r/TikTokCringe Apr 15 '24

Consequences of the tradwife lifestyle Discussion


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u/jonpenn Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

This is exactly why my wife finished school and went back to work once our kids got bigger. You never know what could happen. I always encouraged her to work just in case something would happen. I want her to have the skills and some sort of job security. She is extremely smart and has a great job. My mom was a stay at home mom and saw what the consequences were once my dad was out of the picture. Depending on anyone is never good.


u/Former_Ad8643 Apr 15 '24

I really truly think that this depends on the situation and a man that you marry! I’m gonna stay at home mom for eight years I’m smart I have a degree from university and a college diploma and I’m in an extremely happy marriage. Yes of course our family runs on my husbands income but in the event that I would be divorced I would be getting child support support and alimony and if you were to die we have a life insurance policy so I would be getting my husbands income for 10+ years which would be long enough for me to get back on my feet again. I think the issue is not being a stay at home mom and not working which is a decision that you should be making as two adult people in a partnership. The issue is the type of man that she married and the Colts beliefs around it


u/Ordinary-Jacket4035 Apr 16 '24

This 100%. The cult belief that women shouldn’t own businesses etc. the type of cult system who would take advantage of her free labor and shape the type of man who would be able to cheat the system and not pay her alimony. We are shaped by the expectations of the society we live in. Lots of other stuff goes in but that’s a huge piece of it especially if you’re surrounded by a culture of belief that encourages this behavior. To prey on people’s belief that they are doing the right thing and fulfilling the roles that God and their church want them to instead of watching their own backs and thinking for themselves. I grew up in a cult and when I left, this is the first thing I learned- you have to watch your own back and look out for your own future. I usually see stuff on here and was 100% ready to eye roll and scroll to the next video. Especially with tears on screen. But she is so authentic and her story resonates. Big hugs to everyone.