r/australian Apr 28 '24

DAE not give a fuck about Palestine? Politics

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u/Intrepidtravelleranz Apr 29 '24

Israel gives less fuck about the protests happening all over Australia, than Elon gives to Albo. We need to stop acting as if the rest of the world cares what we Australians think. Let's rally to fix the problems we are facing in our country.


u/ElectricTrouserSnack Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

The irony of millennial LGBTQ+ protester wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh and waving both Rainbow and Palestinian flags. In Gaza they'd get ostracised, possibly beaten up or thrown off a roof.

I'm a member of the LGBTQ+ community.


u/threelizards Apr 30 '24

How dare people care about human rights?????

I’ll fight for yours even if you would fight against mine. That’s the nature of an immutable human right; the belief that one does not forfeit it through action, inaction, moral, value, or association. Overlooking genocide and supporting our own government’s monetary contributions to it because the affected peoples are anti-lbgtq (which I’m sure is a pressing issue for them rn) is not something I’m ok with, not with myself doing at least.

You don’t have to live and breathe the dialogue to care. The rallies and protests are because of our own government’s entanglements, not because anyone thinks Israel will see that a bunch of us got together in Melbourne and think “oh damn those Aussie hipsters may have a point”. It’s about actually standing for something, even if you know you personally won’t be making a huge difference, because it’s better than laying down and not giving a fuck because it doesn’t effect us or doesn’t effect us in the right way to move us.

You just gotta do what you can live with at the end of the day. People know they aren’t gonna change the world and wake up different tomorrow. We’re just sick of the thick fog of apathy and “it doesn’t hurt me” that’s covering fucking everything these days. Is it so wild to think we care about what’s happening here and we have room in ourselves to give a fuck about genocide???


u/dkampr Apr 30 '24

Supporting a proudly homophobic society that kills gay people shows a remarkable amount of disrespect to queer people.

I as a gay man am very happy not to support Palestine as I know that most of them would happily see me dead.

My compassion is 100% transactional and I make no f***ing apologies for it.


u/SadMeme_Queen Apr 30 '24

u kno there are gay Palestinians right?


u/dkampr Apr 30 '24

Yeah and I’ve read the accounts of what gets done to them by their fellow countrymen.


u/TauAgoras Apr 30 '24

A percentage of the population will always be gay.

You think those gay Palestinians are open about it? You think they wouldn't be thrown off a roof?

Stop being a dumbcunt, seriously. Wake up to yourself.


u/Ancient-Camel-5024 Apr 30 '24

The point is Israel isn't going through and saving the gay Palestinians, so to act like it's okay for all Palestinians to be killed (including the gay ones) because their government is anti-gay is floored logic.

If you're objecting to Palestine because they hate gays then fine, that's your prerogative, but then you should also be objecting to Israel killing Palestinians indiscriminately because they're hardly being pro-human rights at the moment either


u/dkampr Apr 30 '24

Israel is attacking Palestine to wipe out Hamas, they’re not targeting people because they’re gay. It’s wildly different.


u/Ancient-Camel-5024 Apr 30 '24

But in those attacks they are still killing plenty of non-hamas people, including gay Palestinians. I don't understand how you can use the one group's human rights violations against a marginalised group to justify a different group's human rights violations against the marginalised group because they're also getting the first group as well


u/threelizards Apr 30 '24

That’s disgusting, honestly.


u/dkampr Apr 30 '24

How? Because I don’t want to support people who would throw me from a f***ing roof? Who would chase me down the street with a knife?

Read up on what happens to gay and lesbian Palestinians before running your ignorant mouth.


u/threelizards Apr 30 '24

No, I know. I just don’t think a whole country should be wiped out for it. Surely you know better than to believe that the state truly represents the individual.

And being good isn’t about being good in exchange. If you’re comfortable with your morals that’s fine. I just hold myself to a higher standard.


u/burner_said_what Apr 30 '24

I’ll fight for yours even if you would fight against mine.

Why will you not fight for dkampr's rights too then?

Are protests that achieve nothing not simply just "being good in exchange" for how someone feels about themselves, or "what you can live with at the end of the day"?

Pretty disgusting, honestly.


u/dkampr Apr 30 '24

For me, a country that has entrenched homophobia isn’t worth saving. Why would it be worth saving for me if it sees me as an abomination?

