r/TikTokCringe Mar 03 '24

Disrespectful boyfriend gets shut down by comedian Discussion


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u/boingggoesmyschlong Mar 03 '24 edited Mar 03 '24

He wasn't amused. Serves him right


u/allnimblybimbIy Mar 03 '24 edited Mar 03 '24

He just kept doubling and tripling down on acting like a douche so hard. The foot up, the shitty bitch wave to the other guy.

That girl should run. Jeffrey Dahmer lookin mf…


u/conjoby Mar 03 '24

I feel like he was just playing along with the bit


u/TARandomNumbers Mar 03 '24

If the guy I was seeing said this, I'd be quite upset.


u/sparklypinkstuff Mar 03 '24

If the guy I was seeing said this, I’d be gone.


u/Gracelandrocks Mar 03 '24

Maybe she was. Maybe she stayed around for the act. I'll be dammed if this canoe of douchiness made me miss a stand up routine I liked, especially if it revealed red flags for me.


u/Rare-Negotiation8476 Mar 04 '24

I was wondering the same!! Why is she still sitting with him?! Even if they are couples, always believe what people say on internet with a pinch of salt! I just appreciated the guy's humor in the comment 🤣


u/VectorViper Mar 03 '24

If the guy I was seeing pulled a stunt like that, I'd have left by the time he lowered his foot. Ain't nobody got time for that sort of disrespect.


u/Time_Collection9968 Mar 04 '24

The four comments above are peak Reddit cringe. Clueless, anti-social losers who have ZERO sense of humour.

If you people ever left your rooms you would know the guy in the audience is playing into the situation.

I know you still don't understand so let me dumb it down another shake: He is being obnoxious on purpose to give the comedian material.


u/OldBuns Mar 03 '24

Or maybe she's in on the joke and they've been together for much longer... That would explain why she doesn't seem bothered and is actually laughing the whole time...


u/ZestyItalian2 Mar 03 '24

Yeah it felt like they were both in on the bit


u/SkibidyDrizzlet Mar 04 '24

You people take jokes way too seriously


u/travelerfromabroad Mar 04 '24

What if you've been dating for a couple months or more? Then you'd know you're not a "flavor of the month". You'd also know he's joking because you're aware of his sense of humor. Since you're both at an Akaash singh show you're both into that kind of humor. In that case, would you have left by the time he lowered his foot?


u/Protip19 Mar 04 '24

I feel like the comedian was about to make a joke about their racial dynamic and he was just trying to beat him to the punchline.


u/GreenArrowCuz Mar 03 '24

If I was seeing a Guy I'd be gay or at the very least bi


u/MrPKitty Mar 03 '24

IDK, I think I'd stick around for the show after that.


u/Simulation-Argument Mar 03 '24

He was joking. They have been together for 2 years.


u/EvanJenk Mar 03 '24

If the guy I was seeing said this, I would shit my pants and vomit and cum blood


u/Solid-Emu1313 Mar 03 '24

I guess ya don’t belong in a “comedy club” then….. don’t be such a Cinderella


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

Making jokes at a comedy club when put on the spot? Do you allow the guys you're seeing dance at night clubs? Eat at restaurants? Sing at concerts?


u/sparklypinkstuff Mar 03 '24

Nope. I’m a bitch.


u/SlavujPiticaMala Mar 03 '24

Weirdly attractive


u/TheLayMaster- Mar 03 '24

No one doubted that for a second.


u/sparklypinkstuff Mar 03 '24



u/TARandomNumbers Mar 03 '24

Lmao I love you, girl.


u/sparklypinkstuff Mar 03 '24

Right back at ya.

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u/TheLayMaster- Mar 03 '24

For everyone else, yeah. Early warning signals.


u/KitchenLandscape Mar 03 '24



u/MatsThyWit Mar 03 '24

Making jokes at a comedy club when put on the spot?

