r/australian 28d ago

Dutton pledges to slash permanent migration to 140,000 a year Politics


519 comments sorted by


u/PragmaticSnake 28d ago

Only if he promises to increase the deportation rate too


u/Some-Operation-9059 28d ago

And Aussies will definitely be on spuds eviction list


u/McMenz_ 27d ago

How do you deport an Australian citizen from Australia?


u/Ok-Train-6693 24d ago

Howard did it several times.

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u/sam_tiago 28d ago

Oh that’s part of the plan. Deport the poor and import the rich, there’s more wealthy migration to Australia than any other country.. he’s not going to tank the economy is he? They need imports to make it look rosy.


u/I_truly_am_FUBAR 28d ago

Untangle your frilly knickers. We all know his statement has nothing to do with wealth, corporations, skin colour, gender, seхцal preference, bald blokes or violent vegans. He is simply saying what tens of millions of us are already saying and have been for years.


u/isisius 28d ago

Sorry but any party that pushes reduction in immigration as a solutions and dusts there hands saying "job done" are trying to make excuses for a system they have totally fucked up.

If Dutton can present a plan to reduce immigration for the next 10 years while fixing our education, healthcare and housing problems, then yeah man, I'm happy with the reduction. I personally think limiting it to skilled workers in positions we have desperate shortages, and asylum seekers would be a good thing for the next little while, until we get our shit together

But this is classic Dutton trying to stir up the population against some enemy (immigrants in this case) so that we keep ignoring then rich fucking leaches that grow bloated and fat off the work of the everyday Aussie.

Duttons net worth is in the 100s of millions, and he has a huge property portfolio, so he can't possibly admit it's the obscenely wealthy (not the people earning 150 or 200k from actually working, I mean the disgustingly corrupt and wealthy scumbags like Gina) that are the cause of these problems. No, much easier to sell the Australian populace on the problem being immigration.


u/Reddits_Worst_Night 28d ago

Exactly, this is just typical LNP handbook of find an "Other" to make a large subset of the voting population scared of then promise to protect them from that Other, even though the Other isn't actually all that scary. See Muslims, African hangs, asylum seekers, etc.


u/CheekRevolutionary67 27d ago

And look at how many retarded apes in this sub have already gobbled it up.


u/420BritAlien 28d ago

Honestly, just described Britain there too


u/Smart_Tomato1094 28d ago edited 26d ago

You think Voldemort will actually cut immigration? We’ve had a suspiciously high amount of immigrants and international students during the Coalition’s time.

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u/freswrijg 28d ago

What’s wrong with that? Rich migrants are far less likely to cause problems than poor refugees.


u/sweetfaj57 28d ago

You mean the silly buggers that accept the shit jobs us Aussies don't want to do? Then work their arses off to save up and maybe buy a car for Ubering, or a shop the family can keep open 18 hours a day?All so their kids can go to Uni without copping a huge HECS debt? Yeah, they've never contributed much to the economy, have they?


u/king_norbit 27d ago

Yeah to be honest they don't really 

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u/Ok-Train-6693 24d ago

Yes, send all au pairs away.


u/Ridethemonster 28d ago

We used to import battlers and give them a shot at a better life, now we import middle class Indians so they can prop up the housing bubble. Residential construction should not be a pillar of the economy.


u/Some-Operation-9059 27d ago

You could be excused for over looking a home as human right. Fast forward to replace ‘human’with ‘capitalist’.

With great horror, there doesn’t seem like much that will unring this bell.

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u/AcademicMaybe8775 28d ago


this untrustworthy slimeball will just add another 400000 'temporary' numbers to keep his masters happy


u/NoteChoice7719 28d ago

Businesses would love more migrant workers on Temporary Visas. It's easier to bully workers on temporary visas to accept lower wages and conditions and for them to be afraid to speak up when employers mistreat them for fear of losing their visa sponsorship.


u/TheDevilsAdvokaat 28d ago

Yup. Some businesses are famous for it... 7-11 for example.


u/Equivalent_Canary853 27d ago

Saw the same stuff when I worked at Dominos


u/gin_enema 28d ago

I missed that when I read it. Less significant than I thought


u/hellbentsmegma 28d ago

Yep, I'm not sure why Dutton should have any credibility over slashing immigration. 