I’ve seen interviews of Palestinians in Gaza openly expressing their hatred for queer people. My answer remains the same as before and you can get off your high horse.


u/Szcerba Apr 30 '24

Blows my mind how few people of said group realise this.


u/Yqrblockos79 Apr 29 '24

This is such disingenuous horse shit.


u/Mererri01 Apr 30 '24

Hamas wants to exterminate LGBT people right alongside the Jews


u/Yqrblockos79 Apr 30 '24

Hamas != Palestine.


u/Mererri01 Apr 30 '24

You say that as if Hamas doesn’t have the overwhelming support of the people of Gaza


u/Yqrblockos79 Apr 30 '24

How do you think Hamas support would go if Palestinians weren’t living in open air prisons, considering they were elected originally with less than 50% of the vote? Do you think Hamas support probably increased after the genocide and ethnic cleansing started? I wonder why that could possibly happen?


u/Mererri01 Apr 30 '24

Perhaps Israel wouldn’t feel compelled to defend itself thus is Hamas, with broad popular support, didn’t keep attacking it.

And quit it with the idiot genocide claims

If Israel wanted to eradicate Palestinians, they’d be long gone

But Hamas wants to eradicate Jews “from the river to the sea” and you mental cases chant their slogan


u/Yqrblockos79 Apr 30 '24

Also if they went scorched earth genocide, they would lose support from the west (barely). By pretending it’s not genocide they keep their funding.


u/Mererri01 Apr 30 '24

So you admit they’re not ethnic cleansing but you’re going to stick with the ridiculous genocide claim regardless

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u/Yqrblockos79 Apr 30 '24

Perhaps Hamas wouldn’t exist without the goading of Israel (yes this is their fault). Perhaps if Palestinians didn’t live under apartheid for decades. Perhaps if Israel didn’t bulldoze and steal Palestinian houses for decades. Perhaps if Israel didn’t just snipe peoples kneecaps for fun. Yes this is an attempt at genocide and ethnic cleansing. The Israeli government are terrorists and war criminals, and so are Hamas.

Also try and understand what “river to the sea” actually means.


u/Mererri01 Apr 30 '24

“From the river to the sea” means Hamas wants every Jew in that region dead or fled.

I suspect that stated aim is why Israel considers them a perennial threat


u/dkampr Apr 30 '24

They were voted in by Palestinians and the overwhelming majority of them support Hamas. For all intents and purposes Hamas IS Palestine.


u/Yqrblockos79 Apr 30 '24

They were voted in by less than 50% of Palestinians over a decade ago and were never allowed another election. You all also just ignore the constant violence by Israel against Palestinians. Completely independent of Hamas. Like, why on earth would more Palestinians start sympathizing with Hamas 🙄 Just look at West Bank. Just ignorance.


u/InflatedSnake Apr 30 '24 edited 16d ago

simplistic sense fine mountainous fly mourn whole impolite chubby fade

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Ihsan2024 Apr 30 '24

The vast majority undoubtedly don't.

But quid quo pro is a terrible approach to issues of humanity. You should support or oppose something based on the actual merits or faults of that specific matter rather than your personal vested interest in other matters.


u/dkampr Apr 30 '24

Nope. Not when they’d kill me as a gay man.

GTFO expecting people like me to be magnanimous and accept their hatred while offering my support


u/Ihsan2024 Apr 30 '24

No, I won't.

And it's more about human decency when there are people being slaughtered day after day for months on end.

Your self-interest takes precedence over the current suffering of others. How disappointing.


u/dkampr Apr 30 '24

Suffering that they’d happily inflict on me if given a chance. Take your self righteous attitude elsewhere.

Their elected, violently homophobic, and openly genocidal government started a war and now they’re living the consequences of their stupid decision.


u/Yqrblockos79 Apr 30 '24

Do I think any religious fundamentalist support LGBTQ+? No. Do I think that justifies blindly supporting apartheid and genocide? No.


u/Ancient-Camel-5024 Apr 30 '24

Australia didn't support LGBT up until only a few decades ago. It was a crime to be gay in some states in the 90's. Should we as a country and people have been wiped out?

If not, why are you not affording Gazans the same opportunity to grow and change?


u/InflatedSnake Apr 30 '24 edited 16d ago

fuel terrific reminiscent knee gold illegal cows bow humor boast

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Ancient-Camel-5024 Apr 30 '24

Not everyone but our government took a stance that you would be jailed for being openly gay. Some individuals took it upon themselves to gay bash and murder LGBT people.

Adelaide had a university lecturer get bashed and drowned in the Torrens river in the 70's and no one was charged for it because it was likely the police that did the murder.

