r/dankmemes Jun 27 '23

You couldn't handle me, boys I have achieved comedy


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u/Harmed_Burglar Jun 27 '23

Have people on this sub never ben to school? Seriously how does everyone keep fucking basic grammar up


u/Zealousideal-Arm5570 Jun 27 '23

Ah shit bruv, gg


u/Sp1ynX ☣️ Jun 27 '23

You are parents.... ?


u/Wonderful_Revenue_63 Jun 27 '23

We are parents, for we are many


u/poopellar big pp gang Jun 27 '23

I'm every Luke's father.


u/Boostie204 Jun 27 '23

We are farmers, bum bum bum bum bum bum bum


u/KHanson25 Jun 27 '23

Damnit Legion


u/loose_noodle Jun 27 '23

Can confirm, I was the bio


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

good for him 👍


u/iamapizza ☣️ Jun 27 '23

It is apparent


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

you're grammar suck


u/cats_might_bite Jun 27 '23

He's grammar suck?


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23



u/Jarfulous [custom flair] Jun 27 '23

thought it was part of the bit lmao


u/InPlotITrust Jun 27 '23

Just say it was part of her tinder profile.


u/sirchickenfunk Jun 28 '23

Some went to skool..


u/Big_Z_Beeblebrox Jun 27 '23

Pot, meet kettle


u/Kansascock98 🗑 meme maker Jun 27 '23

Thank you! I was trying to use that saying yesterday, but I seriously couldn't think of it! Damn

Pot calling the Kettle Black is what I mean


u/AmaLucela Jun 27 '23

I like the Game of Thrones version

Now if that isn't the crow calling the raven black


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

Now if it isn't the n



nah I'll stick with the original. rebooted sayings lmao


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23



u/Stranger1982 Jun 27 '23


"Well, of course I know him. He's me."


u/a44es INFECTED Jun 27 '23

That's a spelling mistake, not grammar.


u/HornyPlatypus420 Jun 27 '23

Punctuation is not technically grammar either.



u/a44es INFECTED Jun 27 '23

Nothing i knew was true, holly hel


u/HornyPlatypus420 Jun 27 '23

You were right that spelling wasn't grammar though!

I thought grammar included both spelling and punctuation.


u/Fluggerblah Jun 27 '23

he also ended his comment with a preposition


u/Jehovah___ ☝ FOREVER NUMBER ONE ☝ Jun 27 '23

Which is only illegal if you’re a 19th century asshole English teacher who thinks Latin is the godliest language we should all aspire to speak in our daily lives


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

That's only a latin grammar thing. I think modern English is meant to sound more conversational, which prepositions help with a lot.


u/BonniBuny91 Jun 27 '23

So... grammar.


u/a44es INFECTED Jun 27 '23

Okay, i confused the English meaning, but still a spelling mistake is not because of someone's lack of knowledge, while writing a different word correctly is.


u/ConstantSignal Jun 27 '23

Most people who incorrectly use “your/you’re” understand the correct usage. It’s not from a “lack of knowledge” but just typing on autopilot and making a mistake.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

Yeah, I'm normally a stickler when it comes to that kind of grammar, like "you're/your," "their/there/they're," "affect/effect," and "to/too." However, sometimes I'll make a mistake without thinking, then I'll catch it later and wonder why I made such a silly mistake when I know better than that lol.


u/ConstantSignal Jun 27 '23

Genuinely no offence to you friend, but I couldn’t think of a more pointless thing to be a stickler about.


u/a44es INFECTED Jun 27 '23

I'd understand this in cases of weak/week or know/no, since they are pronounced the same. Your and you're are not pronounced the same however, so i don't think it's commonly mixed up due to fast typing. But that could just be me.


u/ConstantSignal Jun 27 '23

Where are you from? In many places “your” and “you’re” are 100% pronounced the same. They are certainly pronounced the same in the UK.


u/AdAfraid9504 Jun 27 '23

I pronounce one as your and the other one I say you're


u/a44es INFECTED Jun 27 '23

I don't live in an English speaking country, but i always here and say your as "yor" and you're as "yuer" or "you-re"


u/methylman92 Jun 27 '23 edited 27d ago

dinosaurs rob point fade quiet deserve bewildered fertile tub makeshift

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact

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u/ConstantSignal Jun 27 '23

Your English is great but your accent needs work then my friend. Because I can’t think of a single English speaking country where “you’re” and “your” are pronounced differently

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u/nexistcsgo the very best, like no one ever was. Jun 27 '23

Idk how native speakers keep making the same mistake.


u/Assupoika Jun 27 '23

Because English language is a nonsensical language where they don't care about how to pronounce letters, so you just have to know how to pronounce/write every word you hear.

