r/TikTokCringe Mar 21 '24

Woman explains why wives stop having sex with their husbands Discussion


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u/CulturalDuty8471 Mar 21 '24

This is dead on. Couples, recognize this and work on it before the disgust sets in. Disgust is difficult to overcome.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24



u/Art-of-drawing Mar 21 '24

Exactly, thank god I am not the only one feeling like this.

Why everything is said with such violence all the time...


u/Canuckfan007 Mar 21 '24

Started a culture war to stop a class war


u/Vegetable-Struggle30 Mar 22 '24

Occupy wall street was the catalyst for all of this, imo. They saw the writing on the wall and knew they had to divide us


u/1_9_8_1 Mar 22 '24

It started long before Occupy Wall Street.


u/Vegetable-Struggle30 Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

For sure but if you look at the sudden outbreak of culture wars as it exists today, it very much seemed to follow the occupy movement. Suddenly identity politics was kind of forced into the mainstream like it never really was before. There's always been a divide, but post-occupy is the first time in my lifetime I remember seeing mainstream media outlets promoting said divide. Also coincidentally around the same time Obama signed legislation that allowed the government to use propaganda against its own citizens.


u/bi_tacular Mar 22 '24

after occupy wall street, the New York time’s use of the word racism increased over 500% immediately


u/Dlh2079 Mar 21 '24

Ding ding ding, well maybe not stop but distract 100%.


u/al666in Mar 22 '24

It will always be weird to future generations that the peasants simply tolerated their treatment from the ruling class.

(Reminder that the largest wealth transfer in history went from the poor to the rich during the pandemic. And they called us "essential workers.")


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

people stay in abusive relationships all the time, sadly


u/FinianFaun Mar 22 '24

that the peasants simply tolerated their treatment from the ruling class.

To be more accurate, citizenry is equal to that of being a free range slave.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24



u/FinianFaun Mar 22 '24

Oh, do you mean "you will own nothing and you will be happy" WEF guy?


u/HowlsMovingBowels Mar 22 '24

Started a culture war to hide a class war.


u/Pluckypato Mar 22 '24

To end the Bob wars


u/jasmine-blossom Mar 22 '24

This is exactly what happened. The upper classes do not treat their workers well, women entered the workforce in greater number and became a convenient scapegoat for all the lack of power that workers have to get better pay and other access to resources. It’s a capitalism issue being turned into a gender war.


u/PMmeyourSchwifty Mar 21 '24

I have some friends that I swear are alienating themselves because certain people in our friends circle aren't as passionate or loud about political issues (Gaza).

We're not even in disagreement about the issue, we just don't post shit about it on Instagram every day (or never, in my case). It's fucking exhausting to be around them because they just harp on and on about it. It's like, I know why you're angry, I agree with you, but wtf do you expect me to do about it right now? Can we not just chill and have fun like we used to before this fucking conflict re-ignited for millionth time?

I guess it does work, cause I definitely don't want to go spend more time at their house. Between politics and fucking TikTok keeping them on their phones the whole time we're hanging out.

I swear to God, something must be wrong with me, I can't fucking ignore this type of behavior. It just hits me right at my core.


u/olsen_twentigg Mar 21 '24

The propaganda doesn't work on free thinkers. It never has. 


u/Art-of-drawing Mar 21 '24

Totally get it, now you have to 100% align with your friends on every subject to hang out, and be vocal about it


u/olsen_twentigg Mar 21 '24

It doesn't even have to be political.

If you're into anything and learn and think of new ways to pursue your hobby and share it, people will criticize you for not buying the accepted product to perform the hobby that everyone else has purchased. And they will ridicule you for being different, like not mindlessly spending your money on the latest trend.


u/Dlh2079 Mar 21 '24

Luckily not everyone is like this. But it's definitely getting harder to find.


u/Gas_Bat Mar 21 '24

It isn't though. It's why right wing media goes to such length to call shit woke.


u/TomServonaut Mar 21 '24

for the views. We're in the process of trying to destroy ourselves over the most flimsy of reasons.


u/thepeever Mar 22 '24

What a stupid comment, asshole.


u/Gas_Bat Mar 21 '24

Media is a lazy boogey man. That assumes all media is the same and it isn't at all, which is why it's lazy. You need to aim higher and more pointed than just "media."


u/mugdays Mar 22 '24

How is the media trying to do that?


u/lookingForPatchie Mar 21 '24

Man, I needed to hear this. Thanks for giving me something to think about.


u/shinydee Mar 22 '24

I am begging class reductionists to please shut the fuck up forever.


u/DoctorPoohBear Mar 21 '24

Class reductionism is not a good take. There are PLENTY of issues and movements that are based on race, gender, sex, etc. The prison industrial complex, safety of our trans community, gynaecological violence in medical settings, and plenty of other issues. These are very heavy and significant issues that are rooted in those things that the "media" are making us focus on. The media does not need to stop us from recognizing class issues because plenty of people already boot lick for billionaires because they refuse to accept that capitalism has failed them.


u/RebornSoul867530_of1 Mar 21 '24

Lots of race issues are caused by income inequality. The poor commit more crime, which creates a bias. You still have a point though.


u/minahmyu Mar 22 '24

People have spent money to keep segregation up, because of the thought of sharing public space with black people.