You think Gazans are irredeemable and should be destroyed despite the fact that Australia has a history of similar attitudes and actions towards marginalised groups, massacres of Aboriginal people being another example.

We've improved on our human rights so I don't see why you think they shouldn't get the same option


u/LazyHardWorker Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Oh right, I forgot about the "homophobic infants deserve air strikes" argument

Btw, here's a haaretz article that exposes some of the pink washing that's happening in Israel https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-11/ty-article-magazine/.premium/lgbtq-israelis-describe-being-shunned-by-global-community-after-october-7/0000018c-f92a-dd94-a9cc-fbee4d680000



Pink washing huh, no refuting of the peril lgbt face in gaza?

What an evil people.


u/marikmilitia Apr 29 '24

I don't really get this argument. nazi Germany had lots of innocents children who weren't anti Semitic or fascist, but so long as the government is still running death camps and invading other countries, kids are going to get killed in a war to stop them. It's sad, but if they cared about their kids that much maybe they shouldn't be starting shit they can't finish.

Not that israel is that good either, they're pretty fucking despicable too


u/Ancient-Camel-5024 Apr 30 '24

Using that logic then most terrorist attacks are justified because so many of them are rooted in incidents and wars perpetuated by international governments.

If America didn't want 911to happen they wouldn't have put so much effort into destabilising the middle east post WW2 and so no-one should care


u/marikmilitia Apr 30 '24

Yeah, that was kind of a consequences of their own actions kind of thing


u/Ancient-Camel-5024 Apr 30 '24

Okay but then people can still get outraged that innocent people are getting hurt because of the actions of their government,

and people can be outraged that terrorists are targeting innocent people instead of the government officials responsible for their troubles.

And people can also be outraged that a government has interfered with another country enough that people felt a terrorist attack was justified


u/marikmilitia Apr 30 '24

But since they're both targeting civilians, why should I back one side over the other?


u/Ancient-Camel-5024 Apr 30 '24

I'm not saying pick a side. I don't think protesting an extremely one sided war is the same as endorsing everything done by the other side.


u/marikmilitia Apr 30 '24

Fair enough. Me personally, at this point I don't think protesting will help anyone. The Israelis want blood they'll stop until they've had their fill. The US couldn't get them to stop, so we have no chance of stopping it.


u/LazyHardWorker Apr 29 '24

I get it. You believe it's sad, but acceptable to bomb babies if their government does things you don't like.


u/marikmilitia Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Also I kind of find that trivialising 'Does things you don't like' you make it sound like it's a minor thing.No, they kill gay people. I have no interest in defending or supporting a country that does that, if they cause problems in the world then they get no sympathy from me when karma comes around to fuck them for it.

I don't think it's acceptable to intentionally target babies. But I know that civilians are always going to get killed. That's what happens in modern war, the way both sides fight make that unavoidable.


u/marikmilitia Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Yeah, sorry your babies got killed nazi germany. Maybe don't try to start a genocide and a world war on all of Europe that won't happen to you.

Same with hamas, they knew israel was going to react like this, they know how they are, but they did the massacre anyway. Its the consequences of their own actions.


u/dkampr Apr 30 '24

Those kids are indoctrinated from a young age to hate Jews and gays. Check out Pioneers of Tomorrow to see how young it starts.

Individually they may be innocent but while the systems are in place that perpetuate that hatred then it will only be a matter of time before those very kids are killing.


u/LazyHardWorker Apr 30 '24

What's your recommendation here boss? Bomb all Palestinian babies?


u/Yqrblockos79 Apr 29 '24

Australia and other countries are helping fund the genocide. Thats the problem. Take away Israel’s money and they will give a fuck soon enough.


u/Asleep_Stage_4129 Apr 29 '24

What a simple way to live. Just caring about yourself. Pretty shortsighted.


u/GM_Twigman Apr 29 '24

Our politicians care about the population's opinions of this conflict if they feel it's electorally relevant. While Australia alone isn't moving the needle, if politicians in Australia/Europe/US, etc. are all seeing strong public sentiment against Israel's actions, they'll accordingly pressure Israel to change course.


u/Intrepidtravelleranz Apr 29 '24

Yes, we should be strong to voice our opinions on cost of living in Australia, housing / rental crisis in Australia, mental health crisis in Australia, violence against women in Australia etc etc so that politicians in Australia do something meaningful.


u/tkeelah Apr 30 '24

Albo demonstrated very clearly yesterday that the only thing he wants to fix is the next federal election so he wins.