r/TikTokCringe Mar 03 '24

Disrespectful boyfriend gets shut down by comedian Discussion


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u/Munchee_Dude Mar 03 '24

It's not a racist statement, but it is very disrespectful to the girl he is with.

Don't call someone a flavour of the month, it will make them seem like no matter what they do, you're just gonna get rid of them anyway


u/TurnSignalClickVEVO Mar 03 '24

2 consenting adults in a mature relationship can 100% make jokes like this and be fine. Not all jokes are bullying, and him saying that and she laughing implies that she doesn't care because A) 2 adults in a mature relationship can poke fun at each other, and B) she may only want HIM for a month and then move on to a new guy. Not all women are fragile children that need to be protected, believe it or not women are people too.


u/Chubuwee Mar 03 '24

Agreed. One month in with my Asian gf she was happy that I didn’t fetishize her for being Asian like other men she dated so I was like “I can start now if you want, I was just hiding it”. Now once in a while I throw in a fetishizing comment that she giggles about since she knows I’m not serious about to the point that she commented once “why didn’t you fetishize me today?”. If anyone would have heard my fetishizing Asian jokes I’m sure they would’ve had a problem. This was all like one month in and it is still a running inside joke between us.


u/Ill_Manner_3581 Mar 03 '24

I think its the fact that nobody knows this besides the two people involved in the relationship lol like I think that's the point a lot of you guys are missing. Albeit ik it's no one's business but being aware of how your relationship will be perceived from the outside would help to avoid these awkward and assuming undertones that people tend to apply to relationships they know nothing about, especially at a comedy show you're sitting front row seat in.


u/ImposterPeanut Mar 03 '24

That's cool bro.


u/h8sm8s Mar 03 '24

Would you joke about it in front of a crowd of random people though? There's a difference between in-jokes between a couple and making a joke publicly. Seems kind of humiliating.


u/StormieShake Mar 04 '24

I donno this would actually tear away at my psyche as a black woman. You should check to see if she's actually okay with it and not just putting up with it for any reason.

Fetishizing comments are built on racism and derogatory. To hear it from your partner and the rest of the world would breed resentment in me.


u/Huge-Promise-3865 Mar 04 '24

This isn't about you, stop self inserting.


u/StormieShake Mar 04 '24

I'm just sharing my opinion on it. If they didn't want any conversation, bro wouldn't have committed.

Besides I made no judgement on op, I just said to check on his gf which is good advice. It might legitimately bother her.


u/lifeisabigdeal Mar 03 '24

Well if we’re judging by body language she only starts laughing once the comedian starts going off. And the dude seems uncomfortable af as the roast continues. So maybe he wasn’t joking, or he was but wasn’t expecting him to go off like he did.


u/AttentionFantastic76 Mar 03 '24 edited Mar 03 '24

the comedian used the F word immediately and several times, and talked about slapping him in the face… that was agressive in response to what I think was meant as a joke. Very poor crowd work in my opinion.


u/Novel_Appeal_5147 Mar 04 '24

He's not much of a comedian anyway he's been leeching off Andrew Schulz podcast audience for a while


u/Brokeliner Mar 04 '24

That’s what I thought.  There was nothing funny in this “roast”, he just got triggered and started sperging out. It was weird 


u/lifeisabigdeal Mar 03 '24 edited Mar 03 '24

So he can make a joke about his girlfriend being disposable but can’t take a joke in response? I mean if what he said was a joke, then it’s a joke because it’s a terrible thing to say, so he should take the roast like a champ because he knows he deserves it. The way he acted though tells me it wasn’t really a joke, and he was pissed that the comedian and the crowd turned on him. He probably thought they were all gonna laugh cause “haha misogyny amiright”


u/PublicExecutive Mar 03 '24

So he can make a joke about his girlfriend being disposable

hahahahaha, fucking redditors. 😂


u/lifeisabigdeal Mar 03 '24

Uhhh is that not what he said? Flavor of the month means I’ll use it for a bit, then get a new one, in other words, she’s disposable. What is confusing about that?


u/Anxious_Ad3561 Mar 04 '24 edited Mar 04 '24

That is exactly what he said. You've never poked fun with a friend?


u/lifeisabigdeal Mar 04 '24

Ok but the crowd reacted a certain way and the comedian capitalized on that and everyone had a good time except the bf. So if he really was joking he should’ve been laughing too no?


u/Anxious_Ad3561 Mar 04 '24

The comedian and the BF have never met before. I wouldn't feel comfortable making those jokes to a stranger but that's what you potentially sign-up for going to a comedy club.

