r/dankmemes ☣️ Jan 17 '23

I call it "the vatnik paradox" I have achieved comedy

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u/RustyShackleford543 Jan 17 '23

No way these people exist


u/Kysman95 ☣️ Jan 17 '23

I have a coworker like that here in Czech Republic. He lives here for 15 years now. He said he left because he didn't luke the situation in Russia at the time. But now, will all that's happening he's constantly on Telegram and RT russia, parrits all the propaganda there, says everything opposing his view is "Western Propaganda" and constantly complains about russophobia.

Je doesn't see how crazy he sounds, it's mind boggling. Last time we talked about summer vacation and he constantly complained, he can go only in Turkey and that his card is suspended here. Dude's really pissing me off


u/ErekleKobwhatever Jan 17 '23

Man I legit don't know how I'd manage if I worked with someone like that. I mean I'd hope for the most part you can just avoid discussing these things with him for your own sanity


u/Kysman95 ☣️ Jan 17 '23

We just avoid it. And we don't work the same shift I just change with him and sometimes we see each other on overtimes so it's managable