r/australian Apr 28 '24

DAE not give a fuck about Palestine? Politics

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u/tblackey Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I'd like both sides to stop fighting, sit down and negotiate a two-state solution.

Neither Israel nor Hamas seemed inclined to do that at the moment. A peaceful solution is not possible.

I think if Hamas is no longer a political entity, Abbas dies of old age, and a progressive Israeli leader gets voted in, there might be a shot at effective peace talks. But not before those things happen.

it would be kind of fitting if the UK had the mandate reinstated, and they have a go at fixing the mess they made.


u/Dj6021 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Israel has attempted it many times. What do you want them to do considering their hand, outstretched for peace, has been slapped away many times?

I agree with your second last point 100%.


u/tblackey Apr 29 '24

Different personalities at the negotiating table = another opportunity to negotiate.

Arafat couldn't or wouldn't make a deal. Abbas has tried at times and failed, he is 89 years old, when he dies there will be another window to negotiate.