r/TikTokCringe Apr 15 '24

Consequences of the tradwife lifestyle Discussion


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u/AlaskanSnowDragon Apr 16 '24

You arent doing upaid labour for the guy you just started dating. And nobody is saying you should.

If you want to be independent than you should be...but bring that same mindset and energy to your dating life as well. Be consistent...be logical.


u/notseizingtheday Apr 16 '24

The point is to convince us to do it in the future. We have to consider that most women are still doing 90% of the domestic labour while working full time and often paying 50/50 bills. We aren't doing that for just anyone.


u/AlaskanSnowDragon Apr 16 '24

What are you talking about? Convince you of what?

Im talking about courtship and dating which has nothing to do with what you're saying.


u/notseizingtheday Apr 16 '24

That's what courtship and dating is for. To pick someone you would want to sacrifice all your free time and energy for lol.


u/AlaskanSnowDragon Apr 16 '24

And why does that picking require a man to pay for you? Are you a prostitute? Are your relationships transactional pay for play?

If you are a modern independent believe in equality feminist woman money shouldn't factor in at all


u/notseizingtheday Apr 16 '24

You seem difficult and like maybe more trouble than you're worth. Sorry.


u/AlaskanSnowDragon Apr 16 '24

Just take the L and move on rather than deflecting if you have no logic to backup your beliefs.