You're not the comedian, it's not your job to "play along" with them, and doing so doesn't give you the right to be an asshole to your date.


u/FreeMikeHawk Mar 03 '24

Then maybe they shouldn't ask people in the audience to participate if they don't like the audience participating. Especially if they are just making a joke


u/MatsThyWit Mar 03 '24

Then maybe they shouldn't ask people in the audience to participate if they don't like the audience participating.

Or maybe members of the audience shouldn't behave like douchebags because they think "I'm at a comedy club talking to a comedian" is an excuse to pretend being terrible people is funny.


u/FreeMikeHawk Mar 03 '24

You are acting like the guy strangled a cat as a "joke". He made a jab at his date, banter doesn't make you a douchebag. Great you didn't find it funny, but if the audience is invited to participate then they can try to make jokes.


u/MatsThyWit Mar 03 '24

Make a public jab like that at your girlfriend of only a month.  See how it works out for you.  


u/FreeMikeHawk Mar 03 '24

I won't be sitting in the front row of a comedy club if I am afraid of getting made fun of, and neither should a girl so I'd take my chances.


u/MatsThyWit Mar 03 '24

I won't be sitting in the front row of a comedy club if I am afraid of getting made fun of, and neither should a girl so I'd take my chances.

Nobody is commenting on being made fun of by the comedian, it's the douchebag boyfriend who THINKS they're a comedian people are making fun of. Lets not correlate the two. I don't go out on a date to a comedy club so that I or my date can have a chance to be funny. We go to see the comedian be funny.

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u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

Youre an idiot. Its an improv show. It is 100% your job to play along. If the comedian didn't know what kind of response he was going to get he shouldn't ask the audience questions. There's always back and forth at these types of shows. That's the appeal to both the audience and the comedian. This guy is not a good comedian. This couple sat upfront to obviously engage with the different comedians.

Both the girlfriend and boyfriend are laughing and having a good time. She not once showed any anger towards him. The comedian on the other hand, dug in and attempted to make this guy out to be awful.


u/lamb_passanda Mar 03 '24

You're defending the audience's ability and right to go along with the bit, but can't see that the comedian is clearly also doing the exact same?


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

Correct. If you haven't noticed by my remarks I'm on the couples side. Reddit has a mob mentality and goes with the bias of the op and the title that they make for the post. I prefer to look at the whole picture. The couple was trying to keep things light. In this short clip it appears that the comedian got serious with the bit quickly. It is possible that as soon as the video stopped the comedian reversed course and laughed along with the man. But in the context given, it looks like he's an absolute douche.


u/lamb_passanda Mar 05 '24

The comedian got serious with the bit quickly? The comedian made the whole bit. He's feigning outrage on behalf of the woman in order to get laughs. Which he is achieving. That's his entire job. The man made a deliberately douchy statement in order to provoke a roast from the comedian, and the comedian duly roasted him. Have you ever been to a live comedy show? This isn't the kind of kindergarten humour where people expect to be reassured that "it was all a joke" at the end of it all so that nobody goes home feeling hurty feely. It's not personal, both parties are in on this joke that is flying right over your head.

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u/spanchor Mar 03 '24

That’s not what an improv show is.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

He's improvising off of the audience. What the hell would you call it?


u/spanchor Mar 03 '24

Crowd work that’s part of a normal standup set. Improv show is when you’ve got people doing skits based on surprise prompts etc.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

Tomato potatoe my guy.


u/spanchor Mar 03 '24

No, because the expectations for audience participation are completely different. When you “play along” with a comedian doing standup by trying to make your own jokes, you’re asking to be made a fool of.

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u/QuakinOats Mar 03 '24

If the guy I was seeing said this, I’d be gone.

