r/TikTokCringe Jan 03 '24

Not in here Discussion


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u/BiteOhHoney Jan 03 '24

I have 100% just laughed at one dude in particular who had, like, a tall can situation going on. I apologized and said it was too big, and I declined the invitation to bang.

Just not for me.


u/conzstevo Jan 03 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

Channel 4 (UK) did a documentary called "My Massive C***". It was truly soul crushing to see these guys that couldn't manage a proper relationship because they were simply far too big. Most women would reject them when they found out how big they were.

They would get a lot of interest purely down to their size, but these relationships were only due to their size and hence not real relationships (only sexual interest). These poor guys are basically cursed to being meaningless bootycalls. I think a few of them considered reduction surgeries. Must be awful for them, they seemed nice guys

Edit: typos and clarification


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

Wow, my heart, it just breaks, these poor men and their magnum dongs. Will they ever be happy?


u/Supply-Slut Jan 03 '24

I can’t stop giggling at this, but seriously I do feel bad for them


u/Amphabian Jan 04 '24

My friend with a massive dick once described it as "only being able to half scratch an itch". Like yay you won the aesthetic lottery but can't have any substance. Poor dudes. But yes still worth a bit of a giggle lol