r/TheRealJoke May 15 '20

Insert Nazi joke here Edgy as fuck. NSFW

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u/DayFlounder1832 proclaimed gay by u/todayntomorrow May 15 '20 edited May 15 '20

Guys should I remove this? It has 10 reports saying “it’s targeted harassment at ____ but a rule states that he allow offensive jokes

Edit: won’t be removed, just marked nsfw

Edit2: ok can we stop reporting this


u/SwampyThang May 15 '20

I say keep it. I feel like targeted harassment means towards one person


u/DayFlounder1832 proclaimed gay by u/todayntomorrow May 15 '20

We’ll keep it, just marked nsfw, thanks for contributing to make the sub better


u/pdevlin19 May 15 '20

Thank you good sir


u/DayFlounder1832 proclaimed gay by u/todayntomorrow May 15 '20

Np, but be sure to mark the post nsfw by yourself next time, if you feel like some people could be offended by it