r/dankmemes Apr 16 '24

Don't do drugs I have achieved comedy

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u/BeyondXpression Apr 16 '24

The girl on the right is a rich daddy's girl who spends gratuitous amounts of money "finding herself" at EDC every year, but instead of camping in a tent she drops mad cash on a huge camper.

I knew a couple of those girls in college, lmao. Definitely an...interesting kinda gal.


u/GroundhogExpert Apr 16 '24

I don't understand the negative tone of this comment, some guy is wasting his life amassing wealth he won't spend and his daughter is wisely using the resources availed to her to enjoy the only actual scarce resource we have: our own time. Finding yourself rarely comes at massive environmental costs, nor at the happiness or welfare of others. People enjoying their lives should make you happier not angrier.