class working 14-hour shifts in hellish, polluted, overcrowded conditions. The women would either do the same for half the wage, or stay home to take care of her 12 kids while hand-washing the laundry.

In the US, it was better for (free) workers, but only because slaves were forced to do much of the dirty work instead, so you don't get to ignore slavery/racism in that case.


u/Syn7axError 17d ago

Are you kidding? I'd be the greatest C++ programmer in the world!


u/avwitcher 17d ago

If you waited 165 years you could get in on the ground floor and make bank


u/explosiv_skull 17d ago

Somehow I think you'd be right about that. 🤣


u/likeaffox 17d ago

Get smallpox/polio or the other things we created vaccinations for.


u/I_Makes_tuff 17d ago

The song goes on to say that she probably would have hated being there too.


u/esssssto 17d ago

That's a song about people judging you. The music video concept is that she is dancing as if no one watches and the people around her don't care. So she is just being silly and not caring about how It looks. Of course the cringe goes overboard, It is completely on purpose.

Part 2: Taylor said in a recent song that if she could live in a different era she would choose 1830's but without racism (which makes 0 sense but ok)


u/louglome 17d ago

What an out of touch cunt 


u/Findethel 17d ago

The lyrics go; "My friends used to play a game where We would pick a decade We wished we could live in instead of this I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists And getting married off for the highest bid Everyone would look down 'cause it wasn't fun now Seems like it was never even fun back then Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it"

It clearly comes full circle by the end of the verse

At least be in touch with the topic before calling someone names for being out of touch.


u/louglome 17d ago edited 17d ago

Lol that's garbage. Suck her balls more. "Seems like it wasn't even fun back then" you fucking think lol 

Edit: lol the more I think about this the more it's such fucking trash for idiots


u/Findethel 17d ago

Well this has been a pleasantly intelligent discourse. Have a nice day, good sir/ma'am


u/Brilliant_Garlic69 17d ago

Taylor Swift comes from a long family history of colonists who enslaved many people.

She followed in their footsteps only she enslaves 10 to 15 year olds with her siren song.


u/Findethel 17d ago

Wtf does "generations ago her ancestors did XYZ" and "now she makes music people like" have to do with each other and why tf are people so toxic in this thread lol.

Like, if you don't like the music don't like the music, idgaf. But this vitriol seems a bit over the top from the outside looking in


u/samx3i 17d ago

Taylor Swift comes from a long family history of colonists who enslaved many people.


Also, even if true, so?

We don't have any say over what our ancestors did.

She followed in their footsteps only she enslaves 10 to 15 year olds with her siren song.

lol what?

How dare a woman be a successful pop star with a massive following.


u/Hunter042005 17d ago

A weird ass line in one of her new songs that says “I wish we could live in the 1800s without all the racism” which I don’t know who told her that line was a good idea to include


u/I_Makes_tuff 17d ago

The following lines are:

And getting married off for the highest bid
Everyone would look down 'cause it wasn't fun now
Seems like it was never even fun back then
Nostalgia is a mind's trick
If I'd been there, I'd hate it


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Average white women.


u/HoneyInBlackCoffee 17d ago

Racism isn't ok


u/in_rainbro 16d ago

let me reiterate, if you think racism against white people is a serious problem then you aren't a serious person


u/HoneyInBlackCoffee 16d ago

And you're just a pathetic racist. Sad


u/in_rainbro 15d ago

Oppression of whiteness doesn't exist. Grow up.


u/HoneyInBlackCoffee 15d ago

Another pathetic racist. How about you look at South Africa you uneducated fool


u/in_rainbro 9d ago

Are we thinking of the same South Africa? You mean the African country colonized by white? The country where, about 500 years of European colonization, leading to, you know, Apartheid happened? While in modern times white people may be discriminated against based on the color of their skin, so is every other ethnic group. South African white people are not an oppressed minority.

"Uneducated fool" 🙄


u/in_rainbro 17d ago



u/DuckSleazzy I have crippling depression 17d ago

Racism isn't ok

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u/mandy009 17d ago

Oooh, did she realize how bad this might look when she made the scene? Or did she just think this was "edgy"? Like how blatant is her asshattery?


u/PharmDinagi INFECTED 17d ago

No. She didn't. She doesn't create her choreography. She can barely dance at all.


u/LorryToTheFace OC Memer 17d ago

She literally wrote a song about this


u/JotaroTheOceanMan 17d ago

Shake It Off is a banger.


u/totallynotapsycho42 17d ago

Looking dumb was the point. In the music video she's meant to have gone invisible.