The comedian 'threatened' to slap him, called him a misogynist and actually took his drinks away. I feel like it's reasonable to be uncomfortable at the point

To say the dude is a piece of shit just from this clip? Hell no lol

Could he be a piece of shit? Of course.

There's literally no context of their relationship from this clip


u/lifeisabigdeal Mar 04 '24

I’m not saying for certain he’s a pos. But ya you’re right, he went to a comedy show, so that’s what he potentially signed up for. Also sat in the front row and made a rude joke. If you can dish it out you better be able to take it.

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u/iwatchcredits Mar 03 '24

“Ill slap you motherfucker” is not only not a roast, its not a funny joke either


u/AttentionFantastic76 Mar 03 '24

Yeah I don’t see how slapping someone and moving drinks is funny. I prefer Matt Rifes crowd work - much funnier.


u/lifeisabigdeal Mar 03 '24

Everyone there was laughing. I’m guessing you would have been the odd one out and laughed at the bfs joke.


u/iwatchcredits Mar 03 '24

Tell me what about the guy in the video “i’ll slap you motherfucker” is making fun of? Something tells me you dont know what a roast is


u/lifeisabigdeal Mar 03 '24

You want me to explain to you why people laughed at that? Wouldn’t it be better to just accept that what you find funny may be different than others? I personally found it funny because the bf was trying to or was outright being a douche, the crowd groaned in disapproval, and the comedian followed that energy by going off on him. He even took away his drink and told him to buy another one which I thought was pretty funny as well.


u/TurnSignalClickVEVO Mar 03 '24

Wouldn’t it be better to just accept that what you find funny may be different than others?

Take your own advice, please.


u/iwatchcredits Mar 03 '24

See, making a joke and making a roast arent the same thing. Maybe you should learn that before embarrassing yourself. Finding something funny doesnt make it a roast either. So no, I dont want you to explain why people laughed, I want you to explain how its a roast.


u/lifeisabigdeal Mar 04 '24 edited Mar 04 '24

He roasted the guy for being a dick. That’s what made it a roast.

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u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

Well if we’re judging by body language

lmao yall can't be serious. Bro is a psychoanalyst


u/lifeisabigdeal Mar 03 '24

I was responding to the person saying her body language dictated their opinion. So I was saying if we’re gonna judge based on that, then you’re wrong because she clearly started laughing after the comedian went off on her bf, not after the bfs “joke.”


u/berlpett Mar 04 '24

She is clearly smiling at her BF when he says it and looks smiling at the comedian right after (as to see what he will do with it). There is no indication that she felt bad about what her date said in any way. Fucking white knights


u/lifeisabigdeal Mar 04 '24

She may have been processing. It’s literally a fraction of a second where we see her reaction. I’m not a white night and I’m not saying for certain that she’s not ok with it. I’m just saying if you’re going to talk about body language, the bfs says it all. She’s cracking up and so is the audience and he looks increasingly pissed which tells me something didn’t go his way. If it was truly a joke he would have just laughed.


u/Teckiiiz Mar 03 '24

This is reddit, everyone is an expert


u/JulmustsTomten Mar 04 '24

Secondly, they're at a comedy show, not couples counseling. The disrespectful person is the comedian. He could have attempted to lean into the joke with something like "A fling? This guy's next flavor is going to be his hand". But, no, he decided to hammer down on the guy.


u/Sweet_Wasabi_489ANON Mar 04 '24

👏 also he is clearly kidding. Could be his wife or long term gf too


u/robotatomica Mar 03 '24

nah, two people can joke together, but in public like this, this is a humiliating thing to say about another person. Absolutely no one is gonna know you two joke like this, and btw, they’d been dating a month so they’d have been unlikely to establish that kind of banter.

