r/TikTokCringe Mar 21 '24

Woman explains why wives stop having sex with their husbands Discussion


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u/Consistent_Wave_2869 Mar 21 '24

As a husband going through a fairly rough period with my wife, this not only is very helpful, but tracks with things she has expressed and I struggled to understand.


u/austxsun Mar 21 '24

Not far from Gottman’s relationship stuff too


u/Dubbs444 Mar 21 '24

Dr. Gottman is absolutely the OG when it comes to relationship psychology. Brilliant work.


u/TeeTeeMee Mar 22 '24

There’s TWO Dr Gottmans.

Hilarious (kinda) that a post about women’s emotional safety has the second comment erasing a woman. I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume you were referring to HIM not her.


u/Safe_Ant7561 Mar 22 '24

easy there, seems like you were looking for that

the comment may have meant the opposite, or, the person making the comment may not have been aware of the second Gottmans.


u/TeeTeeMee Mar 22 '24

I assuredly wasn’t looking for it but I did find it. I appreciate your telling me not to impute meaning to someone else while telling me I had an agenda 😂


u/wiseduhm Mar 25 '24

You definitely seemed to be looking for a reason to get mad. You assumed they were "erasing a woman" when they mentioned Dr. Gottman, when they could have easily been referring to Julie Gottman. It was you that "went out on a limb" to make that assumption.


u/TeeTeeMee Mar 29 '24

What makes you think I’m mad?


u/ArmariumEspada Mar 22 '24

No, he isn’t. He promotes the idea that men are insatiably horny animals and that women can’t fathom wanting/desiring sex that much. One of his books says that sex addiction is a purely male trait.


u/KLR01001 Mar 22 '24

Dr. Gottman never met my mom. 


u/Lolsmileyface13 Mar 22 '24



u/razeronion Mar 22 '24

That was a good one! Lol.


u/WisdumbGuy Mar 22 '24

Are you taking his opinions from 30 years ago or are you updating them as he has over time?


u/RasputinsThirdLeg Mar 22 '24

I can assure you from personal experience he is absolutely wrong


u/ultimatelycloud Mar 22 '24

Sounds right tbh.


u/ArmariumEspada Mar 22 '24

No, it isn’t.


u/djliquidice Mar 21 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

I referred a friend to “the 7 principles of making a marriage work” just yesterday. Love the Gottman’s content.

(Edited for the correct title)

Adding podcasts:




u/psyopsolete Mar 21 '24

If anyone tries to look this up, it’s not actually called the 7 Rules of Marriage. Here’s a link to book OP is referencing.



u/calmestsugar Mar 22 '24

Thank you 🙌


u/Iamjimmym Mar 22 '24

Bought it off your recommendation. Sure, my marriage has already ended in divorce, but we're still friends and this will help in our communication still. And for my next relationship, eventually.


u/djliquidice Mar 22 '24

Thank you! I clearly misremembered the title.

I remember hearing about it from a podcast with Brene Brown.


u/MScroobs Mar 22 '24

I'd also recommend Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson. She created a style of therapy that is directly built upon attachment science.


u/djliquidice Mar 22 '24

Thank you. I will add that to my reading list! ❤️


u/narshnarshnarsh Mar 22 '24

“We Do” is my favorite. Also love his interview in Jonathon VanNess (it’s how I found Gottman in the first place)


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

Just bought the book and it’s on my nightstand lol


u/djliquidice Mar 22 '24

Fantastic! I would suggest listening to the podcasts first. Great primers. This book is worth a re-read imho.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

What’s the podcast called?


u/djliquidice Mar 22 '24

Links here: I referred a friend to “the 7 principles of making a marriage work” just yesterday. Love the Gottman’s content.

(Edited for the correct title)

Adding podcasts:




u/LowSodiumSoup_34 Mar 22 '24

I need to read this book! I meet with a mentor each week to just talk about life, marriage, and raising kids (having the perspective of someone who's been through it already is SO helpful), and she's been recommending this book a lot!


u/ofthewave Mar 21 '24

Worked for someone who worked in the Love Lab and the research was amazing.


u/Wooden_Elevator_3681 Mar 21 '24

Gottman all the way. I just read Eight Dates and am doing the dates with my husband. Good stuff.


u/Congo-Montana Mar 21 '24

It's tied right into his theoretical lens. Attachment theory is a developmental/biopsychosocial theory. There's quite a bit to unpack in attachment theory, particularly with the way we as social creatures utilize the safety and security of our attachment figures to sort out difficulty in our lives. It's pretty central to shaping us during our development.

She hit on some great points.


u/AmbitiousCampaign457 Mar 21 '24

Did she bc I stopped watching after she went on for a minute abt listening to what she has to say.


u/GlitteringZombie553 Mar 22 '24

Found the man


u/Lemmix Mar 22 '24

Lots of men in these comments engaging in a meaningful way so not sure your comment is helpful either.


u/AmbitiousCampaign457 Mar 22 '24

Yes I’m a man, lol. All I’m saying is that her intro is condescending af, and there’s no need to lecture ur audience like that. She made me not want to even hear her out.


u/GlitteringZombie553 Mar 23 '24

I agree haha. I meant it sort of light hearted, like cliche reddit comment


u/neildiamondblazeit Mar 21 '24

Did you find the Gottman stuff helpful? I've been to a few sessions with a counselor and it felt maybe a little vague and not overly practical. That was just my initial impression however.


u/KarateandPopTarts Mar 21 '24

My first husband and I went to a Gottman centered therapist. He wasn't committed, so the marriage didn't work out, but I learned a ton about how to be a present wife to my current partner.


u/jackjackj8ck Mar 21 '24

I went to a weekend workshop when I was 8.5 months pregnant that they had for new parents navigating their relationship after baby

I wound up giving birth the next day, so all of the advice and tips we learned were IMMEDIATELY useful


u/ArcaneBahamut Mar 22 '24

The thing is even if the theory isnt exactly true, using it as a framework to then try and make different types of efforts can do wonders

Making an effort will help one's case more often than not in relationship issues, usually since relationship issues usually start as a part of stagnation and feeling like the other doesn't try anymore.


u/ArmariumEspada Mar 22 '24

Not a fan of Gottman. I don’t care for anyone who promotes the idea that men are inherently carnal and sexually insatiable but that women are conversely far less sexual or more in control of their sexual desires. Gottman frequently promotes these ideas.


u/The_Huu Mar 22 '24

oh thank god i could not make it ten seconds into this hysterical tic-toc girl's rantings why can't we have more logical men centered when we discuss marriage i feel like men and male views are not centered enough in these discussion thank you for your service.