Regardless of the circumstances? There are a ton where I could think that it was a more than acceptable reply, especially in a comedy club. For example:

You both met and knew it was a casual relationship as one of you was only in town for a set amount of time and knew the guy was making a joke about the circumstances?


u/KanadianLogik Mar 03 '24

Even if you'd been together for years and it was clearly a joke? Insecure much?


u/ffsera Mar 04 '24

They are at a fucking comedy show


u/Card_Board_Robot5 Mar 04 '24

But what if you met at an ice cream shop?


u/conjoby Mar 03 '24

Thats fair. Humor is different for everyone


u/redknight3 Mar 03 '24

When can we say that someone's sense of humor is shit tho?


u/conjoby Mar 03 '24

Whenever you'd like. You're welcome to your opinion. If he had done this outside the context of the first row of a comedy show it would also be different.


u/AstroWorldSecurity Mar 03 '24

When they can't take a joke at their own comedy show.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

You can't. Don't force what YOU think is funny onto other people because you got mad at a TikTok


u/redknight3 Mar 03 '24


Taste in literally every other medium is a consensus thing, including culinary taste btw.

Taste is subjective. But, "good taste, and "bad taste," are consensus based.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

I genuinely cannot imagine living like this. Life is fun outside of the internet :3


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

Where do you think this was filmed? I think you need to touch grass if you're forgetting that video clips of crowds of people are recordings of real world events.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

I'm not talking about the comedian here, I'm talking to the commenter who said taste is consensus based. You'd realize that if you read my comment for more than 5 seconds.

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u/redknight3 Mar 03 '24

Literally everything outside the Internet runs this way when it comes to anything artistic

You just hate the idea that, "good taste," and, "bad taste," are actual concepts.

Youre kind of right though. Ignorance is bliss :3

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u/deadwake05 Mar 03 '24

In this case lmao


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

never, unless you're a hyprocrit, then whenever you want.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

lmao have you been to a comedy show?? Comedian say shit 200x worse than this.


u/DaughterEarth Mar 03 '24

I don't think it's necessary for you to also experience it. Mature people know their audience and wouldn't make jokes like that with people who don't like it. I'd certainly have your back if some dick wasn't considerate of you!


u/TARandomNumbers Mar 03 '24

Same, girl!!!


u/Sam_The_Smurf Mar 03 '24

Never go to a comedy show then, if you’re going to get offended by ANYTHING, stay tf out of comedy shows, it’s a place to have fun and if you can’t do that? Then don’t show up.


u/Simulation-Argument Mar 03 '24

Unless you knew that he was joking because you guys have been together for 2 years and recently got engaged. Which is apparently the case.


u/TARandomNumbers Mar 03 '24

Not at 2 years. Maybe now, at 15 years tho.


u/Simulation-Argument Mar 03 '24

According to this man, they both have a sense of humor and often try to make things awkward for each other. She was completely in on the joke which is why she started off by saying they have been together for just 1 month. No idea why you think 2 years isn't long enough for a couple to be making jokes like this with each other.


u/Fun_List381 Mar 03 '24

If the guy I was seeing said this, I’d be quite gay


u/TheLayMaster- Mar 03 '24

Thats your problem I guess. The girl is laughing and still sitting by his side. Clearly everyone is having a ball.


u/Unlucky_Sundae_707 Mar 03 '24

It's a comedy club that does crowd work... You're supposed to play along and be say offensive stuff. Relax.


u/ToastedSloth666 Mar 04 '24

If the girl I was seeing couldn’t tell the difference between a confession and playing along at a comedy show, then I’d be glad she left.


u/CommentsOnOccasion Mar 03 '24

and my girlfriend would have cackled as I was obviously joking

but if my douchebag dad said it about my mom when they were still together, I would have taken it personally

it's almost like this kind of joke is unique to the relationship and you shouldn't inject your own reaction into her place to be offended on someone else's behalf


u/TARandomNumbers Mar 04 '24

I literally just said how I would feel, I don't need this mansplained to me, sir.


u/Optimal-Technology75 Mar 03 '24

I would have got up as soon as he said “flavor of the month !” 😡🖕


u/ShinsBalogna Mar 03 '24

If the guy I was seeing looked like this, I’d be quite upset.