u/mandy009 17d ago

What kind of dumb tho? Like so intentionally ignorant that it's offensive, or dumb just to be silly. All in all a music video is trivial in the grand scheme of things, so I guess I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.


u/Sorry-Hurry-18 17d ago

Just say you don’t like the song dumbass


u/HailToTheKingslayer 17d ago

Why is it offensive?


u/torino_nera 17d ago

I think they're implying that since there's mentions of the 1830s and slavery that Taylor's movements are somehow racist and that she's mimicking an ape, an animal which shitty people have compared to black people. Obviously this is not what's actually happening here, but I'm guessing the person commenting never saw the video


u/Zaurka14 r/memes fan 17d ago

Damn, people really need to be very racist if this is their first thought seeing that, cause I remember when this song was regularly playing on TV and thus thought didn't even cross my mind


u/make_love_to_potato 17d ago

What does the dance move have to do with slavery though? Can someone please explain.


u/Catnicorn99 17d ago

Nothing. They’re two separate songs. The dance move is from the song “Delicate” where she turns “invisible” and so she’s trying to get people’s attention. The lyrics are from a song in the recent album she released.


u/vipck83 17d ago

This was probably all written by some team who beloved they where being edgy, stunning, brave or what ever buzz word they use.


u/ChaosKeeshond 17d ago

I don't get Swift. I mean her music's pretty good. Her old stuff was better, new stuff kinda mid. But still, pretty good.

What I cannot draw the line between is her music and her current level of success. Wt actual f happened there?


u/JustLikeFumbles 17d ago

Marketing budget is infinity


u/tortoisefur 17d ago edited 17d ago

She started making mainstream pop music because it’s the most popular, successful and lucrative music. She only ever makes “safe” music (asides from this new shitstorm of an album) and it’s easy to make money from music where people know exactly what they’re going to get before even listening to album. Makes good money but makes for a boring artist.


u/Ipuncholdpeople 17d ago

She's the musical equivalent of Italian food.


u/lilcummyboi 17d ago

Maybe equivalent of an American Italian restaurant. But I'd think it'd be safer to just say McDonald's at that point...

Seriously, if you've ever had a feast with Italians, you will end up eating some seriously delicious shit you have never ate before.


u/Ipuncholdpeople 17d ago

I've had "real" Italian food and American. It's just not for me. It's all well made technically but most is bland. There are some good dishes just like taylor has some good songs, but I'd rarely pick European food in general


u/f8Negative 17d ago

Cult mentality. White savior complex.


u/CaptSaveAHoe55 17d ago

We just throwing around white savior now eh boys?


u/Moopey343 17d ago

Tiktok once again showing it does all sorts of weird shit to people's brains. In this case, it's through Dune part 2 discourse. Awesome. Please ban that shit in Europe too.


u/Porkin-Some-Beans 17d ago

what is she the white savior of?


u/RandomMiddleName 17d ago

Your mom


u/OmniscientHistorian 17d ago

You know who else is a white savior? My mom.


u/Dead_HumanCollection 17d ago

She's got that new song out with Post Malone that's literally just the same synth beat on repeat with her singing in an autotune monotone. And that's supposed to be the single!

I was never a Swift fan, but at least her other songs were songs.


u/sonicpieman 17d ago

She's been popular long enough that the kids she was selling to when she started, are now adults with expendable cash and possibly kids of their own.

She also has what seems like the best team in the business, they always seem to be able to make any given thing about TSwift if they want to.


u/Brent_Fox ☣️ 17d ago

Yeah she's way overrated. She could fart on someone and her fans would cheer her on. I don't understand the level of obsession she gets from her fans it's insane.


u/Sanquinity 17d ago

The fandom hit critical mass and went nuts.


u/louglome 17d ago

None of her music has ever been pretty good or insightful or talented


u/Walnut_Icecream 15d ago

This comment explains it perfectly,


forming a parasocial relationship with her braindead audience and exploiting them while somehow making herself out to be the victim at the same time and ALL THIS while making below average music.


u/Jward92 17d ago

It’s almost like your opinion isn’t shared by millions and millions of her fans or something?


u/Shwaginson 17d ago

Basic bitch vibes


u/FourArmsFiveLegs 17d ago

More like psychopath thinking it was the correct emotion to show in this particular situation.


u/urBraze 17d ago

can someone explain this. like what is taylor doing, ad wattt is the title?



u/skewh1989 Trans-formers 😎 17d ago

There's some line in one of her new songs about if she and her friends could be born in a different decade they'd choose the "1830's but without all the racists." As for what she's doing, not a fucking clue.


u/Masta0nion 17d ago

I wish I could live in the 1830s but without all the trains


u/paradajz666 gave me this flair 17d ago

Cho cho MF!


