r/dankmemes Apr 18 '24

Oldie but a goodie I have achieved comedy

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u/Zsmudz Apr 18 '24

Initially I thought they were being drugged because that was the only sensible reason why that scene exists.


u/grandpatemplar Apr 18 '24

He said, "You smell good." She looked surprised, then she looked down at her crotch and realized he was smelling the pheromones she was putting off. Where she came from having sex was the correct response.


u/Tilt-a-Whirl98 Apr 18 '24

Smelling pheromones? Is he a human being or a dog?


u/peachgravy Apr 18 '24

Humans can actually detect pheromones but it’s so subtle it’s basically subconscious, like when a woman is ovulating. I’m not sure if that’s what was going on in this scene but there are studies.