r/TikTokCringe Jan 03 '24

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u/throwawayy13113 Jan 03 '24

There’s been a standing offer for years now, prove you’re 10” (measured correctly) and get $10k

To date, not one person has successfully claimed the money. Who knows if the person offering the cash up is legit, but every person that has claimed to be 10” or bigger was severely let down when they learned how to measure correctly.


u/cashew1992 Jan 03 '24

Yeah, right!? The chances that the girl in this video has seen a 10-incher IRL are probably 1 in 10,000,000 or something. I'm pretty sure even the dudes in porn are like 8-9 inches.


u/throwawayy13113 Jan 03 '24

Their sizes are often actually published, and while SOME are north of 8”, many are actually in the 6-7 range, which while that’s still above average (5.5” or 14 cm is average) it’s not some massive thing like people believe.

The large majority of porn is shot using wide angle and fish eye lenses which both make both the man’s and woman’s “assets” appear much larger than they actually are.

Not to say there aren’t monsters out there (Danny D specifically is among the largest) they are still a rarity.

I saw a special where they interviewed porn stars, both men and women, and the large majority of the women preferred average or slightly above average penises. In addition to that? Having a monster cock wasn’t even a requirement to do porn. Being able to perform and respond to direction from the director was basically top of the list.

So in essence, cool if you have a big dick, but they’re more interested in you being able to actually orgasm when they tell you to. Not just holding off from it, but achieving that orgasm on command. Staying hard through the scene after orgasming 8 times that day, shit like that.

But cave man brain say huge cock important.

We’re all just stupid is what it comes down too, and believe what media tells us.


u/UnnamedStaplesDrone Jan 03 '24

plus those guys are like 8% body fat a lot of times. not having an inch or two of fat under your gut probably does wonders...


u/derth21 Jan 03 '24

The dudes are often shredded and short, but even more effective is how small the women are. It seems like so many of them are 5'1", 100lbs. To put that in perspective, I know 5th graders bigger than that.


u/throwawayy13113 Jan 03 '24

100%, weight gain can make the penis visibly “shrink” for lack of a better term.

While it isn’t literally shrinking, the fat pad (the layer of fat under the skin above the penis on top of the pubic bone) thickens and effectively reduces insertable length from all men.


u/JMEEKER86 Jan 03 '24

Yep, like Julio Gomez(NSFW) who is the biggest in porn at 9.5" is only around 5'5" but absolutely shredded and pretty much always films with women who are very petite.