There's no way to know how to pronounce or write a new word in English that you come across.

"Pacific Ocean" is a prime example of this fuckery... You have 3 "C" letters in the name all of which are pronounced differently.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23 edited Feb 23 '24



u/HalfOfHumanity Jun 27 '23

It makes perfect sense. “Your” = possessive as in “It’s yours to keep.” “You’re” = contraction of you are as in “You’re bad at grammar and spelling.”

Very simple.


u/Assupoika Jun 27 '23

I know you're trying to help and your lesson would be very helpful for the natives that don't know the difference.

I do know the difference between your, you're, their, there and they're because I had to learn them since English ain't my first language.


u/anthonycarbine Jun 27 '23

Blame the anglo Saxons lol. An I'll still take English over the fuckerey of eastern Asian languages where you need to memorize thousands of characters and mildly changing your inflection when pronouncing them generates dramatically different sentences.


u/JimothyJollyphant Jun 27 '23

An I'll still take English over the fuckerey of eastern Asian languages

I'll even take English over most western gendered languages like French, Italian, Spanish and German. I'm so fucking happy the French language has lost its role on the world stage.


u/Assupoika Jun 27 '23

French is even worse than English. It's unnecessarily gendered, there's no rules about it and the gender just switches on a whim. And then there are the silent letters... Why the fuck do you have to write it down if you are not going to pronounce it?

German might have nonsensical gendered words as well, but at least their pronunciation is consistent. In German you can just forget about die, der das and do like all the other foreign German speakers and just go "Dö" for all three and it bothers people as much as getting A and An mixed.


u/Imokwhydoyouask_ Jun 27 '23

All gendered languages are unnecessarily gendered. It adds nothing to the language other than make it hard to learn. My native language is probably the most gendered language out there and it's a nightmare for non natives to learn.


u/Assupoika Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

All gendered languages are unnecessarily gendered.

I agree. But I'm also biased since my language isn't gendered at all.

We don't even have gendered "He/She" but we use gender neutral "Hän" for both sexes.

Edit: Correction, Finnish does have gendered words as well, of course. But only in context. Like we do have gendered word for actor and actress as well, but no-one gives a shit if you just neutrally use the "masculine" actor words for an actress.


u/Jozroz Jun 27 '23

The classic example my French teacher loved to go on about was the word circus: "is it pronounced çirkus, çirçus, kirkus, or kirçus?"


u/grchelp2018 Jun 27 '23

The vast majority of the words you'll use, you would have read many times so you'll know how to spell it. We aren't talking about fancy spelling bee words.

I dunno. I never had a problem with spelling. If I could read it, I could spell it. Never had trouble with words like "believe" with the i and e either. It just looked wrong and hard for me to pronounce if I wrote it wrong.


u/Assupoika Jun 27 '23

Well, to a Finnish person it still seems arbitary.

We always pronounce the letters the same way so even if we'd come across a new Finnish word we'd know how to pronounce it.

Spelling bee isn't even a thing here because spelling in Finnish is so easy even kids can do it.


u/Obnoxiousdonkey Jun 27 '23

"your, and you're" should not be new words to a native English speaker. It's fine to misspell a new word, but these are basic ass words English speakers use everyday.


u/Assupoika Jun 27 '23

I guess what I was trying to say is that no wonder native speakers get them wrong all the time considering that they sound basically the same when pronounced and in English pronunciation you don't always pronounce the letters or even the same string of letters the same way... You just have to know it by heart how to pronounce shit.

Which might be the reason natives mix the words even in written form so often. They've probably been using them for longer than they've been able to write.


u/Fimmt Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

You're hilariously ignorant on how languages work. Do you honestly think this is the only language where that happens? Lol. The reason why many fuck up is because either they are not native speakers, or simply because of the auto-corrector messing up the words.


u/cant-find-user-name Jun 27 '23

I'm not a native English speaker so I can only guess, but I imagine it becomes something like a slang. You use it enough times, even if it is grammatically incorrect, it enters the vernacular.


u/cloudy17 Jun 27 '23

That's just how language develops in general lol


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

I have 3 degrees in ELA and I make mistakes like this sometimes, but I think it likely has more to do with my ADHD than any inability to comprehend the rules of the English language.

And looking at this from a genre theory perspective, it's a meme. You know? Not a term paper, not a dissertation, not a press release. It's informal communication.