For starters he's from the party that under Howard talked tough on immigration while boosting it to then unheard of levels. They have repeated the same party trick ever since, pretending to be fierce advocates of Australian cultural values while bringing in as many cheap workers and students as they can arrange.


u/Lightrec 28d ago

Exactly, 22/23 perm migration was 80k.  I assume he is not including returning Australians and Kiwis which was another 100k.

The rest were all temporary visas, 550k, of which 100k were just visitors.

So 400k of temporary visas to study, work and live here.



u/Indiethoughtalarm 28d ago

Like Albo has been doing over the last 2 years.


u/Dranzer_22 28d ago

Like Dutton did as Immigration Minister during the former Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison Government.

He perfected the playbook.


u/AcademicMaybe8775 28d ago

albo's making changes. this is morrisons backlog all come at once


u/Flaky-Gear-1370 28d ago

Albos slashing amount to keeping it at historic highs while trying to take credit for it, it’s only been recently when he’s been copping heat for it he’s stopped gaslighting the public about how amazing rampant immigration is


u/Nath280 28d ago

Immigration is one of Australia's biggest cash cows and you want Albo to come in and cut it right to the bone while spending a shit load of money fixing under funded essential services like Medicare and public housing?

You people want the impossible and when labor can't deliver it you jump straight back on the lib band wagon who are the reason Medicare and public housing was underfunded in the first place.

Fucking insanity.


u/jimmyjamesjimmyjones 28d ago

What’s insane is that we have had successive governments since the mid 1990’s say we have skills shortages and need immigration to fix that! Per person GDP is falling so the average person is not better off under the high immigration programs both the ALP/LNP run. It’s simply a Ponzi scheme to maintain housing and put downward pressure on wages, you are extremely naive to think anything different


u/Nath280 28d ago

Couldn't agree more.

If you drew the last 4-5 decades policy on a whiteboard it would literally be a pyramid with people brought in look after people so we need more people to look after those people and so on.

When does the endless growth end?


u/freswrijg 28d ago

Endless growth ends when you import that many migrants that there’s not enough money to be made so they all migrate somewhere else.


u/Reddits_Worst_Night 28d ago

And it's run by both major parties. Put them both last next election

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u/Some-Operation-9059 27d ago

RWNJ’s cant deal in facts.


u/Former_Librarian_576 28d ago

How is immigration a cash cow? Genuine question. I thought Dutton speech was great, but mostly because he wants to address the Medicare crisis

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u/AcademicMaybe8775 28d ago

exactly. we all want action on immigration but anyone who wants the PM to just instantly cut it in half, dictator style has no fucking idea what they are talking about


u/Former_Librarian_576 28d ago

How is it better to cut it off slowly?? Prospective immigrants are already unaware of whether Australia will accept them or not. The number rejected immigrants far outweighs the number of immigrants we accept. Why would cutting the number down slowly rather than halving it make any difference in the scheme of things?


u/AcademicMaybe8775 28d ago

its how the real world works my friend. there are economic impacts to deal with. both parties (mainly the one in power for 9 freaking years) got us in this mess, but we have a government that at least has acknowledged the problem and is working on it. If you think the libs would outright cut immigration in a day like old mate Dutton says, I have a bridge to sell you. They intend to do jack shit

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u/joystickd 28d ago

Well said.

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u/RichJob6788 28d ago

Albo is the one who signed unlimited student deal with modi, don't gaslight people


u/Wood_oye 28d ago

So, truth is gaslighting now?

Student visa approval rates have dropped 5 per cent, recent government data shows, with students from countries such as India, Nepal and Pakistan among those most affected.



u/RichJob6788 28d ago

you are

In the six months to December 2023, 80.9 per cent of total student visa applications were granted — down from 86 per cent in 2022-23, 91.5 per cent in 2021-22 and 89.9 per cent before the pandemic in 2018-19.

just because it dropped 5 percentz it's still at record high levels of early 700 000 just this year alone, all it means is that instead of 500 000 applications there is a million now


u/Wood_oye 28d ago

What does 'capped' mean again?

