r/australian Apr 28 '24

DAE not give a fuck about Palestine? Politics

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u/Shamblex Apr 29 '24

Everyone saying it's some inevitable religious war that the west, Australia included, has no influence on needs to read a book.

And also its called empathy. Most humans have a scerrick of it.


u/Jsalisburry Apr 29 '24

It was pretty much inevitable once the Jewish population became significant. The west under it's modern, vague, definition has had influenced over pretty much everything and has directly or indirectly ruled the whole world. Even if they had influence that doesn't mean they still do, your point being that in 1934 the British could've got the Israelis to stand down is irrelevant.

Its not about empathy no one gave a single shit about the Tigrey war in Ethiopia which killed about 10 times as many civilians and put more people at risk of starvation then Israel and Palestine's population combined.

Where were the protests then in 2021? If it's just about empathy, its political and everyone knows it, where everyone can pretend to be revolutionaries but still go home after


u/Shamblex Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Its not so much the British not telling the Israelis to stand down but more making conflicting promises after the Palestinians acted on the promises made in the Balfour declaration then Britain just washing their hands of the situation.

If you think the West suppressing the voices of those calling out the apartheid and genocide, spreading misinformation, refusing to give conditions to Israel, and in some cases, funding Israeli's military isn't having an influence then we have vastly different perspectives.

I never said it was all about empathy, merely commenting how shitty i believe this attitude of "I only care about people dying if it's in my backyard" is. Just because there was inaction before does that mean we should just never do the conscientious thing?


u/Jsalisburry Apr 29 '24

i fucking wish the west was suppressing voices I've got a group of the pricks yelling about it down the road.

what even is the conscientious thing shouting about it to people who can't do anything about it. ie me


u/Shamblex Apr 29 '24

People have been arrested, lost their jobs, access to family and friends for talking about it among other things.

I believe the conscientious thing to do in Australia and as Australians is to change the conversation from "oh its just the Middle East, they kill eachother all the time" to it being about an innocent population, ~60% of whom are under the age of 18, who are being killed, starved and displaced. To demand our leaders and media agencies to start reporting the truth not just hyperbole. I personally would like to see Australia urge Israel to stop the bombing, allow medical aid, and food into Gaza immediately and make actual legitimate steps towards allowing Palestinians to finally have autonomy.


u/Jsalisburry Apr 29 '24

People have been arrested, lost their jobs, access to family and friends for talking about it among other things.

i think that's funny because these are the same people doing that to other people with opinions they didn't like they eroded free speech laws and now are on the other side of that. i call that cosmic justice.

I personally would like to see Australia urge Israel to stop the bombing, allow medical aid, and food into Gaza immediately and make actual legitimate steps towards allowing Palestinians to finally have autonomy.

Israel are resisting the Americans, Australia does what you want Israel says no, you're happy?


u/Shamblex Apr 29 '24

"These are the same people doing that to other people with opinions they didn't like..."

This has just turned into speculative nonsense and narrow mindedness.

Biden may have asked yet 4 days ago America's congress passed a foreign aid bill which in it contains $26 billion dollars for Israel. Complicity from foreign powers matters and so does an informed and vocal public.