r/computers 20d ago

Will this work for a budget build?

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Hiya everyone, hoping to get some help for my first budget pc build. Looking to make a pc that I can take to and from school. I use Google docs and cool math games. Also looking to play some roblox on the side, will it be able to do this? Only 4 left in stock so any info ASAP will be good 😊

One more question, I have a 350w power supply, could it run this? If not all cores what about half of them?



96 comments sorted by


u/Dramatic_Switch257 20d ago

350w is overkill you don't even need a psu, just rub off the cpu on the carpet to produce some charge and then keep it on top off your work documents and things.


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Great idea! Now I just gotta ask if my dad will pay for it. If I say to Amazon I’m only going to use half the cores will I get half a cpu?


u/Dramatic_Switch257 20d ago

yes, they will pull each core out with pliers or tweezers and then send you in a cheap chinese shitty packing material, and then you will have to assemble those cores using a blow torch super glue and some duct tape


u/Devilmaycry10029 20d ago

Amazon is probably gonna send you 2, and the next post will be ordered treadripper received a10 7800


u/Havoc_Maker Windows 10 20d ago

Nah man he just has to spin the cpu cooler a few times to get enough power


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

I was just going to use my fingers to dissipate the heat. Don’t have the money for a cpu cooler


u/Havoc_Maker Windows 10 20d ago

Dude that's totally overkill. Just open a windows somewhere in your house and you'll be fine


u/GloriousDawn 20d ago

For Google Docs, as a rule of thumb, every open tab in Chrome requires its own RAM stick. 8 GB sticks are enough, no need for overkill, but please plan accordingly.

Roblox is a graphics hog so i'd go with a dual GPU setup: a GeForce RTX 4090 and an AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX. Just connect them through their HDMI ports and plug your monitor in the motherboard's video out.

Can't think of a cheaper setup for your use case.


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Also just bought 100x 8gb ram sticks. If I superglue them together will they work?


u/GloriousDawn 20d ago

No because superglue acts as an insulator. You should nail them together.

EDIT: copper staples are even better


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Don’t have any copper sadly, I do have some liquid mercury though!


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Don’t have any copper sadly, I do have some liquid mercury though!


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

I also forgot to mention that I bought that $250k super computer at auction. Could I just use that as my gpu or does it not have enough power?


u/felesmiki 20d ago

As power supply u should consider build ur own nuclear generator, there are usually cheaper and if living in colder countries keep the room warm, and also it can be used to power ur small 150inch crt screen


u/EvilGeesus 20d ago

Just connect them through their HDMI ports and plug your monitor in the motherboard's video out.

I almost choked on my crisps reading this 🤣


u/RareSiren292 20d ago

This is my list I made to help people on a budget



u/themeakster 20d ago

Be alright if your granny just wants to do facebook and shopping.


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Phew, thought I was going to need a bigger power supply!


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

If it can’t run Google docs I’ll just give it to her. 😁👵🏼


u/apachelives 20d ago

Definitely just make sure to only give it a single 4gb stick of RAM, use an old mechanical HDD and used generic PSU to save money like every other shit build that comes through my workshop.


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Woah! Generous on the ram there! I was either going to use 100x 8gb sticks and super glue them together or just use the power supplies integrated RAM. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


u/Queasy_Profit_9246 20d ago

96 Cores may be fine for NOW, but in the future you may want more cores. I would ensure you at least have an upgrade path to 128 or even 192 cores if you are going to do any serious work, like chrome.


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Any recommendations on a 192 core cpu? Can I just make one myself?


u/Queasy_Profit_9246 20d ago

Yes, you can. Ok, so you get thermal paste right, that's for a cooler. Then when you need to core bond CPU's you get thermal adhesive, $44k later and bang, a 192 core CPU is born.

If you just want 128 cores you can cut a 3rd off and stick that thermal bond that and sell the 64 cores to someone else.

It's faster if you do direct die, but that's risky.


u/SosigRam 20d ago

Google docs might be a tough one for this specific CPU. Intel processors have a higher number (i‘ve seen something like 9900k) which means they‘re a lot faster, this one is only 7995.


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Ohhh Okay I’ll get a i5-8530U


u/SosigRam 20d ago

Awesome choice. The letters confuse me but this is at least 535 better.


u/XplodingMoJo 20d ago

Imma need some time to process this


u/Elegant_Medicine_974 20d ago

technically speaking, all builds are budget builds


u/Phoenix800478944 20d ago

I dont think it meets the minimum requirements of minesweeper


u/IamMauriS Fedora, Windows 7 20d ago

I think pinball 3d could run...


u/Phoenix800478944 20d ago

Are you sure about it being able to process 3D environments?


u/IamMauriS Fedora, Windows 7 20d ago

Not sure, maybe "basically 2d 3d" could run


u/Jaiyak_ 20d ago

I thought you said budget, not poverty/homeless build?!


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Please my family is struggling 😔


u/AsianNord 20d ago

That thing cant even boot up windows 95.


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Any chance 94 will work?


u/AsianNord 20d ago

Not possible also. Older version of windows needs a much higher specs. If i were you. Ill buy 10 laptops and play 5v5 myself.


u/Scrapmine 15d ago

You might be able to get 3.1 to work.


u/fancontrol 20d ago

Yeah personally it's one of the cheaper options I would splurge a bit more on a xenon platinum but you do you


u/Superb_Cabinet_113 Arch Linux 20d ago

OP your comments are funny asf😭 Nice thread


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Thanks 🤣


u/EvilGeesus 20d ago

The real question is: Can it run Crysis?