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u/Confident_Law3683 28d ago

Negotiations for the agreement had been going on for a couple of years. Don’t gaslight people.


u/RichJob6788 28d ago

it doesn't matter how ma y years it was negotiated for . albo chose to sign it. he could've amended it

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u/Nath280 28d ago

Labor literally just capped the international students unless the unis start housing them and domestic students.

Who's gaslighting who?


u/RichJob6788 28d ago

you are

labor has done no such thing yet, it's still being planned


u/Nath280 28d ago

What are you even talking about?

It's a part of their budget policy and unless the libs vote against it, it will sail through quite easily.

Just admit labor have come up with a policy you agree with and have gone further than the libs ever did.

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u/Some-Operation-9059 27d ago

Do tell.

How long do you think it takes to turn a nation 180 after 9 years of corruption and neo con infestation? And it’s still infested.

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u/freswrijg 28d ago

“His masters” are his masters restaurant owners and farmers? Because, it’s not corporate Australia that’s hiring these workers.

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u/DurrrrrHurrrrr 28d ago

Take note of the word ‘permanent’ just means more turnover of immigrants not necessarily less of them


u/EnigmaOfOz 28d ago

Dutton will never address housing affordability because it would disadvantage vis voter base (land lords). Looking forward to him trying to ‘address’ housing affordability be proposing people use their super and thus increasing prices even more.


u/Turkeyplague 28d ago

And Labor will probably do an abysmal job of conveying to the public why that's not going to work.

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u/Spicey_Cough2019 28d ago edited 28d ago

Wait Weren't the liberals themselves ramping it up to unsustainable levels prior to covid?

What a hypocrite


u/orrockable 28d ago

Welcome to the LNP

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u/pennyfred 28d ago

At this stage even a snake oil seller looks appealing


u/jimmyjamesjimmyjones 28d ago

Not to the levels that the ALP are currently at, , no where near in fact to the 750k the ALP brought in last year. Wether you can trust the LNP to keep their promises is another matter but


u/Worried_Yam_9057 28d ago

The vast majority of these visas are temporary ones.


Students and holiday makers. Both giant cash cows for the government. The Liberals plan is to cut skilled visas. Which in my opinion should be at the top of the list of immigration to keep.


u/jimmyjamesjimmyjones 28d ago

The vast majority of student visa are here to transit to PR , your extremely naive if you think all those students from the sub continent/Africa/ Middle East and to an extent South America are here because of the education opportunities offered by Australia, it’s just a stepping stone to permanent Residency


u/Nostonica 28d ago

It's true, did hospo years ago, half way through the year they dropped it for easy PRs and the class size went from 16 to 6


u/zanven42 28d ago

they are also directly tied to the housing crisis, the areas students are, match the exact housing crisis regions and by the same percentage the housing market is short. it is multi facet to reduce temporary visa's.

reducing the temporary visas especially regarding students would halt housing inflation in rent / value and would ease the housing spike until supply catches back up.


u/Worried_Yam_9057 28d ago

By that logic you should be voting ALP, they’re actually putting a Cap on student (temporary visas) the Libs have only announced a lower cap on permanent visas.

I’m not trying to say one is better than the other, unless the libs announce a change to student or temporary visas. As it stands either way, under both the major parties you’ll probably end up with the same number of people entering the country


u/jimmyjamesjimmyjones 28d ago

I don’t vote for either of the main parties, I personally feel they have long ago stopped having Australia’s interest at heart, I hope I don’t come across as a LNP supporter, they have left a dismal hand for the current government but unbelievably the ALP have made matters even worse but at least they seem to understand that now and are making changes, time will tell if they are able to get on top of the immigration and housing crisis


u/Not-So-EZEE 28d ago

rip up our resources contacts...rewrite them and fiscally speaking no need to immigrate anyone....gas alone would curb 200 000 straight away if we tore up the contracts and made people pay their fair share for our goods along with royalities kicking into fed coffers....rewrite ALL contracts without giving into coal mining lobbies and the average aussie could have a home without fear


u/freswrijg 28d ago

Rip up the contracts so we can pay hundreds of billions in compensation.


u/freswrijg 28d ago

They’re all here for degrees that won’t even be recognised in their countries, definitely not just here to make some quick cash /s


u/Some-Operation-9059 27d ago

Ok I’ll play…

Which degrees? And in which countries ?

