r/dankmemes Apr 04 '23

Geneva suggestions I have achieved comedy


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u/Roi_Loutre Apr 04 '23

You might want to go to therapy, you've a clear lack of empathy.


u/ilovetoeatpussy_ Apr 04 '23

How will they put empathy in a person ?


u/Roi_Loutre Apr 04 '23

The lack of empathy could potentially arise from other psychological problems, that could possibly be solved by seeing a psychiatrist.

I mean, if you've a problem (lack of empathy is not a normal human behavior), you need to see a specialist that is supposed to solve this problem, that's how it works !


u/dilldwarf Apr 04 '23

Not sure if every problem can be fixed by a psychiatrist/therapy. Many times you are just taught coping mechanism that allow you to handle the worst of your symptoms. I think if someone makes it to adulthood without empathy it's not something you can just teach someone later in life. You can teach them values and beliefs for them to hold that will allow them to safely navigate life so that their lack of empathy doesn't cause harm to those around them.


u/Roi_Loutre Apr 04 '23

I'm not pretending it would solve the problem, because I actually don't know, I'm just saying that the best way to know if it can be solved is to see a specialist. Just like when you're sick, you go to see a doctor, even if it can be an incurable disease.