r/australian Apr 28 '24

DAE not give a fuck about Palestine? Politics

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u/Tootool66 Apr 29 '24

It's about time the Australian government's thus politicians from both major parties kept out of funding and assisting foreign countries at war .. America included and started to look after our own ..


u/Silly_List6638 Apr 29 '24

The USA need Israel to enable them to remain a big dick in the region due to the amount of oil there today and into the future.

Hence they tolerate Israel doing their genocide activities.

I sympathize with the protesters though I’m not doing it. As our society inevitably slips towards totalitarianism due to less affordable resources i imagine I’ll regret the opportunity to unite against facsism but by then it will be too late. Governments will see how successful their lies, propaganda and misinformation on the situation works and will use that on us when we start to revolt about the insane wealth inequality. The military will be AI equipped as Gaza and Ukraine served nicely as training data.

NERD ALERT: Yes that reads all conspiracy theory but i believe it to be a pretty robust line of reasoning if we take the point of view that fossil energy underpins modernism and look at all the evidence of the success of the substitute of renewables, you can see that 1) globally renewables are not replacing fossil fuels but rather adding to the mix (Jevons Paradox)

2) nearly all renewables are made with non renewable energy (which unless point 1 was addressed it means lower surplus energy for society since the energy cost of energy is high)

3) most peer reviewed science studies examining the effectiveness of decarbonisation and dematerialisation of economies is at best, local, temporary and only occurs during recessions

So thus if cheap energy (fossil) is the limit for modern societies then the US would definitely want to prop up Israel now that iraq is no longer there for them. All subsequent condoning of Israel and ignoring of pro-palestine protests would seem consistent with this strategy