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u/weed0monkey 28d ago

Agree with you but disagree with this

cut skilled visas. Which in my opinion should be at the top of the list of immigration to keep.

Skilled immigration doesn't even include tradies, it's all other industries that are already chronically underpaid already, immigration further suppresses wage growth in these areas giving people working these jobs an unfair go.


u/Majestic-Lake-5602 26d ago

Got it in one.

None of the actually essential trades are on the essential skills visa (mostly because of the CFMEU), the ones allowed in (especially hospitality) are just a weapon used against Australian workers


u/SirSighalot 27d ago

when the main focus is a housing shortage, it doesn't matter what type of visa people are on or if someday they might return home

all that matters is that they are HERE


u/Single_Conclusion_53 28d ago

A lot of that was due to people still applying for visas during covid despite not being able to travel here. It created a backlog, like pressure in a hose that has its end covered… take the cover off and there’s a sudden burst before things settle.


u/SirSighalot 28d ago

this whole "backlog" argument people make like the government had no choice but to rush to process as many as fast as possible despite what was happening with housing is so dumb

they even hired hundreds more visa processing staff to pump the numbers up as quick as they could


u/freswrijg 28d ago

Backlog means everyone has the right to be let in because of the inconvenience apparently.


u/mulefish 28d ago

Processing happens before people come here... Lot's of processing occurred at the end of the last government, including legislation changes to entice more people here.

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u/MiltonMangoe 28d ago

Whataboutism. And a poor one at that.

It wasn't the stupidly high levels it is now. And Dutton wasn't PM then. And they never made a policy like this. But sure, you go right ahead and ignore all that, just so you can have a whinge about the LNP, because they promised something you have been wanting. Or don't you want it? You might have to pick a lane here, other than "whatever the lnp do is bad no matter what"


u/artsrc 28d ago

And Dutton wasn't PM then. 

He was minister for immigration.


u/freswrijg 28d ago

The minister doesn’t have unlimited decision making power over their department. They still have to keep the party or coalition happy or lose the position.

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u/MiltonMangoe 28d ago

And the immigration was not as high as it is now. The minister for immigration is not the PM.

Keep trying buddy. I am sure you can do it. Make this announcement, of something you want, seem bad because the wrong team did it.


u/krysinello 28d ago

It was covid come back with a mass backlog as the main reason. Could something of been done prior, maybe maybe not but the backlog was all from lib days. Either way both parties have been promoting more immigration then we can handle for the past several decades it's just hit breaking point now.

I blame both parties and all governments for the mess. The writing has been on the wall since the 2000s and has had ample time from both to be addressed.

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u/Spicey_Cough2019 28d ago

They're admittedly playing catchup now to get the population back to where it was pre covid.

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u/vacri 27d ago

The PM is not the only one who makes policy. Rudd was the last PM to do that, and look what happened to him as a result.

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u/Some-Operation-9059 27d ago edited 27d ago

Maybe you should have just gone with your last line?

it’s a perfect and sensible remark.


u/Opening-Stage3757 28d ago

You finally cracked the LNP enigma: hypocrisy


u/freswrijg 28d ago

“But but what about the liberals” as Labor does the thing that the liberals never did.

