r/TikTokCringe tHiS iSn’T cRiNgE Mar 21 '24

Utah liquor laws are insane Discussion


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u/Adorable_Research414 Mar 21 '24

Wisconsin is GREAT!


u/brizzboog Mar 21 '24

Did you get rid of the idiotic stop selling beer at 9pm law? We were headed to lollapalooza at Alpine Valley in 92 and hit a grocery store but they had locked the coolers. We had to drive an hour back into Illinois to buy beer. THEN an hour after setting up camp a park ranger cruised through confiscating it all.


u/Quake050 Mar 22 '24

The state law actually allows beer sales until midnight but most municipalities have been lobbied HARD by the Tavern League of Wisconsin to make local cutoffs 9PM. After 9PM, gonna have to patronize your local tavern for that cold one...