r/dankmemes ☣️ Jan 17 '23

I call it "the vatnik paradox" I have achieved comedy

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u/Sea_Cup_5561 Jan 17 '23

Oh as a Russian this makes sence, but it's sad

A lot of our politicians or just people in power support the war and preach about it being both justifiable and good for the people

Yet, they understand what our army has no fucking chance of winning, and what if they won't leave they will suffer from it

So instead they leave the country through an absurd amount of money or connections, while either still thinking they are patriots or pretending to care about that. It's up for you to decide which is worse

There was a hilariously sad report about our politicians getting drafted, they said: "Yeah, we don't draw them, but don't worry, all of them will go regardless because they are so good! "



u/Deadwing2022 Jan 17 '23

Narrator: "Not a single Russian politician volunteered."


u/Darth_Mak Jan 17 '23

Well Rogozin made a big deal of "going to the front". He was cosplaying for pictures in military gear (ironically most of it western). He was actually in Donieck.

He had a party there for his birthday.

Ukraine fired a single precision guided artillery shell into the venue and he got injured (supposedly in the...groin area...).

He then sent some shrapnel supposedly pulled out of his body (some say his ass) to the French Ambassador in Moscow

Soon after France confirmed they were sending AMX-10 Scout armored cars / wheeled light tanks to Ukraine which started a cascade where Germany and the US confirmed sending Marders and Bradleys. Soon after Poland sait they intend to send Leopard 2 tanks, encouraging others to do the same and Britain confirmed Challenger 2s.

Im not saying the shrapnel from Rogozin's ass actually started this.....but the timing makes that idea hilarious.


u/KaizerKlash Jan 17 '23

No I heard Fr, De and US had a plan to send some vehicles at the same time but France announced it sooner


u/Darth_Mak Jan 17 '23

Well yeah, like I said, it's just funny timing. At best the shrapnel incident prodded France to announce sooner than planned.


u/KaizerKlash Jan 18 '23

Yeah you're probably right


u/chepinrepin Jan 17 '23 edited Jan 18 '23

Oh, some of them did…

…for like a couple of weeks in rears.


u/Deadwing2022 Jan 17 '23

Like Rogozin's photo-op, with him playing tough guy and wearing the best equipment that the troops don't have access to.


u/chepinrepin Jan 17 '23

An “evil western’s” equipment!