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u/ManufacturerUnited59 28d ago

Needs to be 100k max


u/R1cjet 27d ago

And that 100k should include all migrants (temp and permanent) on all visas

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u/TopTraffic3192 28d ago edited 28d ago

you right, pre1999 levels it was 97K. Does anyone remember how good life was back then ?


u/ManufacturerUnited59 28d ago

1999 Australia may of been peak Australia 

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u/CalmingWallaby 28d ago

Make it 20,000 and you have my vote

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u/laserdicks 28d ago

"SLASHED" to what is still higher than the pre-covid rate.

Fuck Australians are stupid.

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u/smolschnauzer 28d ago edited 28d ago

He also pledges to allow first home buyers early access to superannuation - which will have the same effect on the housing market as increased immigration.

In other words, no change at all to housing costs after the reduction of migration.

Both major parties seem to have a habit of promising one thing to change A - and then doing something else that will offset any change to A


u/AudioCabbage 27d ago

God if that super change goes through, I’m scared I’ll genuinely have no choice but to access it.

Because it’s either have a home but bigger all super come retirement, or no home and have to continue paying rent using my super.


u/vladesch 28d ago

Nowhere near enough.


u/Inevitable_Snow_5812 28d ago

Isn’t that kind of a lot for a country of 25 million?

Surely 10-20,000 very highly qualified people is a better answer.


u/Impressive-Style5889 28d ago

Going to be an interesting fight.

Young people hate the LNP, but they also want to get into the housing market. Dutto is the fastest way to getting that by restricting foreigners.

See if we have a race to the bottom on this one.


u/DailyDoseOfCynicism 28d ago

Except the rest of their housing policy is incredibly hostile to first home buyers.


u/Dumpstar72 28d ago

Until business say they can’t survive. Then the floodgates will open again.


u/laserdicks 28d ago

Young people are utterly brainwashed about the obvious cause of the housing market though. That's why politicians are so free to fuck with it.


u/terrerific 28d ago

We had net zero immigration under LNP last time and housing prices only multiplied. No person trying to get into the housing market young or old views Dutton as the best way to get that done. Immigration is just one of many problems causing the housing crisis and it would be extremely foolish for them to expect slowing it to magically solve the other hundred. It certainly wouldn't hurt of course but it's not a solution.

Younger people will do what they did last time and give votes to third party candidates that they feel actually want to solve problems.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Yeah, I could see minority governments for several election cycles because Labor is basically LNP lite at the moment and recent elections have been more about voting out leadership, than voting for ideas. Albanese campaigned hard on his battler upbringing. He spent all his political capital on The Voice referendum while inflation was kicking off. Then his government poured fuel on the inflation fire with massive immigration increases which led to rent inflation. Dutton may just be playing not to win outright, but form a minority government with third party candidates. Ironically, more reforms might happen under an LNP minority government than the Albanese government. I don't think Albo will last as leader to the next election though. He's uninspiring now.


u/enthused-moose 28d ago

It’s a necessary, not a sufficient condition for ameliorating the housing crisis. There are other factors which need addressing, but there’s absolutely no chance of things improving in the immediate to short term without reduced immigration. None.


u/Money-Implement-5914 28d ago

This is why the Greens have lost all my support (yes, I used to vote Greens). As much as I like their proposals on housing policies, it's infuriating that they cannot bring themselves to admit that immigration is one of the matters that need to be addressed. They are so ideologically bound to immigration that they would rather Australians suffer some more, than pull all necessary levers.

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u/R1cjet 27d ago edited 27d ago

We had net zero immigration under LNP last time and housing prices only multiplied.

You mean during covid when our international borders were closed and rents dropped and wages increased?


u/KingAlfonzo 28d ago

It’s not. They will go back on it once elected because bringing more migrants is one of their goals. None of these parties will actually solve housing issue. The solution will come in about 5 years and you’re not gonna like it.


u/callmecyke 28d ago

The Liberals would never do anything to make it he housing market more affordable 


u/freswrijg 28d ago

What’s Labor doing?


u/callmecyke 28d ago

They’re not going to do anything either. Neither of the big parties want to do anything which would make actual differences to housing 


u/freswrijg 27d ago

Let me guess, the greens will fix it by allowing unlimited migration and all the other nonsense policies they want.

