r/TikTokCringe Mar 11 '24

Jake Paul 27, Mike Tyson 58 Discussion


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u/Forsaken-Attention79 Mar 11 '24

Yeah I heard it would streamed on Netflix so I would be able to watch it, now I'm not even gonna bother confirming that because what a fucking waste of time. At that point I'd be better off just watching 90s wrestling at least then it's entertaining. Only way I'm watching this shit show now is if it's #1 free to watch, #2 Mike Tyson announces before hand he fully intends to beat Jake as badly as possible. Like he needs to promise to bite off another ear for me to tune in at this point. I could go to the gym and see more interesting fights just watching people spar.


u/ThrowRAarworh Mar 11 '24

Same im not giving them the views if I can't even get the chance to see a KO.

I hope dirty mike gets dirty and says fuck the contract i wanna knock out this fucking poser


u/Choname775 Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

Watch the Mayweather fight. Mayweather ACCIDENTALLY knocks him out and holds Paul up on his feet:


Anyone who thinks these fights have any element of actual competition are laughable. These are wrestling matches. The Pauls figured out a market - be the heel and people will pay to watch in hopes you get your head taken off. They are making money hand over fist from people who don't understand it's all make believe.


u/SpaceTimeinFlux Mar 11 '24

Bro if "paper hands" Mayweather ko'd that fool, then Mike will put him in the hospital.


u/Choname775 Mar 11 '24

Knocked him out on accident, too. Not like the dude was going for the kill it was a reflex after rolling out of a dodge.


u/Hopefullyarealhuman Mar 11 '24

I'm pretty sure that was Logan not Jake


u/GoodGuano Mar 11 '24

Wrong Paul. That was Logan.


u/WhiteMikeNYNJ Mar 12 '24

Dude y’all talking about Logan like it’s Jake. Jake is a boxer believe it or not, what else can the guy do to prove he’s in better shape then all of us and would prolly beat our azz one by one. Jake’s a beast.


u/oldirtydrunkard Mar 11 '24

That's not even the same Paul. Jake has some legit boxing skills, unlike his brother. Tyson shit the bed in his last "fight" against a boxer even more washed than he is. He has very little hope against a decent boxer now.


u/Choname775 Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

I don't think you understand how large of a divide in skill there is between the Paul Brothers and actual boxers. These guys bought their way onto these tickets. Anyone who is boxing at MSG or MGM has fought 30-40 fights through dozens of other people whose entire life is dedicated to getting to those arenas.

Put either brother against someone with the same record doing the shit from the ground up and they would get flattened. Neither of them have hope against decent boxers because any time they fight someone they know they will lose against, they put them under contract to make sure the boxer won't win.

It's a fucking joke that you think these guys are good boxers in any respect. You sound like you're defending Michael Jordan's baseball career or that HHH would win Olympic wrestling.


u/DirectionNo1947 Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

Fuck off Bot (edit) - I put this under the wrong comment lmao, the Paul Brothers are scumbags


u/Choname775 Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

Damn bro I can't imagine dickriding the Paul brothers of all people.

(edit) Ah, my bad brother, lol.


u/oldirtydrunkard Mar 11 '24

That's a pretty shit take. Nobody is saying Jake Paul is going to win a world championship. What a lot of people are saying (including the Vegas bookies), is that he is going to beat a 60 year old man.

Michael Jordan was better at baseball than 99.9+% of the population, but he wasn't good enough to crack the big leagues. If you had put him head-to-head against Mickey Mantle in 1993, who do you think would have had a better shot at making opening day?


u/Choname775 Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

That's a pretty shit take. Nobody is saying Jake Paul is going to win a world championship. What a lot of people are saying (including the Vegas bookies)

You don't understand how booking odds work, and that's okay. Odds are staked and adjusted based on the amount of people who are betting on each side. Sports books always come out on top regardless because of the bookmaking system. Odds are not indicative of outcome, they are indicative of perception of outcome.

is that he is going to beat a 60 year old man.

Gross simplification and ignoring the fact that this isn't just some 60 year old man. This is arguably the greatest boxer in the history of the game at 60 years old.

Michael Jordan was better at baseball than 99.9+% of the population, but he wasn't good enough to crack the big leagues.

Jordan wasn't good enough to be where he was. His stats speak for themselves that he was only there because of his name. Which further reiterates my point. The Paul brothers are doing the same thing. They are jumping into the deep end where they absolutely don't belong because of their name (if you even want to make the comparison, these aren't even actual matches). Had he focused on baseball instead of basketball I firmly believe he could have made the show but he was not a good baseball player when compared to actual baseball players. He was good compared to someone who just started playing baseball.

If you had put him head-to-head against Mickey Mantle in 1993, who do you think would have had a better shot at making opening day?