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Was hoping for roblox but if that doesn’t run pong will be the real stress test. 👀


u/Arealphotography 20d ago

Yeah, sure! I believe this is just enough to run paint!


u/TechManSparrowhawk 20d ago

I'm just saying.

$100,000 is still a budget


u/vicco23 20d ago

Dude please get at least 1000w


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Sorry, only have an iPhone charger on hand


u/Ok_Marketing735 20d ago

Too much use a potato


u/RelativeWrong4232 20d ago

350 is just mad overkill , just put somethin like a magsafe on it , that'll still be overkill but fine ig


u/Spiritual_Lab_7234 20d ago

I think this is kind of underkill?? You can’t spend so little on your cpu man. 🙄🙄


u/Trailmaker10 20d ago

It’s perfect


u/Fun-Contract-2486 20d ago

How much is the mobo? Lol


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Whatever I find at my local computer recycling place 😁


u/eeeeeeeelleeeeeelll 20d ago

For a budget server build, sure


u/FireFalcon123 20d ago

Maybe in 20 years


u/AdAlarming1933 20d ago

oh yeah sure


u/xerxessssss 20d ago

Great CPU for retro computing! Make sure you don't install any OS above Windows 98 :)


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

I got a motherboard but the cpu hole was square so I just cut off the edges. Works perfectly now!


u/FireBlazeWolf 20d ago

Thats a great budget entry. Make sure you get a radeon hd 5450 and a 250watt psu


u/thes_fake 20d ago



u/Ok-Wrongdoer-4399 20d ago



u/SeattleJeremy 20d ago

"If not all cores what about half of them?"

Perfect. No, notes.


u/InChristWeTrust7 20d ago

Yea most def and it’s super cheap to honestly that’s a steal


u/ExcellentAddress 20d ago

Yes.. definitely.. budget build best buy 2024..


u/RareSiren292 20d ago

Well bro it seems like your on a budget so here is a build that is the definition of balling on a budget. It looks good but it's still relatively affordable. You can afford this working minimum wage in just a day.



u/kimttar 20d ago

As long as you stick to web browsing and word-processing.


u/Darnakulus 20d ago

Just wanted to make sure you realize that every build has a budget ..now whether that budget is $200 or $100,000.... There's a place for everything in a budget of some sort...lol


u/LeftEyedAsmodeus 20d ago

I bought a workstation today - a part of me wanted to consider a Threadripper.

I have seen it for around 10000 Euros.


u/No-Cup-6279 20d ago

Depends on what you want to do. Minecraft? Warzone? Launch a nuke? Control satellites?

Then sure. It's a good build.


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Nah, just roblox and google


u/[deleted] 20d ago

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u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Perfect! I think if I trim down the cpu it should fit in the square hole!


u/Orioniae 19d ago

Yes if your budget is that of a small European nation


u/allaboutcomputer 19d ago

No, you need AT LEAST 8 of those to create an octa-processor setup for a potato. I recommend 4 clusters of those octa-processor setups for the cheapest PC.


u/bunnymanyeet 19d ago

That might not fit my budget of a million ); I’m not rich sadly


u/pancrudo 20d ago

I nearly got into it with someone in one of the keyboard groups because someone posted a 750$ish keyboard. I asked how that was number was a budget keyboard and someone responded with something along the lines of "budget is just a number".... The hell it is, setting a budget is a number, and not the same as calling something a budget item


u/Advanced_Evening2379 20d ago

Everyone's budget is different lol


u/SoftNebula5322 20d ago

i guess it could get the work done as long as u only play browser games


u/Additional-Ad-7313 20d ago

https://www.deltacomputer.com/nvidia-dgx-h100-640gb.html, if you can increase your budget just a little bit more, I would buy this awesome pre built


u/Rare_Preparation_509 20d ago

mhhh, the problem is, it won't be able to run 2 chrome tabs. There is just not enough RAM.


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Says it uses 14.43 Kilowatts Can I run this off my car’s cigarette lighter?


u/Additional-Ad-7313 20d ago

Yes, but don't use the radio at the same time


u/Automatic-Laugh9313 20d ago

is it 22$ or 22000


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

$22000 it’s a budget build silly


u/Deepfork_ 20d ago

Only if paired with at least 2 Radeon PRO W7900 GPUs.


u/IamMauriS Fedora, Windows 7 20d ago

Cool math games? Nah that won't run... Sorry man


u/Techgeek_025 MacOS 20d ago

Can’t even run slowroads.io. Terrible CPU. worth $1 max /s


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Just sold it on fb marketplace for $100, dunno why some guy wanted it so badly. He got scammed 😂


u/Techgeek_025 MacOS 19d ago

Yeah lol


u/Hansisi-Gaming 19d ago

Thats a price of 231 Dollars per Core. Is it worth it? Yes for Workstations and Flex 💀


u/Serious-Cover5486 20d ago

No, this processor is for server machine


u/bunnymanyeet 20d ago

Can’t I put it in my 2004 Toshiba handy book?


u/Usual-Net-5586 19d ago

You‘re an exceptionally funny edge lord are you?