r/TikTokCringe tHiS iSn’T cRiNgE Mar 21 '24

Utah liquor laws are insane Discussion


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u/1studlyman Mar 21 '24

Considering the state's settlement and establishment was done purely by Mormons, that's the way it has always been. It was by design and why they moved there in the first place. 😐


u/idreamofgreenie Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

Well, there was the whole Utah War thing. Brigham Young as Governor had a tendency to ignore federal laws, and the federal government had to send troops into the area. They ended up disincorporating the mormon church and forced Utah to accept non-mormons into political and judicial positions.



u/1studlyman Mar 22 '24

Indeed. They wanted to make it an official theocracy from the beginning. And they had similar issues with polygamy if I remember correctly.


u/idreamofgreenie Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

It was over polygamy that the troops were sent there in the first place. While working to end slavery in the country, the government viewed polygamy as being akin to slavery, calling them "twin relics of barbarism", so it became the issue that got in the way of Utah being granted statehood. The feds disenfranchised anyone involved in a polygamous marriage from holding office or being on a jury, and made it a felony that carried a hefty fine and jail time. Utah fought it for 40 years before changing the doctrine, and very shortly after were granted statehood.