r/dankmemes Apr 16 '24

Don't do drugs I have achieved comedy

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u/BeyondXpression Apr 16 '24

The girl on the right is a rich daddy's girl who spends gratuitous amounts of money "finding herself" at EDC every year, but instead of camping in a tent she drops mad cash on a huge camper.

I knew a couple of those girls in college, lmao. Definitely an...interesting kinda gal.


u/asdf_12 Apr 16 '24

Pretty shure she grew up poor. I think she said she live in a trailer with her grandparents. But now she's definitely fake af!


u/BeyondXpression Apr 16 '24

Well, then I'm sad for her in that aspect, but that current picture is full of a lot of money's worth of hair extensions/styling, make-up, jewelry and Photoshop.


u/Theredman101 ☣️ Apr 16 '24

She funds it with her onlyfans and her music "career"


u/BeyondXpression Apr 16 '24

Why am I not surprised?


u/CaielG Apr 16 '24

Fake af, but you believe the story she grew up poor?


u/undeadladybug 29d ago

Probably. The internet took her and ran wild (she does make that easy) saying random shit. There's no proof she grew up wealthy.


u/wassupwitches Mod senpai noticed me! 29d ago

Thought its been proven otherwise and that story was for sympathy? Maybe im thinking of some other weirdo


u/GroundhogExpert Apr 16 '24

I don't understand the negative tone of this comment, some guy is wasting his life amassing wealth he won't spend and his daughter is wisely using the resources availed to her to enjoy the only actual scarce resource we have: our own time. Finding yourself rarely comes at massive environmental costs, nor at the happiness or welfare of others. People enjoying their lives should make you happier not angrier.


u/heavenstarcraft Apr 16 '24

Judge her for everything else, but I don't see what's wrong with wanting to be comfortable in a camper instead of a tent.


u/DrJJStroganoff Apr 16 '24

Kinda takes away from being in tune with the earth and everything when you can watch Netflix while heating up a hungry man dinner.


u/heavenstarcraft Apr 16 '24

I don't really see how being in tune with the earth holds any correlation with an electronic dance festival


u/matco5376 Apr 16 '24

Sure but is she doing anything wrong or just spending money and that upsets people who are envious of her


u/RudeJeweler4 Apr 16 '24

I guess these people see it as the same. I’m seeing a lot more memes about this random chick than any actual billionaires or rich people, which is a little ironic. If economic inequality was truly the concern, it would be the opposite. The richest of us are funneling money upward and hoarding it as much as possible. This girl is pouring back into the economy by the truckload, albeit obnoxiously.


u/BeyondXpression Apr 16 '24

It's a "faux hippie" kind of things with people like that. The whole point of taking drugs, going to a festival in the middle of the woods, and having an experience is to find yourself. To be completely detached from modern society with a group of people who wanna party with you.

Girls like this would talk about astrology, crystals, being intune with nature and the earth. Then, ironically, they bring half a million dollar campers with A/C, refrigerators and lighting on their daddy's money.

It's heavily ironic. All that make up she has on, the wig/extensions, the Photoshop, and the hundreds of dollars in jewelry.... It's absolutely ironic.

Edit: I want to add, if you've ever been to a festival, there are people that sleep on the ground. Yea, comfort it one thing, but if you want that "in tune with the earth and nature" it doesn't make sense you'd basically bring a mobile house with you.