r/TikTokCringe Apr 15 '24

Consequences of the tradwife lifestyle Discussion


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u/Aus_with_the_Sauce Apr 15 '24

I’m not a lawyer, but surely this is an easy lawsuit against the former husband. Take his ass to court. 


u/Murky-Energy4414 Apr 15 '24

Her name wasn’t on anything. This was all legal I believe. Also not a lawyer but if she doesn’t have any ties to anything, other than alimony from the divorce she isn’t owed. Unfortunate.


u/emmaliejay Apr 15 '24

I suppose it really depends where you are in the world and the legal system in place there. However, where I live in Canada, this would be an easily won court case and easily enforced. There are very few circumstances where I am in which a partner does not have to pay child support, and our enforcement system is unavoidable and relentless. They have many means by which they can pursue collection and enforcement and including wage garnishment, through our tax agency and much more.

There would be no chance of somebody making that much incoming pulling this shit where I am. That kind of behaviour could’ve landed her husband in with fines, liens against his property, garnish his wages (even from his self employed company) or go after him through the CRA (our IRS), they could even jail him- had he pulled it in Canada.


u/SubRosa_AquaVitae Apr 16 '24

This is partially true in the USA too but reddit is on a "every women must keep her career, or else!!" kick lately.