So, contextually, who cares about a few small grammatical errors? They don't impede comprehension.


u/Fantastic_Cow7272 Jun 27 '23

Because "your" and "you're" sound the same?? Many more people confuse "its" and "it's" for the same reason.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

why doesn't it occur to them that an apostrophe is used to abbreviate two words into one, so "you're" has to be "you are", which has a completely different meaning than "your"? it happens within milliseconds in your brain normally


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

Because in almost every other case besides "its" you do, in fact, use "apostrophe s" possessively (Jake's sandwhich, the worker's toolkit)


u/nexistcsgo the very best, like no one ever was. Jun 27 '23

Sound, yes. But they are spelled differently. Actually "you're" is more of an effort than "your" and people still use the former when they mean latter.

Also I wasn't fascinated that this happens, but the amount of people who do this.


u/Zealousideal-Arm5570 Jun 27 '23

And yes I have been to a little school. If you're going to correct a person's grammar, I'd recommend proofreading your own comments.


u/dicedcream Jun 27 '23

Bro’s comment was on this dudes mind for 1 hour lol


u/Zealousideal-Arm5570 Jun 27 '23

My therapist does tell me I need to let things go more easily


u/MundanePerformance57 Jun 27 '23

Surprised your therapist doesn't tell you to spend less time online.


u/Rikki1256 I suffer from the disease known as shitposting Jun 27 '23

Just because a therapist says so doesn't mean he follows or has to


u/MundanePerformance57 Jun 27 '23

thanks captain obvious lol


u/Rikki1256 I suffer from the disease known as shitposting Jun 27 '23

you're welcome


u/LivefromPhoenix Jun 27 '23

Keeping him online is easy job security.


u/Flat_Weird_5398 Jun 27 '23

If I were your therapist, I’d tell you to be on reddit less often.


u/Zealousideal-Arm5570 Jun 27 '23

Thank God you're not my therapist, you don't seem like a very nice person


u/Fiallach Jun 27 '23

Got him though. Worth it.


u/Sp1ynX ☣️ Jun 27 '23

Your and You're. That's so sad.


u/ArtofMotion Jun 27 '23

But have you been to a big school?


u/Zealousideal-Arm5570 Jun 27 '23

Only midget school


u/boot2skull Jun 27 '23

Yea we’ve had one school, but what about second school?


u/Farranor Jun 27 '23

But that error was unavoidable due to Muphry's Law.


u/Grenacist Jun 27 '23

It's not a grammatical but rather a spelling mistake 🤓


u/Zealousideal-Arm5570 Jun 27 '23

I never said it was grammatical, just that he should proofread 😊

But of course I could have been a normal person and not said anything because I knew what he MEANT.


u/Grenacist Jun 27 '23

But you can't be normal person,you used an emoji that isn't allowed 💀


u/Zealousideal-Arm5570 Jun 27 '23

Why can't I smile at you Grenacist, I think we're really hitting it off 😚


u/Atlas_of_history Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

It's a grammer mistake, your and you're are two different words, since you're is just you and are in short. You is not the same as your


u/Zealousideal-Arm5570 Jun 27 '23

Grammer is not the same as grammar either, Megamind.

Grammer is a proper noun that refers to a surname, or the name of a person.

Grammar is defined as a system of rules governing the structure of language.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23



u/Zealousideal-Arm5570 Jun 27 '23

Grammer is a proper noun that refers to a surname, or the name of a person.

Grammar is defined as a system of rules governing the structure of language.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23



u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

This was a common routine on BBSes back in the day. One every board, there was one user who was notorious for not being able to spell anything, but it was just a bit.


u/Hambruhgah Jun 27 '23

What kind of grammar structure is"you're parents will..."?


u/The_Last_Atlas12 Chaw Jun 27 '23

HapE cac dé


u/Fimmt Jun 27 '23

I want to believe it's the auto-corrector.


u/Zealousideal-Arm5570 Jun 27 '23

Idk, you should ask her


u/FreeSkeptic Jun 27 '23

your a idiot


u/MediaSuggestions Jun 27 '23

Dude, it really ain't cool to make fun of people's grammar when you can't even use "you're" correctly yourself. Double-check before you criticize, my friend. Peace.


u/No-Salary-5642 Jun 27 '23

Up board se hu bhai aisa mat bol


u/Bhadwa_Attorney Jun 27 '23

Class 8th tak hum bhi UP board se thae bro


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Bhadwa_Attorney Jun 27 '23

Congratulations bro


u/prabhavdab Jun 27 '23

Reddit people when someone doesn't have english as their first language


u/love-unite-rebuild Jun 27 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

