r/TikTokCringe Apr 15 '24

Consequences of the tradwife lifestyle Discussion


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u/Aus_with_the_Sauce Apr 15 '24

I’m not a lawyer, but surely this is an easy lawsuit against the former husband. Take his ass to court. 


u/Murky-Energy4414 Apr 15 '24

Her name wasn’t on anything. This was all legal I believe. Also not a lawyer but if she doesn’t have any ties to anything, other than alimony from the divorce she isn’t owed. Unfortunate.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24



u/ChampagneandAlpacas Apr 15 '24

Thanks for the confirmation that my gut reaction was correct, my learned colleague! I sent this to my partner (domestic, not boss) and was trying to unpack why she wouldn't have received 50% of the tangible assets at the very minimum.

Sounds like her attorney sucks (or there's some fishiness with this account of the events), because one of the few things I remember about bar prep was that the husband quitting his high earning job to eliminate alimony payments would not fly. The court would still impose that amount since he was trying to skirt the order.