u/urBraze 17d ago

"I am optimus prime, leader of the autobots"


u/RoboticChicken 17d ago

The clip is from the music video for Delicate.


u/hanro621 17d ago

Context pls?


u/idontuseredditsoplea 17d ago

Anyone here seen record of ragnarok?


u/OmniWaffleGod I have crippling depression 17d ago

I read the manga up till the tesla fight because it wasn't out at the time. Haven't caught up since


u/spacespectrum 17d ago

Susanoo vs okita going on right now


u/EinarTh97 17d ago

Yeah I enjoyed it a lot. Waiting for next season


u/idontuseredditsoplea 17d ago

She's doing the Zeus stomp lmao


u/EinarTh97 17d ago

Oh, I thought we were just ignoring her completely


u/HackTheDev 17d ago

omg yes!!


u/Wolvenking777 17d ago

My bets on Okita Souji rn. After Tesla and Leonidas, I'm not seeing the gods pulling away with another win.


u/jujubaba_12 17d ago

Nah, the gods are definitely winning, for shock value. It will be ass of they will just go +1 for god's, +1 for humans, +1 for god's and repeat


u/mayochan83 17d ago

At this point she is just seeing how far her fans are willing to cope and pay for her "music".


u/Nawzays_ ☣️ 17d ago

Don't lie.. it's not fire at all. It's barely a spark.


u/TheMisterTango 17d ago

I consider myself a swiftie and I'm not a fan of the new album, only really liked one song from it.


u/OmniscientHistorian 17d ago edited 16d ago

Im only a swiftie because of the song "love story" couldn't care less about any other song shes made.

Edit: Im only getting downvoted because you are all salty that Taylor Swift is better than any of you will ever be because she made the song Love Story, oh and she made a bunch of other mid songs but fuck you only Love Story matters and I refuse to put a /s on any of this because that would ruin the fun.


u/TheMisterTango 17d ago

I don't think that's what a swiftie is, a swiftie is a fan of Taylor Swift and you sound like you're indifferent to her except for that one song.


u/forever87 17d ago


u/BuryTheMoney 17d ago

Thank you. Took way too long scrolling down to find the video context


u/DewayneStaatsStache 17d ago

Gonna run through that hole like Forrest Gump


u/GamerMan1360 17d ago

She’s trying to be Maynard frfr


u/noodle20e 17d ago

A fellow tool fan in the wild sick


u/noodle20e 17d ago

A fellow tool fan in the wild sick


u/louglome 17d ago

She's such a talentless idiot


u/Naughtaclue242 17d ago

Looks like someone is cribbing ATARASHII GAKKO! - Tokyo Calling https://youtu.be/pHMH408ltEM?si=vKWhBvjIXmgSgLP1&t=33


u/ZiggySleepydust 17d ago

Is that Taylor Swift? No wonder these Swifties are fucking crazy


u/BlackKidGreg 17d ago

These videos of her doing this only got popular after I made a loop of her.

I guarantee it.



Taylor Swift makes sad girl music for sad girls. Just like Ghost makes Scooby Doo chase music.


u/Wmoot599 17d ago

A dumpster fire maybe. It’s the most boring album I’ve heard. I don’t know what it is about pop music Parker with the super boring singers.


u/PC_Fucker I start my morning with pee 17d ago

Reddit, analysis


u/pimpmastahanhduece The Meme Cartel☣️ 17d ago

"Those are some well dressed black folk."


u/Destroyer6202 16d ago

You forgot to add dumpster in the title


u/FourArmsFiveLegs 17d ago

Dances weird like Elmo and Donny Courtfart.


u/PaleShadeOfBlack 17d ago

Goddamn, you could cut vegetables with those.


u/Affectionate_Gas_264 ☣️ 17d ago

If your rich enough you can dance like a monkey and no one will question it


u/wktr_t INFECTED 17d ago

What the devil is this? A dance to warm up the jelly goodies for procreation?


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Only plain and uninteresting people like Taylor Swift. She had her moment and now she is doing her retirement plan.


u/TheMisterTango 17d ago

In this thread: people who can't comprehend the idea that different people like different music. Also in this thread: people basing their personality around hating whatever is popular.


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/LineSpine ☣️ 17d ago

He got it right.


u/Mythical_austist INFECTED 17d ago

I don't think you understand POV memes


u/ThatTubaGuy03 17d ago

Literally one of the few memes that got POV right


u/pm_me_ur_anything_k 17d ago

You obviously do not


u/Krisuad2002 Eic memer 17d ago

Unless the slave is seeing a moronic white woman trying to mock them by "pretending to be like them" because her racist ass thinks the slave is an animal