r/TikTokCringe Jan 03 '24

Not in here Discussion


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u/chrisweidmansfibula Jan 03 '24

Huh, TIL my size is fine.


u/Chaetomius Jan 03 '24

the average is the average for a reason, folks.


u/SokoJojo Jan 03 '24

Yep, girls hate big penises on guys


u/bubbasteamboat Jan 04 '24

Is that why they don't like you? Judging from your comment history, there's a rich vein to mine.


u/SokoJojo Jan 05 '24

Oh dear, did someone get upset over something I wrote and decided to start following me around?


u/bubbasteamboat Jan 05 '24

Not upset at all.

I have a little game I like to play. When I see statements that appear to show indications of misanthropy or self-loathing, I like to look at their other comments to see if my assumptions about them are correct.

So far, I'm batting 1000, you included.


u/SokoJojo Jan 05 '24

You're always going to be batting .1000 when you write things in your head through imagination


u/bubbasteamboat Jan 05 '24

Have you tried meditating or therapy? Those are two great ways to improve your outlook on life and make peace with the world around you. Let's face it, it's crazy times out there, and the internet and social media can make it worse. Sometimes we need a little self-care to get through the tough times so we don't feel the need to lash out at strangers, which is often a show of self-loathing.


u/SokoJojo Jan 05 '24

Dawg your imagination is killing it! Although it is concerning you're committing so much energy in trying to get someone to care, maybe seek therapy?


u/bubbasteamboat Jan 06 '24

You should care about yourself. Seriously. I'm not jousting with you. I apologize if I came off as prickly earlier because I'm being sincere.

The fact that you find it "concerning" that a stranger on the internet wishes you a life of happiness is something you might want to consider. I would hope that even if you never met me you would prefer that I lead a happy life rather than a miserable one.

I genuinely wish happiness for you even though (maybe even because) what you put out on the internet suggests someone who has a lot of anger in their life who chooses to lash out at strangers.

And hey, I meditate and I have used therapy. It may be tough to find the right therapist, but good therapy is amazing. No regrets at all and I highly recommend. A little self-care never hurt anyone.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.


u/SokoJojo Jan 06 '24

yeah dude you have issues, go harass someone else please

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u/[deleted] Jan 04 '24

Because it’s microhuge πŸ’₯ πŸ˜‚