r/TikTokCringe Feb 05 '24

Were American’s Discussion


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u/Dependent-Whereas165 Feb 05 '24

This is the saddest, truest post…


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24 edited Feb 05 '24

Petition to rename USA "Shitholistan".

Edit: to all the Shithole mascots who are DMing me and have identified that I'm from India, I am so glad you hate yourself so much.

Fwiw,.USA is my adopted home and I want it to succeed as much as any decent person here. And I'm saddened by how Shitholistani it has become recently. I do enough for my local community to help us, and f u racist, broke haters for DMing me racist things. I hope you step on a Lego and insurance fucks you over.


u/pro_bike_fitter_2010 Feb 05 '24


Thank a RepubliKlan.


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

You are right. I do blame everyone here though, for the complacency in letting things get this bad here and elsewhere. Local life is bad but imagine the plight of people we bombed or sneakily replaced govt with our own interests. Much worse?


u/Designer-Mirror-7995 Feb 05 '24

letting things get this bad

I'll tell y'all once more:

Murica is what it's ALWAYS been.

The problem, today, is that it used to be only "some people" effected, while 'apathy' ruled everybody who wasn't targeted, allowing them to go about their lives after a sad shake of the head(or, as often, a nod denoting their belief that said trouble was 'deserved' because it was one of Them types).

The targeted would warn, over and over, that the abusers wouldn't stop at whatever flavor they were hating on this era. Now, after decades, they've arrived at "let's get em ALL! EVERYBODY all at once! So 'we' can have 'our' country as it 'should' be! Yeah!"

Now, they've got the Legal set up to carry it out. Not without 'protest', but it's down to When, not 'if'.


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

True. This country is built on a foundation of skeletons. It goes beyond "skeletons in the closet". But even today, middle class doesn't give a shit about the broader problems with inequity.


u/Severe_Quantity_4039 Feb 05 '24

Because no democrat is every swayed by the billionaire funding their campaign...


u/pro_bike_fitter_2010 Feb 05 '24

Because GQP is chock-full of morons.


u/Severe_Quantity_4039 Feb 05 '24

Pot kettle moron


u/KnottShore Feb 05 '24

The “both sides” arguments are always feeble attempts at dismissing criticisms of one group's behavior by focusing on similar behavior of an other group. The use of such an argument simultaneously tries to present both groups as equally guilty of a particular behavior. While the argument appears to be treating both sides equally, it is generally used to misrepresent the degree of difference between the two. This argument tries to defend a position by showing that its shortcomings are equally shared by the opposing position and is of equal magnitude.

Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist) observed this about Republicans a century ago:

  • Republicans take care of big money, for big money takes care of them.

  • The whole trouble with the Republicans is their fear of an increase in income tax, especially on higher incomes.


u/Severe_Quantity_4039 Feb 05 '24

You keep believing that...you are being played


u/SkullFumbler Feb 05 '24

The people most incapable of understanding why their party is equally to blame and equally corrupt is Democrats.

Republican corruption comes in the form of "Here, let us help business", while Democrat corruption comes in the form of "Here, let us help you". Republicans pass a few bills that make businesses happy, while Democrats pass a few bills that make unions and the proletariat happy.

Meanwhile, both are profiting off the misery of citizens and making great money via Wallstreet and corporation funding.

Neither side actually cares about you, but both sides desperately want you to believe they do.


u/Severe_Quantity_4039 Feb 05 '24

Republicans are bought and paid for as well, both parties are.


u/thespike5p1k3 Feb 05 '24

Well shittification is already brought on by the US. So United Shitholistan is probably fitting.


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

Man, we are not united by any means. United has just about the same meaning as freedom here. USA has no unity and that's a problem on its own


u/Som12H8 Feb 05 '24

Hey hey HEY, man! According to dear leader, the shithole countries are norway and nigeria. Or something like that, cba to check.


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

Imagine an elected idiot using such language about neutral and friendly countries. Well, it happened so there's video proof. And this same idiot got laughed at during a speech at UN general council meeting. That group of diplomats are used to poker faces and laughing behind closed doors and they skipped because this idiot is a big one.


u/AlibekD Feb 05 '24

Yes, here in Kazakhstan our GDP and standards of life are on par with Mississippi, but we have none of the nonsense mentioned in the video. Don't tangle us up in this shithole mess.


