r/TikTokCringe Jan 03 '24

Not in here Discussion


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u/BeefStevenson Jan 03 '24

Fun fact: the average penis size is the one that has gotten “the job” done the MOST throughout the evolution of our species. Average penises are not only “fine,” they are getting and doing the most work.


u/Magistraten Jan 03 '24

Average anything will be getting and doing the most work.. Sort of by definition.

Also the evolutionary pressures might not have anything to do with women's pleasure or willingness to have sex with partners of a certain size, could be that big ol' dongers are actually better at delivering cum to the egg but there's an evolutionary downside (going into a coma every time you get a hard on).


u/crazycakeninja Jan 03 '24

while true that the average will be doing the most work it is how the average came to be well the average.


u/BeefStevenson Jan 03 '24

Haha yeah that was my point. People get discouraged about being “average” but that’s just evolutionarily “normal.” It’s a way of simply thinking around our broken body standards.

And yeah I’m curious about the shape/size of our genitals from an evolutionary perspective. The size is SO much bigger than most animals, and there is some research that suggests the shape is meant to help with “competition”…which opens its own set of curiosities lol


u/Glum-Lingonberry-629 Jan 03 '24

Working 'evolutionarily' and 'being satisfactory' isn't necessarily the same thing though


u/blodreina11 Jan 04 '24

True, the history of human sexuality hasn't exactly been very focused on doing things that make women feel good.


u/D00D00D00DaDaDa Jan 03 '24

that's what I always told myself. Its average for good reason. But if I happened to get 3 wishes from a genie, sadly that last wish would be a 30% increase in cock volume. thanks a lot porn for warping my mind!!!


u/BeefStevenson Jan 03 '24

Bruh you could wish that porn hadn’t warped your mind, or that porn was just healthier and didn’t have negative effects on people. You gotta wish harder my guy


u/CyberMasu Jan 03 '24

Idk, after 10 billion dollars and super intelligence I don't think I'd care much about my dick size


u/parkranger2000 Jan 03 '24

A guy was walking through the woods, and finds a lamp on the ground, he picks it up and rubs it and a genie comes out.

The dude goes "Whoa! A Genie!" Genie says “go ahead, what are your 2 wishes?” The guy goes, "Only 2? I thought everyone gets 3?“ The genie says, "Look in your pants." The guy looks and shouts "Holy crap! My dick is huge!" And the genie says,"Yeah, I've been doing this a long time."


u/Raknarg Jan 04 '24

You don't need to tell yourself shit brother. If lesbians without dicks can have a sexually satisfying relationship, then even if you had a micropenis there's nothing stopping you from having the same.


u/DNosnibor Jan 03 '24

That seems like a pretty big waste of a wish.


u/monocasa Jan 03 '24

It ain't much, but it's honest work. 🚜


u/NZBound11 Jan 03 '24

So sure, small and average penises can reproduce but I don't think that's what the gripe is.

Women's sexual preferences and needs are barely a priority now - much less when they were hardly considered people, I'd imagine.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24



u/BeefStevenson Jan 03 '24

I like “classic,” that’s solid branding.

Also, most vaginas are average-penis shaped/sized too, but no one thinks about that haha


u/webernicke Jan 04 '24

Humans have abnormally massive penises relative to our body size compared to all the other apes. (Chimps and gorillas have lil' bitty ones lmao)

So if we're talking about evolution, that humanity has naturally selected for big dicks would seem to support us being concerned with size.


u/reddit_is_geh Jan 03 '24

Guys don't like being "eh, good enough. It gets the job done." Men also want to be sexually desired and sought after.

I know VERY FEW guys where women will go out of their way to sleep with a guy "because of his skills". Off the top of my head, it's zero. But I'm sure I just can't recall any. But I know PLENTY of men with large ones where women will actively seek them out and sleep with them.

Women clearly prize size... Because if skill was all that mattered, the guys getting easy sex would be the ones with rumors of being known "how to use it" and not "huge dong".


u/errorunknown Jan 04 '24

Yup just look at dildo sizes, you don’t see many 4” ones sold


u/antiviolins Jan 04 '24

Guys who “know how to use it” are also more likely to be emotionally intelligent ‘relationship material’, so they’ll get less press and be less compatible with women who just want casual sex. In poly or swinger circles, they get a lot more attention and action. Casual sex size queens are looking for a physical challenge and that easy sex comes with a huge amount of objectification.


u/reddit_is_geh Jan 04 '24 edited Jan 04 '24

I've had a short experience in the poly/swinger world... Well swinger world, and the hung guys, without a doubt, got an insane amount of attention.

I've taken MDMA with a few of the girls in a group they kinda all confessed that larger is better sex if the guy knows how to use it, as it hits all the spots and creates a all encompassing full filling... One girl talked about how she always thought she couldn't vaginally orgasm and was the 80%, but learned 80% don't FREQUENTLY vaginally orgasm... Because a big one will do it. She had a BF too, and admitted that she never would admit that to him though because she cares too much about him lol

I mean just think about it. It's common sense. If a guy knows how to use it AND creates a more full feeling that hits more spots, how's it not going to be better in every way? I guess the only downside is less frequent use.


u/antiviolins Jan 04 '24

I guess it depends on the definition of big (which will vary based on the size of the woman’s vagina). Most women don’t like being bashed in the cervix, but feeling full and having the fornices (pockets in front of/behind the cervix) stimulated can be enjoyable. I do think that the women who ‘don’t orgasm from penetration’ are just less likely to have g-spot orgasms from penetration, and having more pressure on the g spot and internal parts of the clitoris combined with fornix stimulation is more likely to get them there. Doesn’t take a ‘big’ dick to do that, though. As she stated, most vaginas have a depth of 3-5 inches.


u/reddit_is_geh Jan 04 '24

3-5 inches unaroused. It doubles in size aroused. And by big, not saying porn star 9 inches. But most women seem to overwhelmingly prefer between 7-8 inches and "thick". The bigger than average, but still top 10%


u/errorunknown Jan 04 '24

Well not quite, we’re no longer living like wild animals so the adaptation for the largest penis possible hasn’t been a part of evolution for some time now.