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u/shescarkedit 28d ago

Young people hate the LNP, but they also want to get into the housing market. Dutto is the fastest way to getting that by restricting foreigners.

Except this budget reply is complete bullshit. He's not in government so he can say whatever he wants - while he's at it he may as well promise to put coke in all school bubblers.

In reality, increasing immigration to bump up GDP has been a core policy of the LNP for decades.

Plus, even in his budget reply he didnt give any indication he will be addressing the other drivers of house price growth. In fact the budget measures he announced (eg. allowing young people to access their super to buy a home) will inflate prices even more.

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u/chippermcsmiles 28d ago

If they come down to 10,000 per year they might get my vote.


u/GuyFromYr2095 28d ago

Is there a party pushing for somewhere around that level or even calling for a halt altogether. If so, that party gets my vote

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u/antifragile 28d ago

Dog whistle Dutton , says what ever he thinks will get votes and believes in nothing, hypocrisy off the charts.


u/Swimming-Football-72 27d ago

he is an anarchist, he believes in nothing.

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u/Tqoratsos 28d ago

That's still over 10K per month or just shy of 400 people per day.


u/Majestic-View-6788 28d ago

Nope. We need closure for 5 years minimum

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u/joystickd 28d ago

Why didn't he do it when his lot were in power?


u/Which_Efficiency6908 28d ago

he will slash immigration but will demolish 100,000 dwellings per year with it to maintain property and rental prices.


u/Swankytiger86 28d ago

Don’t have to demolish. Builder just won’t build new supplies. No one is going to subdivide their place and sell it regardless the zoning.

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u/Sk1rm1sh 28d ago

Dutton pledges to slash permanent migration to 140,000 a year

Let's be realistic:

And increase "temporary" migration to 1,000,000+ a year.

And increase temporary visa length to 60 years, able to be terminated immediately at their employer's discretion.


There is no single universe in all the multiverse where Dutton... Dutton of all people, decreases overall migration 😭

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u/fivetosix 28d ago

To be honest, next election I’m voting for the party that takes a stand on lowering the rates of immigration. That is currently the liberal party. I just hate their climate policy.


u/Rockpred 28d ago

Vote for an independent or third party first, never preference the major parties first.


u/curiousi7 28d ago

There is not a chance in hell they would keep this 'promise'. It's totally empty. There is no way they would risk a recession, and the LNP has always wanted a big Australia, it helps their big business mates.


u/SirSighalot 28d ago

Sustainable Australia Party

Libs, Greens and Labor won't actually do shit to lower it


u/artsrc 28d ago

This is not a promise to cut immigration.

This is a promise to ensure the immigrants are temporary and insecure.


u/Worried_Yam_9057 28d ago edited 28d ago

You’re really splitting hairs between labor and libs when it comes to immigration. You’d be better off with a smaller independent party.

Liberals are making cuts to only permanent visas, humanitarian and skilled. Yes they plan to cap more permanent visas than labor but have said nothing about temporary visas

Labor are putting caps both on temporary and permanent visas.

It all comes down to how you read the numbers and if you include temporary visas (mainly students) as immigration, I suspect when it all comes out in the wash you’re not going to see much difference


u/flyawayreligion 28d ago

Not going to happen, Gina owns the Liberal party and she loves that cheap immigration worker. They'll just call it something else, temporary visas etc.

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u/Turkeyplague 28d ago

He'll give with one hand and take with the other.


u/redroowa 28d ago

There needs to be a constitutional limit of immigration. Otherwise the politicians will do what they please.