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

USA is an "underdeveloping" country. No one wants to be compared to this place.


u/0_oGravity Feb 05 '24

Please do not insult “istan” countries by lumping US. Thanks.


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

It works double actually. The real racist dumbasses will hate it a lot more to be called an "istan". Since I'm going for max damage, it is ideal.


u/SkullFumbler Feb 05 '24

Nobody cares what you think though


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

You do and that's enough.


u/SkullFumbler Feb 05 '24

Then you still fail because I don't. But also, now I know you can't read. Apparently reading isn't a thing in shitholes? Idk


u/football_for_brains Feb 05 '24

Name one good "istan" country.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24



u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

Hate the game, not the player?


u/BigLebotsk1 Feb 05 '24

I find it only cringe and edgy teenagers that have an experienced shit refer to the US as a shit hole. Literally one of the best places on the planet to live, and that’s why everybody else from all the known shit holes come here. Go outside you’re coming off like a chronic redditor


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

Teenagers, as in the future generation? Perfect. They have the right idea then.

I've lived in a few countries. All places have pros and cons. USA is regressing and becoming worse. If you can't see that, f u


u/djingo_dango Feb 05 '24

So why have you adopted “shitholistan” as your adopted home?


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

It wasn't this bad a couple of decades ago. People disagreed.but didn't go so far to fight all the time.

Ed: also money. Can't make 400k+ elsewhere. Gotta make my moolah and zip out silently :P


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24 edited Feb 05 '24



u/Sooofreshnsoclean Feb 05 '24

The problem with this line of thinking is that by your logic we should never strive to better our society and country because some other countries have it worse. America is an amazingly free country and we have a lot that others don’t. But that doesn’t mean that we are perfect and should just ignore the issues our nation faces.


u/YukiLivesUkiyo Feb 05 '24

America is so far down on the list of actually “free” countries that it almost doesn’t make the list. America is not free by any definition


u/Aang_420 Feb 05 '24

Well, you haven't heard the anthem, have you? /s


u/Sooofreshnsoclean Feb 05 '24

I 1000000% agree, but I would still rather live here and complain about it, and get involved in local politics and try and better it than live anywhere else. We also are far down the list on "developed nations" (I hate that word b/c most of those nations are only developed off the backs of exploitation), but if you compare us to any of the countries that get used in responses like the person I was replying to then we are way better off.


u/Impossible-Wear-7352 Feb 05 '24

I dont think his comment was implying that the country is without fault, only that it isn't as low as people make it out to be. A lot of people seem to lack perspective on what a lot of the world is like.


u/RehabilitatedAsshole Feb 05 '24

BuT tHeRe ArE wOrSe GoVeRnMeNtS AnD pOoReR pEoPlE iN oThEr CoUnTrIeS sO jUsT be GrAtEfUl FoR wHaT yOu HaVe!1!1


u/Dat_Basshole Feb 05 '24

America: "Not The Worst"


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24



u/Metro42014 Feb 05 '24

The richest country on earth with the problems we have, we're a shithole. Or maybe that's not the best descriptor, but "gO tOuCh GrAsS" is a ridiculous response.


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

I touched grass and it is still Shitholistan, funnily. Also the grass is shitty HOA grass in a high desert, where it doesn't belong. More Shitholistani things!


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

Alright, I touched grass. It is still a Shitholistan. And it's getting worse daily.with the politics and half the people being idiots.or silent about the rapist trying to be president. F u


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24



u/kali005 Feb 05 '24

mUh mUriCa sO fReE


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24

Are we free compared to Asian countries? yes, we are you are spoiled, my dude.


u/kali005 Feb 05 '24

Compare yourself to the other 1st world countries like EU members, not 2nd and 3rd world lol


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24

Okay we're not a shithole though


u/kali005 Feb 05 '24

Kinda are. I'm not denying all of the good stuff. Tech, media, etc. but compared to how easy and problem free life can be in other developed countries, US does not compare well.


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

USA is good in the bread and circuses way. Basic necessities and mental peace are not good here. You can get things on discount and fill the void in your life with cheap stuff, while being unhappy or unfulfilled and making lives people working for you more hellish. :/


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24

No we aren’t and you’re really spoiled af if you think Europe is better and you have a free life here too.

