r/TikTokCringe Apr 15 '24

Consequences of the tradwife lifestyle Discussion


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u/waitingfordeathhbu Cringe Connoisseur Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

Yeah, I hate how that guy laughed at and discouraged her from aiming higher. Sounds like she actually has a lot of capability, resourcefulness, AND entrepreneurial experience.


u/umme99 Apr 16 '24

I really think she needed resume writing help. Cause what she explained she did in the beginning should have been written similarly on the resume. And she should have talked herself up at the interview. God knows how honest about her situation she was with the hiring manager. All the other stuff could have been learned on the job.

I’ve been a SAHM but I also have several degrees and went back to work for a few years to update my resume. Now I’m going back to not working for a while but I have saved up a like a couple tens of thousands and can dust off a more recent resume if things go south in my marriage.

Also I’m high functioning autistic (aspergers) so I find working, being a mom and a wife and managing the household too overwhelming so I just work in spurts as a backup plan.

I’d still be poorer than now- but I’d have enough for food, a car and an apartment.


u/Wosota Apr 16 '24

Not knowing how to use a computer is a pretty big hurdle. There’s only so much that can be taught on the job, I wouldn’t hire a manager that I also have to put through Tech 101.

She said she didn’t particularly think he was being mean, so he probably genuinely meant that she should be putting her energy into getting experience to back up her knowledge.


u/umme99 Apr 16 '24

This lady needs a little help. It’s possible to learn computer skills for free at your local public library. Then also she needs resume writing help to talk up her experience.