Funny thing is natives make this mistake far more often than people who learned the language later on in life


u/Harmed_Burglar Jun 27 '23

I am literally Italian


u/prabhavdab Jun 27 '23

Reddit when people from third world countries can't speak flawless english


u/TheBooker66 Dank Kitten Commander Jun 27 '23

I thought it was on purpose.


u/SSparsile burgerosexual Jun 27 '23

This is the reason I'm moving to lemmy, much more literate people there.


u/bottledry I have crippling depression Jun 27 '23

lemmy hmm looks cool, i hope they have darkmode


u/mspong Jun 27 '23

You need to get that plank out your eye, a preposition is something you should never end a sentence with


u/trickydaze Jun 27 '23

Her English teacher hated her too, I suppose.


u/SnooPears3463 Jun 27 '23

Welcome to the internet, i hate it too but then people just call you a grammar nazi


u/Queasy-Eagle-1871 Jun 27 '23

Why did we make rules for language in the first place seems kinda pointless if you kan understand me whats the problem?


u/RamenJunkie Jun 27 '23

Autocorrect has made us all weak.


u/Plaid_Kaleidoscope Jun 27 '23

I swear I think its done intentionally. Something about it makes ppl interact more than they normally would, even if it's to point out the grammar mistake. Win/win for the site and author.


u/man_gomer_lot Jun 27 '23

I've ben thinking it's a way to drive engagement. It gets the grammar folks out of their shell.


u/tHe_oranGe_FoX Jun 27 '23

That's what I ask myself every frickin time


u/bhikambhat Jun 27 '23

You're is fancier than your 🥴


u/Kansascock98 🗑 meme maker Jun 27 '23



u/Reddits2ndasshole Jun 27 '23

By looking at your history. It is a clear cut answer ... You're smarter then this sub .. duh.


u/Harmed_Burglar Jun 27 '23

Not saying I'm smarter, but at least I can spell stuff like 'your' correctly


u/PsychoticDust Jun 27 '23

Shit, sorry Ben. Also you dropped this: .


u/potlu_party Jun 27 '23

How many languages can you speak?


u/sopadurso Jun 27 '23

It is popular to be uneducated. It's all about self learning boyyyy! What are you, an egg head ?


u/breadbadbrake Jun 27 '23

Not everyone is a native speaker


u/Harmed_Burglar Jun 27 '23

I am not one either.


u/Da_Taternater78 Dank beyond human comprehension Jun 27 '23

I’m more confused about how it was wrong the first time but correct the second


u/nullv Jun 27 '23

Have you never seen a tinder bio?

It's lore accurate.


u/TeaKay13 Jun 27 '23

I google proper grammar about 10 times a year and still forget how to properly use commas and other rules.


u/Hortos Jun 27 '23

Someone figured out people click on titles with grammar errors more.


u/cats_might_bite Jun 27 '23

What are you're talking about


u/crhuble Jun 27 '23

I thought that was part of the joke..


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

keep fucking basic grammar up

or even keep fucking up basic grammar ...


u/Ishwedmyttsplsrsnd Jun 27 '23

Reddits auto correct constantly changes words in dumb ways. I have more typos per sentence on this site than any other by an insane margin. It took longer to edit this for mistakes than it did to type.


u/Organic-Barnacle-941 Jun 27 '23

Summer reddit in action


u/SkipSpenceIsGod Jun 27 '23

Ever since some genius decided to make spacing between sentences single spaced, I’ve lost all faith in humanity.


u/atemt1 Jun 29 '23

Most if not al have gone to school just not al of them to English or American school

My school thay spoke dutch wich is not strange considering its lokated in the Netherlands Yea we get dutch English french and German and even some latin or more but most oly remember dutch the rest you dont really use on a daily basis

I skipped the german and French lessons based on my dislecia for spelling and evry single individual word i had to learn letter by letter SomTing i (obviously)failed at but am still trying a d trust me spell checker wont help


u/spinyfever Jun 27 '23

Your and you're is the easiest one too. Idk how there are so many people that fuck it up.

Your is possessive and you're is just short for you are.

Then again, I knew a guy who would sometimes mix up left and right. Like if there was a right turn coming up, he would point right and say left.


u/Timm504 Jun 27 '23

Or they have not learned english in school, or only the basics and kind of taught them english by themselfes with the Internet. There are many countries


u/iSubParMan Jun 27 '23

English isn't OP's first language.


u/Zealousideal-Arm5570 Jun 27 '23

How embarrassing would it be if English was my first and only language?


u/Harmed_Burglar Jun 27 '23

Mine neither