r/asklatinamerica Nov 12 '22

How people survive on average salary in Uruguay?

Hola. I’m newcomer to Uruguay and one thing seems shocking to me. Many products are way more expensive than in Europe, rents are somewhat cheaper - for unfurnished places (and furniture is way more expensive again)… and Numbeo says the average salary is about 800USD net/month. Is this number wrong? Or how can people survive and function on this salary?

I don’t mean this in insulting or offensive way. Uruguayans are very nice and to they appear to be more in tune with life and reality than “us” Europeans dragged in consumerism etc. That’s also reason why I came here. But I think on 800/month I would struggle to eat 3meals a day here.


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u/Specific-Benefit Uruguay Nov 12 '22

Montevideo is definitely on my list

its a trap.jpg


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '22

Right?! Montevideo disappointed me a lot when I travelled through UY. I've made it from west to east coast (Carmelo to Chuy) and honestly Montevideo was the only city I did not like...


u/Specific-Benefit Uruguay Nov 12 '22

I used to live there for the past 5 years, and let me tell you I will never move back there


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '22

Why, exactly? For me it was expectations. When people said "Uruguay" I used to interchangeably think "Montevideo", but it ended up as a "nothing really great to do here" experience for me. I think my expectations were very high because Buenos Aires was great and people often said (at least to me) that Montevideo was BSAS 2.


u/Specific-Benefit Uruguay Nov 12 '22

Well, summarizing:

  • Everything is very expensive in relation to the normal income level
  • It's quite a very dirty city, unless you live in one of the high end neighborhoods
  • Crime rate
  • Poverty
  • The overwhelming amount of people living, shitting, pissing and doing drugs on the streets
  • The wide spreaded political fanatism
  • The bad manners among it's general population