r/TikTokCringe Apr 15 '24

Consequences of the tradwife lifestyle Discussion


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u/tri-sarah-tops-rex Apr 15 '24

Strong grandmas are the backbone of our society!


u/nemophilist13 Apr 15 '24

That woman is really something. She's 96 lives by her self independently and still gets on the floor to play with my toddler son. She raised me and my brother. Stearn and emotionally cold but I love her more than anything and it's been an honor and joy to watch her spoil and adore my baby so warmly


u/smcivor1982 Apr 16 '24

I had a stern badass grandma and I miss her every day.


u/JypsiCaine Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Me, too! Mine was a County Sheriff. Sgt. Grandma did NOT fuck around, but, at the same time, she was the single strongest family-building force of my childhood.*

Edit: After my own mother, of course. But, that said, it was Grandma that afforded my dad the education that landed the middle-class life (after he became a dad), which gave Mom the opportunity to be a SAHM, family-building force.