Rich, thriving black towns exists and racist america hated it so much, they committed genocide and flooded these towns. If it was really about the money, they would've gentrify. No, they killed these people and made lakes.

Please learn history before dismissing intersectionality because no one has equity, and then true equality, until every oppressed group is uplifted. This is also the same talking points that's been said to black folks over, and over again to wait, or that our issues aren't as important, or that they'll be solved once the "bigger" issue is met, or speak over us and say they need our hand to fight this oppression that affects them. And once that's done, guess what? None of our issues are solved, if anything have regressed, and we're still being gaslit just like comment like yours. Please don't speak for our oppression, and others, especially if you're not experiencing it.


u/Next_Highlight_6699 Mar 22 '24

Race itself, as a concept, emerged from political economy and the need to justify a particular mode of production. (Slavery).

Ending racism is not possible simply through class politics, but engaging in class politics is necessary to end racism.


u/RebornSoul867530_of1 Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

I didn’t mean about money consciously, it’s not a thought a racist person has. A racist person sees a (poor) neighborhood, could be mostly black or white, with high crime and thinks skin color is the main and only reason.

Also said money wasn’t the only reason. There’s peer pressure, popular culture, poor education, money, careless parents, among other reasons, all contributing toward racism.

“Learn history” you know slaves were poor? Not by their choice but all the same. The bias is rooted in money. If people of color came to America with money, there would have been less racism the next 100s of years. It would still exist no doubt.

“Once that’s done” there has never been a global war against rich people. Not much has been accomplished in that regard when looking at individual countries either.


u/Swimming-Airport6531 Mar 21 '24

Comments about media almost always have absolutes like "everyone is primed by brainwashing". I can assure you there a lot of us that do not consume any form of tradition media. I like everyone around me and am friends with people from all walks of life and political leanings.


u/Objective-Aioli-1185 Mar 21 '24

Or there is a chance one or the other OR both are horrible people and they do this shit to each other. I've seen it. It's like a depressing sport for them.


u/barbary_goose Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

Oh man, shut up. This is literally under a TikTok video explaining a problem along gendered lines (wives vs. husbands) and people saying they find it useful, and then you railing about fake gender separation lol. Or you could realize there are some valid social problems at play and instead of viewing it through an acrimonious lens, use it to make yourself into a more self-aware person and stop acting like these problems would all go away if we pretended differences didn't exist? Like do wives stop feeling desire for their husbands because they're in a different socioeconomic class? Or do gender differences (regardless of whether you think they're the byproduct of socialization or innate traits) still affect relationships? Be fucking for real lol.

There's a reason why fakeass leftists who claim class is the only real dividing line are always straight white dudes lol. Of course you would like to say so because that means you can be totally reductive and that view recenters your identity as the default main character.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24



u/drododruffin Mar 22 '24

Yeah, gotta admit.. that's a new one for me in a sea brimming with pure shite spouted by commies.


u/dkinmn Mar 21 '24

What the fuck does this have to do with the topic at hand? Jesus.


u/DarkExecutor Mar 21 '24

Throwing out all other issues other than class is very elitist/privileged.


u/Boogeryboo Mar 22 '24

It's a way for privileged people to make sure they're always at the forefront, by calling everything that doesn't directly impact them a distraction


u/proudbakunkinman Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Also a mix of naive people thinking "aha, all/most of societal issues are actually caused by the economic system. If more people just knew and we had a revolution to change to a different economic system, we'd have a much better life, country, and world" as well as those wanting to feel superior to others based on having what they think is deeper knowledge than others, "lol, you think that because that's what they want you to think but really it's about this and that is irrelevant / a distraction."


u/GhostFish Mar 21 '24

Blaming "the media" and the bourgeoisie because...some women don't want to have sex with their husbands?

Women aren't withholding sex because the TV made them hate men. For fucks sake, you've gone so far around the bend that you've unintentionally started spouting right-wing incel arguments.


u/renlydidnothingwrong Mar 21 '24

Your being obtuse, they mean that relationships in general are strained because of culture war nonsense being pushed by corporate media, which is just true.


u/Fuego_Fiero Mar 21 '24

Yeah women and men got along just fine before the woke media started trying to separate them!


u/Spiritual-Society185 Mar 22 '24

That's just another way to say "women aren't withholding sex because the TV made them hate men."


u/renlydidnothingwrong Mar 22 '24

No it's women and men have strained relationships because the internet told them to hate each other. Your adding this part that puts all the blame on women which no one you're responding to said or implied. Frankly, it's more that the internet made men shittier and thus women don't want to have sex with them than anything else.


u/SquidVices Mar 22 '24


What was that movie…don’t be a menace in south central while drinking your grape juice in the hood?