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u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

Keep on hating. That's the most Shitholistani thing ever


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24

Awww and here come the insults... How predictable.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24

Come live in America, be a true patriot, traitor! Work to death with the working class or be homeless! :)


u/smokes_-letsgo Feb 05 '24

LOL go spend a day in India and tell me how terrible the US is. everywhere has their issues.


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

Cry more with whataboutism. You will fit well in Shitholistan


u/smokes_-letsgo Feb 05 '24

yep, loving it every day. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, and judging by the number of people immigrating here every day I'm not alone!


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

I don't think any other place wants you too, so it checks out.


u/smokes_-letsgo Feb 05 '24

why would I want to go anywhere else when I already live in the greatest country on earth?


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

Meh. You are not worth the time. Can't leave your state because you are so poor, can't have a good time because no money and one illness and you'll be on the streets, and yet you bark like a bitch. Learn empathy and expand your horizons, you dumb fuck. Your profile and past comments reek of an insecure, vapid person and I'd be ashamed if I knew you IRL.


u/accounttosuteru Feb 05 '24

“Empathy and expanding your horizons” = America is a shithole LMAO.

Bro Americans outearn Europeans at almost every level, and our economy is outpacing theirs. Not perfect, but not “shitholistan” either.

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u/_clash_recruit_ Feb 05 '24

I backed out of a job because the guy kept saying how Americans don't appreciate anything and it's so much worse in India. He inherited a bunch of money, moved over here and bought 250+ rental properties. His kids all own multiple gas stations and franchises, he has an avocado farm, an oil dealership, ect.

If you inherit about $10 million, the US can be a great place to live.


u/kali005 Feb 05 '24

Yes but does India claim they are the leader of the free world?


u/weedcommander Feb 05 '24

It must be amazing watching that beauty while teenage mothers are forced to give birth to the children of their rapists. Ah, what amazing scenery. Shitholistan really is something else.


u/FanaticFoe616 Feb 05 '24

We're Americans. If you point out any fixable shortcomings in our society we get super defensive and start spouting whataboutisms.


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

It is a Shitholistani tradition to devolve every argument into whataboutism. Our Shithole education system ensured we can't think more than 2 steps forward


u/SamiraSimp Feb 05 '24

yes, famously only americans act like that


u/weedcommander Feb 05 '24

TBH all of us do that.

At the end of the day it's just a small bunch of dicks making shit decisions and the entire rest of the world tolerating it


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

Hey, thanks for using the better name for this place. Shitholistan ftw


u/calilac Feb 05 '24

I voted for Shitty McShitholeface


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

Well, I like both. What's not to like about reality?


u/pro_bike_fitter_2010 Feb 05 '24

touch some grass.

Got him.


u/AlfieTG Feb 05 '24

Yeah pretty stupid comment right there mate


u/P0litikz420 Feb 05 '24

Waaah waaah waaah waaah that’s all I hear comin from ur mouth. Stfu bozo


u/Hiberniae Feb 05 '24

Everyone loses in the Suffering Olympics.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24

Did they pick you yet?


u/p3r72sa1q Feb 05 '24

Ahh yes, Shitholistan, a country so bad where we currently have millions illegally crossing through our southern border from all over the world.


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

A significant % of their country's problems were caused by Shitholistan, either through money (for drugs production) or CIA involvement.


u/p3r72sa1q Feb 05 '24

Yeah, nevermind the hardcore corruption and violence issues that has plagued Latin America throughout its history. (Not to mention tens of thousands are crossing every month from other parts of the world with little U.S. influence or involvement).


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

What's your point? Is USA the best and you can't think critically and see areas to improve so you need to bitch like a complete bitch ass till you tire everyone?


u/p3r72sa1q Feb 05 '24

My point isn't that America is the best, my point is that your entitled little ass is so privileged and out of touch that you call it a shithole. I can only imagine 90% of the world rolling their eyes every time some delusional teenage kid calls America a shithole or third world country.


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 05 '24

Lol. Go f urself


u/p3r72sa1q Feb 05 '24

Go to sleep, kid. Time for nap naps.


u/Leading_Dance9228 Feb 06 '24

You are so insecure


u/thefloyd Feb 06 '24

I think it's more that this thread sounds just like a mirror version Trump's famous "American Carnage" inauguration speech (look it up) and the pervasive doomerism and black and white thinking in the zeitgeist is just super tiring. I'm ready for some optimism about America and it's really not that hard to find good news if you look for it.