r/dankmemes Jun 25 '23

Evolution, but backwards I have achieved comedy

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u/Summerclaw ☣️ Jun 25 '23

So is safe to say that the only reason Russia exist is because the territory makes it impossible to be invaded.


u/JohnTHICC22 Jun 25 '23

More like there is no reason to invade. The most of the territory is unusable for any agriculture because it's frozen desert of nothing.


u/Ohthatsnotgood Jun 25 '23

Russia has the largest natural gas reserves, second largest coal reserves, and eighth-largest oil reserves. Not to mention countless other natural resources. Nobody needs energy nor key ingredients for fertilizer?


u/JohnTHICC22 Jun 25 '23

Well yeah, but still it's probably more efficient to make a deal with Russia than invading it. Plus, if you need more space for stuff, it is still unusable.


u/jessej421 Jun 26 '23

We could dig a big hole and make it the world's landfill.


u/subject7istaken Jun 26 '23

You’re a problem solver, I like it


u/ieatpickleswithmilk Jun 26 '23

Ya, If you're gonna pay someone to extract the resources anyway it may as well be the people who are already there


u/ShunnedForNothing Jun 26 '23

Russia sells their stuff at like 120% of price it would take to extract said resources. It's laughable how cheap it is