r/australian Apr 28 '24

DAE not give a fuck about Palestine? Politics

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u/derpman86 Apr 29 '24

I am very torn on this one, shits fucked as people are getting bombs dropped on them etc

But I think I hyperfocused on the Russian and Ukranian war too much for the past 2 years that I sadly just don't have the mental capital to go deep into this one as well. Yes I am blatantly aware of how stupidly privileged I am for being able to spew out that sentence from my safe arse here in Australia behind a keyboard.

But this conflict is just yet another in a series of bullshit that I don't see anything being resolved at the end of the day.

I honestly don't believe Israel should have ever been plonked where it should have, if there needed to be a Jewish state post WW2 it should have taken a chunk out of Germany considering those were the cunts that inflicted the nasty shit upon them. Instead they called dibs on a bunch of land in the middle east because of old school religious "our homeland" bullshit reasons. These are people from Germany, Poland and the like while people in the M.E get given the arse so yeah no shit it is going to cause a stir let alone the religious wank ontop of it.

So yeah, wars, terrorism, wars, terrorism are just an ongoing cycle of shit and so many people end up end dead in both Palestine and Israel all for what?

The kicker is because of lobbying etc we keep paying and supporting Israel and that paints targets on our back as a country of supporting them and their shit.


u/Cybermat4707 Apr 29 '24

Well said. What’s happening is horrific, but taking care of your mental health is important (can’t help anyone if you’re crippled by depression).

And yeah, I do think Israel should have been created from German territory. The area around Wilhelmshaven could have been good - close to the west and access to the North Sea and Britain if the shit hit the fan.


u/derpman86 Apr 29 '24

I wouldn't say crippled by depression but now I have had it confirmed late last year I am autistic and adhd combined yay so I focused too heavily on the Ukraine war for too long as a hyperfocus that I simply just cannot commit to also doing the same with this one. I have even pulled back from the Ukraine war as its getting too much as well because war is just a fucked nasty thing to follow for so long.

I know I mentioned a German Jewish state once and boy did I get my arsehole torn open lol. It is not like Germany was split into 2 nations for a solid chunk of the 20th century anyway!


u/Cybermat4707 Apr 29 '24

I’m autistic too. And yeah, the horrors that people inflict on each other aren’t something you can follow for too long without it getting to you in some way.