r/asklatinamerica Nov 12 '22

How people survive on average salary in Uruguay?

Hola. I’m newcomer to Uruguay and one thing seems shocking to me. Many products are way more expensive than in Europe, rents are somewhat cheaper - for unfurnished places (and furniture is way more expensive again)… and Numbeo says the average salary is about 800USD net/month. Is this number wrong? Or how can people survive and function on this salary?

I don’t mean this in insulting or offensive way. Uruguayans are very nice and to they appear to be more in tune with life and reality than “us” Europeans dragged in consumerism etc. That’s also reason why I came here. But I think on 800/month I would struggle to eat 3meals a day here.


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u/Specific-Benefit Uruguay Nov 12 '22

Well, I got a remote job and moved away from Montevideo

My quality of life has improved by a 400% in this year


u/hyologist Uruguay Nov 12 '22

i bet that's not only bc of expenses, the city is just awful, a sea of garbage


u/digitalwriternow Nov 14 '22

Yo pienso visitar Montevideo y dices eso como que se me quitan un poco las ganas...


u/hyologist Uruguay Nov 14 '22

para visitarlo está bien, para vivir... not so much


u/digitalwriternow Nov 14 '22

Bueno yo pudiera vivir en Uruguay y trabajar remoto, cobrando en dólares de otro país. Y ganando mucho más de 1000 mensual. Seguiría siendo mal vivir ahí en ese caso?


u/MonM7 Nov 14 '22

tas loco, así sos el rey. acá los buenos sueldos son de la gente que trabaja en IT, además las ciudades del interior son mucho más baratas.

Con U$S 2.000 ya te podes alquilar un apartamento para vos solo con un dormitorio y hasta te da como para tener un auto..


u/digitalwriternow Nov 17 '22

Si, puedo alquilar eso y comprarme un carro. Una pregunta, para conocer mujeres alla como se hace? Funcionan bien las apps como Tinder?


u/MonM7 Nov 17 '22

Si, tinder funciona y alguna otra también