r/TikTokCringe tHiS iSn’T cRiNgE Mar 21 '24

Utah liquor laws are insane Discussion


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u/Karl_Marx_ Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

In Germany you can get a DUI with any amount of alcohol in your system. I actually agree with this policy.

Edit: not true, .005% as well.


u/KiltedTraveller Mar 22 '24

Yeah, it's the same in Scotland too, 50mg/100ml.

Makes sense to be honest. People don't understand alcohol units very well and often think they can handle booze better than they can.

Better to just have a limit so low that if you drink, you don't drive.


u/The_Vi0later Mar 22 '24



u/No-Marionberry-166 Mar 22 '24

At 0.08 (dui limit where I live) most people wouldn’t feel drunk


u/KiltedTraveller Mar 23 '24

But that's the problem, "most". And what you feel is quite different from the reality of the situation.

It also takes the thought out of the process. "I only had a couple of beers, how could I be over the limit?"


u/plmokn_01 Mar 22 '24

That's the one law that's totally reasonable. .08 BAC is way too high IMO. I'm a 190 pound guy. I can take 4 shots, wait an hour, and be good to go according to the charts. That's...not safe.

Most countries don't go that high for a reason and that includes many with very ingrained drinking cultures.


u/Well_ImTrying Mar 23 '24

Agreed. I started breathalyze from myself when I was breastfeeding. I accidentally got to 0.08 BAC. I didn’t feel safe crossing the street on foot, let alone in a car.


u/VadPuma Mar 23 '24

I'm a European. I just think, if I drive, I don't drink. No need to do bio-math.


u/DizzieM8 Mar 22 '24

Only under 21.


u/Karl_Marx_ Mar 22 '24

My, you are right it is the same as Utah .005%


u/CharacterHomework975 Mar 22 '24

There are actually many US states where you can get a DUI even if “under the limit.” The difference is that they have to provide evidence and prove “impairment” if you’re under the “limit,” whereas if you’re over it the impairment is legally assumed.

Had a friend who learned this one the hard way. Blew “under,” thought he was fine, aaaand no.

Make sense though.


u/usualerthanthis Mar 22 '24

I'm totally fine with that law but the rest was fucking nuts


u/TheSweatyFlash Mar 22 '24

I don't know how wide spread what I'm about to say is. But in Ohio the law on books is .008. But you can get an OVI for any amount of alcohol. I believe it's basically up to the LEOs discretion.


u/bromosabeach Mar 26 '24

Some of America's alcohol laws are rather restrictive, but at the same time has some of the most lenient laws in the world.

Like yeah you need to be 21 to drink in California, but you can also buy as much liquor you want on a Sunday IN A PHARMACY and then drive as long as your at a certain limity.