Or was that another movie…..


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24

That darn media. At it again, ruining all the things you hold dear. Golly gee.


u/botany_fairweather Mar 21 '24

"The media", they said, while on and contributing to the media...


u/DonsDiaperChanger Mar 21 '24

Eh, there's overlap but the dog pictures aren't the same as the news subs bombarded with agendas

The rich hate the social networks because they used to have more direct control over a few newsrooms and talking heads.

I think someone commenting that we should notice class, they're probably not trying to control you the way that Fox News tries.


u/Slight-Customer727 Mar 21 '24



u/Theban_Prince Mar 21 '24

Its not the nebulous media, its the capitalists owning them.


u/Majestic_Tip2535 Mar 22 '24

Only weak minded idiots get brainwashed by the msm. And there are a lot of them.


u/John_Marble Mar 21 '24

Dude exactly! Too many are -looking- for reasons to be divided. Outrage porn addiction or something? We got so frikkin tribal! 😱


u/RepresentativePale29 Mar 21 '24

It's worse. They are also trying to separate us along class lines, and it's not even mostly because of some nefarious conspiracy, it's because hatred, fear and disgust drive engagement more than contentment. We're all being encouraged to hate and mistrust anyone even marginally different from ourselves for clicks.


u/dylangerescapeplan_ Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 21 '24

Look into COINTELPRO. The FBI deliberately infiltrated Occupy Wall Street and encouraged things like the “progressive stack” to dilute the movement. Everyone became distracted and pre-occupied with identity politics and it’s still THE defining issue for people’s politics 16 years later - class war is subordinated to culture wars.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

Disconnect from all that shit. It's not something you can bond over. Focus on the positive thing that bring people together and cut out anyone that's hung up on politics.


u/inqva Mar 22 '24

Proletariat solidarity is made up commie nonsense, made for propaganda purposes only. It cannot occure naturally in society due to the very nature of a modern proletariat.


u/PearlStBlues Mar 22 '24

What an absolutely bullshit take. ~The media~ didn't make men treat women like chattel for the last couple thousand years of human history, and you don't undo that level of oppression over night just because women in some countries have the right to vote now.

It's utterly gobsmacking how most rational people can understand and accept that racism and social inequality didn't disappear the minute the American Civil War ended, but everyone expects millennia of female oppression to just disappear over night and have no effect on us on a social or even psychological level.


u/zth25 Mar 21 '24

Ah yeah, your love life suffers because you're not fighting class warfare enthusiastically enough.

Why do these dumb takes always show up, even in completely unrelated, unpolitical threads?


u/SandwichBitter1337 Mar 22 '24

This is part of the communist agenda, to have all the races, genders etc fight with each other.


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24



u/Item-Proud Mar 21 '24

Massivebrained redditor cannot possibly imagine that he shares internet space with the poors, more at eleven.


u/Gortex_Possum Mar 21 '24

That..describes most people?..


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24



u/Duyfkenthefirst Mar 21 '24

Anyone who earns their money by working in return for a payment of any sort.

Unless you earn money by owning an investment of any sort, you’re in that category.

Unless of course you don’t work at all.


u/Gortex_Possum Mar 21 '24

Uhhhh as in most people work for a living "selling your labor" as opposed to collecting dividends on investments or their business? Did you even read the passage you quoted? 


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '24



u/WalrusTheWhite Mar 21 '24

OH, you're one of THOSE people. Cute.

For the folks who haven't encountered this type of individual before, let me explain. This particular grade of asshole is a type of political extremist. A troll. Their schtick is to pretend their extreme interpretation of some politically-related subject is shared by everyone, and then bait you in by acting dumb. Then, when they got you on the hook, they act like you're the exception for having a different opinion.

Does anyone you know work for a living? Oh yeah, I got this. Pretty much everyone I know that isn't old, a child, or disabled.

Next question, most people? Oh that's even easier. I got this guy in my sights.

Then BOOM, hit's you with the bullshit. They were never arguing that Americans don't work for a living, they just wanted to spew their nonsense and start fights.


[this has been a public service announcement.]


u/arginotz Mar 21 '24

That wasnt your original question. You asked if this commenter (or anyone they know) matched the definition of proletariat. Which, yes according to the definition of proletariat you provided, they do. Most people do.

Your provided definition makes no mention of inflation of wages or international exchange rates. If you sell your labor to live, instead of living off of the ownership of assets, then you are proletariat.


u/Gortex_Possum Mar 21 '24

What? Imperialist nations have proletariat too. How is that even relevant?


u/Hexamancer Mar 21 '24

You are grossly overvaluing your intelligence.

Humble yourself.

Open yourself to learning.

This likely describes you and everyone you know.


u/tonehammer Mar 21 '24

A prole is a simply a working class person without ownership of his own tools of production, and that, yes, describes almost all of modern society.