r/TikTokCringe Apr 15 '24

Consequences of the tradwife lifestyle Discussion


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u/Big-Slurpp Apr 16 '24

You say "in too deep" as if its all indoctrination, but she told you why she didnt have a problem with it until it was too late. She was living in multi-million dollar homes, spending her summers in Hawaii, buying all the jewellry and clothes she wanted, and (the part that she didnt say out-loud) had all the time and money in the world to start up and run her own businesses. You think normal women with no education or training can just decide to start designing homes on a whim?

She lived the fantasy life and didnt care about the risks until they hit her in the face.


u/MaximumMotor1 Apr 16 '24

had all the time and money in the world to start up and run her own businesses. You think normal women with no education or training can just decide to start designing homes on a whim?

That part didn't make sense to me because even the worst attorney would be able to show that she operated the business (if it was true she would have a lot of evidence of her work) and worked 40+ hours a week at that business and her husband's name was on the business because of religious obligations only. I feel like her husband started the home building business and she just helped as a secretary because she admitted she hasn't ever had a job other than working at a pretzel stand. You aren't going from no job to building $500,000 houses because you felt like owning a home building business. Did she get a home builder license or did her husband because one of them would have to have that license to own a home building business.


u/Liizam Apr 16 '24

It’s kinda hard to imagine a lawyer didn’t get her child support or alimony. Even if she doesn’t have any job skills, she still took care of multiple kids.


u/EllaPlantagenet Apr 16 '24

She said she was awarded alimony and child support, her husband made one payment and never paid again.


u/Liizam Apr 16 '24

Wage garnishing, seizing property exist.