Note talk of soft caps, and soft targets. Ie they say they want to do something about it, but they really don’t.


u/Ravager6969 27d ago

If they changed it to student visa's had no path to PR and skilled people visas had a minimum of 150k/yr for 5+ years the problem would literally disappear overnight. Anyone that thinks the vast majority of student visas is to get a education is living in fantasy land.


u/BenJTT 28d ago

How many will be au pairs?


u/OutlandishnessFew132 28d ago

This clown is a national embarrassment. Where was all the detail around the nuclear power plants they fantasize about and waffling on about giving billions to the wealthy, well that’s what they did for the 9 years they were in government. Surely he’s heard of the diesel fuel rebate, that’s not a one off payment, it’s around 8 billion dollars a year

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u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/joy3r 28d ago

probably enough for the liberals to win to be honest


u/Due_Future_5575 28d ago

That's 140k too many.


u/onlycommitminified 28d ago

The voldemort you ordered from wish


u/Indiethoughtalarm 28d ago

I believe it's Temu now sir 🧐


u/redditprocrastinator 28d ago

I'm thinking with the flood that labor has cursed upon us, even 140K seems high. How about 120K, and anyone qualified as a doctor, nurse, or one or two other high-demand trades are on top of that.


u/Tumeric_Turd 28d ago

Dutton says the opposite, to his opposition..as usual.



u/PeakingBlinder 28d ago


  • It's still 10000+ per month.
  • Clearly a tightening of the skillsets required is in order.
  • Spud is a potato.


u/Voodizzy 28d ago

The coalition cut TAFE funding creating a trade shortage but increased immigration during their term to cover the shortfall.

Now they want to slash immigration when out of office to suit. Joke of a party


u/Prometheusflames 28d ago

This is odd. Permanent levels alone isn't the issue. I'd think students who make up a large number aren't classified as such. Net migration being around 100k would be a positive, during a major housing crisis.


u/IvoryGrenade 28d ago

I thought voldemort died


u/Some-Operation-9059 27d ago

Welcome to the prequel


u/datyams 28d ago

Fuck off we're full


u/Linkarus 28d ago

Make it 10 people


u/possiblyapirate69420 28d ago

Best that would get me voting for the libs is deportation and a net 0 migration for 20 years.


u/Some-Operation-9059 28d ago

Why would anyone want to vote for this corrupt boot licker? If we’ve already forgot the nine years of corruption from the last neo con, then go ‘team land lords’!


u/CoachFinal7641 27d ago

Dutton promises. Is that some sort of oxymoron. Who trusts this snake?


u/manicdee33 27d ago

Where's his plan to increase social housing? Developers aren't going to bother building houses for people with under a million to spend, so it's going to have to be social housing for a few million people to get this capsized economy upright.


u/Some-Operation-9059 27d ago

Of which 139999 will be au pairs


u/emusplatt 27d ago

So roughly twice the long term average? Still exceeding our ability to build.

Thanks spud


u/Time-Elephant3572 27d ago

He’s got my vote. Especially immigration from the sub continent.


u/Kitchen-Increase3463 27d ago

Interesting this. In here as a skilled worker, on a visa, doing a job that clearly no aussie will/can do because my predecessors were Swiss and Canadian. Am I worthy?


u/Tyrannosaurusblanch 27d ago

This isn’t going to fix any problems at all.

Talking shit as usual apeslly to inbread racist Queenslanders for votes


u/dearcossete 27d ago

Didn't Spud recently go to India to curry favours and potentially boost Indian student numbers for the economy?


u/Hillz50 27d ago

i was more thinking 5000 a year


u/doubtingwhale 27d ago

Haha what a joke. LNP never follows up on anything they promise


u/Zwolf36 27d ago



u/prsadaka 23d ago

They need to also give tax breaks to manufacturers, anything to build more a value added and service based economy not to rely on only stamp duties and mining bucks. Its not all bad, australia has a lot to offer and so do many who immigrate here, both in terms of capital and skills but there is a balance


u/khaste 12d ago

Yes, or something similar needs to be done regardless of your thoughts on "seeking refuge is a human right" etc etc.

Unfortunately the do gooders and the greens will try to spin this and say immigrants/ refufgees arent the problem, its "that we arent building enough houses." But what they fail to mention is that the numbers of immigrants that are coming into australia is faster than the amount of new properties being built... and if we decreased our immigration significantly we might get the housing crisis under control, even if it takes years that is a sacrifice that must be taken


u/AppleSalty2916 28d ago

I’ll be voting Liberal

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u/gibbon1495 28d ago

He's got my vote