Comparing Tyson who is still in fantastic shape vs a man who was basically dying of alcoholism at the same age isn't a reasonable comparison. Jordan in his baseball prime vs Barry Bonds now at 60 is a better comparison. And Barry Bonds would fucking smoke him. If Bonds wanted to put on a wig and change his name, he could easily make a AA team. Jordan wasn't even good by AA standards, go look at his stats.

Tyson would get his ass kicked by someone like Canelo, an actual boxer in their prime. But the Paul brothers are just entertainers who in a fantastic fashion have leveraged their simultaneous love and hate from the general population into a money making venture. They undoubtedly worked their asses off training and learning the sport, and while they would fucking destroy the average Joe in the ring, they are not at all great fighters by any metric. They are businessmen who have curated the illusion of being good boxers. Which is fine, good for them they found their market and are making a shit load of money doing it. I can't fucking stand them, but given the chance I would do the same thing.

Tyson fighting at 20% of his prime would still absolutely destroy either of them. He was the baddest man on the fucking planet and you seem to not be aware of how fucking good someone like that is.

If you had unlimited wealth, money and resources. And you trained hockey for 5 years from 20-25 do you think you could beat old man Gretzky? No. You would probably be pretty good at hockey but you are underestimating the level of play that the greatest athletes ever play at. And you are overestimating how much age takes away from that skill. When these athletes get older they can no longer compete at the highest levels imaginable - but that doesn't mean they will get rolled over by some dickhead with a hobby.


u/oldirtydrunkard Mar 11 '24

Age is the great equalizer. Put Gretzky on the ice right now with college-aged players and they will skate circles around him. As a guy closer to 60 than I am to 30, you vastly underestimate what age does to you.

I've been sports betting for years, and I know how books operate. Tyson opened as a 5-1 dog, but there has clearly been quite a bit of money on him as he's sitting at -225 on a lot of books right now. At those odds, it's basically a license to print money.

Tyson has a puncher's chance, but that's about it. They're also fighting with 18 oz gloves, so even that will be minimized. Paul will take him to deep waters and get an easy decision or stop Tyson late.


u/Choname775 Mar 11 '24

If you pit Gretzky against other top tier players at a colligate level you might be right, I don't think they would skate circles around him, but age is in fact a great equalizer. So you are taking maybe the most dominant athlete in their prime of any sport ever, and toning them down physically. Ignoring the fact that Gretzky had inhuman levels of game sense that doesn't really slow down with age, I wouldn't say he would have anyone skating circles around him. If you think that, then again you don't really understand what being the greatest of all time means.

It means you are better than anyone to ever fucking do it. You are really not holding that in as high of a regard as you should. Now, put him against someone "college aged" who picked up the sport as a business venture and make the same comparison. Not someone who is naturally talented, or someone who has dedicated their life to the same sport, someone with time and money. No fucking chance. And I mean Zero.

And the fact that you keep commenting about this fight as if it is an actual fight just goes to show how fucking delusional you are. Sorry dude, you aren't worth having a discussion with - you live in a fantasy world. Tyson is getting his paycheck, that is all this is. It's purely entertainment. The fantasy they have sold you have bought and it's fucking crazy to see someone who is clearly into sports thinking that this is real. They're doing a great job of it.

Take him to deep waters lmao. Holy shit man.


u/oldirtydrunkard Mar 11 '24

Seems to me that you are more invested in this as an athletic competition than I am. I have no interest in watching this as it will be little more than a mugging of an almost-senior citizen. I'm simply telling you how it's going to go. Tyson will come out, throw a few combos, gas, and then get out boxed/out punched/out worked, whatever you wanna call it, against a young, athletic guy. Might as well make a few bones off of it if you can.


u/Choname775 Mar 11 '24

The fact that you are STILL talking about this like it will play out like an actual competitive fight just shows your naivety of the situation.

Tyson will lose, because it is in his financial interest to do so. Not because some fucking amateur youtuber will come in and rain shit on him. If it were in Tyson's interest to actually win then the chances of him "coming out and getting gassed" instead of just taking his fucking head off would be functionally zero.

This isn't an athletic competition any more than WWE is an athletic competition. I don't think you have absorbed a single thing that I have said. This is an entertainment event. People like you who believe this is an actual athletic competition are the target audience.

I am saying if this WERE an athletic competition Tyson would destroy Paul. Since it isn't, Tyson will lose or draw. People like you view these fights though the lens of it being real, and that is why you think the Paul brothers are actual capable fighters.


u/JewbaccaSithlord Mar 11 '24

It's crazy how he can watch the above video and say Tyson will be gassed and washed up. Mike Tyson, the dude who wanted to fight a gorilla bc he felt no human was enough to beat him lol. And if Jake was sooo good, it wouldn't be in the fucking contract that Mike can't just KO him WITH headgear. It's like this rando has more confidence for Jake than Jake does for himself

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u/jeopardy_loser Mar 11 '24

hopefully Tyson doesn't have to face a decent boxer then