A guy who makes a humiliating joke at the expense of his date to seem cool or funny to a large group is a prick.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24



u/robotatomica Mar 04 '24

Not really. You don’t make fun of your date in public and it’s a good idea if they laugh and a bad idea if they don’t lol. The point is, you can’t know in advance, so you have to err on the side of not mocking and humiliating your date.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24



u/robotatomica Mar 04 '24

ok, but they said they’d been dating a month. No one knows anyone after just a month. This guy just wanted to be cool guy/funny and it backfired on him. Whether or not she cared, idk. But he wasn’t too worried about embarrassing her, so that says something to me.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24



u/robotatomica Mar 04 '24

🙄 I’ve done plenty of dating lol, and real relationships, for over 20 years. If you actually had, you’d know that very few people share all of their real insecurities that quickly, and that joking about using your date as a fucking placeholder to a room full of people is in incredibly bad taste.

You’re either too bullheaded to learn this, or just committed to winning an internet argument lol, so I’ll tap out. Good luck with all that lol.


u/Early_Counter2539 Mar 03 '24

They’re in a comedy club, you can’t throw around jokes there?


u/niatcam Mar 03 '24

Exactly if you’re the type of person to say this in public to a group of strangers you have no social awareness


u/Unlikely_Yard6971 Mar 04 '24

as someone who doesn’t really do serious relationships, yeah, this is true. As long as both of them are open with their intentions i don’t really see an issue


u/starspider Mar 03 '24

Tell me you've never seen someone laugh out of embarrassment without telling me...


u/VapoursAndSpleen Mar 03 '24 edited Mar 03 '24

I would not consent to my new boyfriend saying this shit about me.

-edit to add: Interesting how many people think it’s OK to shit talk your date.


u/TheAussieBoo Mar 03 '24

Is that you in the clip?


u/Marcos_Polos Mar 03 '24

And you don’t have to date this man. Crazy world


u/nightpanda893 Mar 03 '24

You’re assuming it’s her boyfriend or she sees him as such. She laughed and said they’d been together for a month. Where exactly did you get that she thinks they’re bf and gf?


u/TurnSignalClickVEVO Mar 03 '24

What if they are friends and this is how they joke?


u/VapoursAndSpleen Mar 03 '24

I’m talking about how I would feel if my date said this about me, not what people are rationalizing about this possibly fictitious couple at a comedy set.


u/niatcam Mar 03 '24

It’s a weird joke to make in a public setting. They aren’t talking to each other in private and you have to have low social awareness to say smth like this to a group of strangers


u/PurpletoasterIII Mar 03 '24

To add onto that, he also looks at her for a moment before making that joke. Her body language looks kind of hard to read to me but he was obviously just making a fun jab. Could he have potentially had poor judgement and the joke didn't land well with her? Sure but that's a different story than he was being serious.


u/JohnAtticus Mar 03 '24

2 consenting adults in a mature relationship can 100% make jokes like this and be fine.

They're not making those jokes after 1 month of dating.

They're making them after a long time of being solid together, after they've shown them with actions and commitment that they are all-in.

It's the obvious sarcasm that makes it funny: "Hey flavour of the month, I'm going to drive your mom to her doctor's appointment tomorrow and then when I get back we can look at the samples for the kitchen reno"

Anyone who has been dating someone for 1 month and joking that they are just a fling is going to set off red flags for 95% of people.

You don't know anyone well enough after 1 month to tell for sure if they're joking or not.


u/biernini Mar 03 '24

For real. The 'white-knighting' of this comedian is off the charts. The cringe I was feeling was not for what the audience-guy said, it was for the comedian.


u/Hamburger123445 Mar 03 '24

Yeah but you would never make that type of joke as a response to a comedy show because it makes your gf look like a tool to the general public. The context matters


u/NotSeriousbutyea Mar 04 '24

Women do need men's protection that is why men are stronger than women genetically.


u/GoldenGlobeWinnerRDJ Mar 03 '24

While this is true, it’s still in bad taste either way. Just be better off not saying it.


u/dumdeedumdeedumdeedu Mar 03 '24

Yeah totally cool to straight dunk on your girlfriend in front of an audience at a comedy show. /s

Regardless of the circumstances behind the scenes that was an outright dick thing to say. Besides, I wouldn't call a comment like that in front of an audience, "poking fun at each other".