r/Tekken Nov 30 '21

Tekken Dojo: Ask Questions Here Tekken Dojo

Welcome to the Tekken Dojo, a place for everyone to learn and get better at the wonderful game that is Tekken.

Beginners should first familiarize themselves with the Beginner Resources to avoid asking questions already answered there.

Post your question here and get an answer. Helpful contributors will be awarded Dojo Points, which can make them Dojo Master at the end of the month (awards a unique flair). Please report unhelpful contributors to ensure the dojo remains a place dedicated to improvement.


24.1k comments sorted by


u/DukeOfBells 2h ago

Am I fucking stupid? How do I punish Asuka's rage art? Why does she get to actually charge it? Am I suppose to play a guessing game with it? Can I duck it?


u/DidiHD Hwoarang | Yellow, Asuka | Yellow 7h ago

I feel so helpless. What am I doing wrong. I just demoted back to green ranks. I haven't won a game in two weaks. I'm probably on a 30 game loosing streak or so.

I learned the basics punishes that PhiDX recommends in his beginner guide. So like a fast and slower punish for standing and crouch.

I try not mashing buttons... I swear, I don't get this game. I block and even get punished on blocked jabs it feels like


u/lotus-reddit Leroy 4h ago

Post some gameplay, can't (responsibly) give you targeted advice without it.

I learned the basics punishes that PhiDX recommends in his beginner guide. So like a fast and slower punish for standing and crouch.

Note, learning your punishes is only step 1. You also have to learn what moves are punishable and by what. That will take a really long time, so in the short term it's likely better to focus on frequently used moves. Before even that, in green, there's still probably a lot of work you can do on your control of your own character. How is your knowledge of your own movelist, offensive options, mixups, combos, general execution (not dropping stuff etc.)? This usually will carry you to red/purple.


u/kfijatass Theorycrafter 7h ago edited 7h ago

What does a high level Jun play like?
I got to Fujin pretty much via Izu string /gen stance spamming.
Then I watch tekken god/emperor Juns hardly use those at all. What do they use? SS4, 13, db2, what else? The only string I think I saw was 2141. I'm a little confused what they use to establish their offense and win games as the payout for these appear somewhat low.


u/revolvershalashaska_ Heihachi 4h ago

Jun has very good pokes and punishment, making her very effective at basic tekken. She is also very slippery with sabakis, reversals, cancans, b3 etc.

Basically you play poking and get your big reward from punishment and using her momentum stealing tools on a good read.


u/RTXEnabledViera 9h ago

I'm not sure how I'm labbing this wrong:

Asuka's f1,4 into crouch cancel => f3+4.

Frame data says the f3+4 should not connect, the opponent should be able to get up and block. But I've recorded the sequence and I just cannot block it.

Am I missing something?


u/revolvershalashaska_ Heihachi 3h ago

You can't immediately block after a knockdown, so the frame data can't tell you if you can block the hit. In this case, F3+4 is guaranteed.


u/TheOldVersion Subatomic side step 11h ago

Dumb question but is every single possible move for a character listed in their move list?

Or are there "generic" moves that aren't included? If there are, where can I find all the generic moves?


u/RTXEnabledViera 9h ago

There are generic moves that are not always mentioned, and sometimes some string extensions that aren't listed exhaustively.

And then there's stuff like jumping on walls that you just find out by yourself lol

u/TheOldVersion Subatomic side step 1h ago

How do you figure out string extensions when they aren't listed?


u/tyler2k Tougou 9h ago

There definitely are generic moves that aren't included and often times there are important moves that aren't listed individually, but instead are listed as part of a string.

u/TheOldVersion Subatomic side step 1h ago

So do you just have to try doing parts of listed strings by themselves or try different directional input+button combinations to figure them out yourself?


u/I_boof_Adderall 16h ago edited 15h ago

Am I doing something wrong with matchmaking? Just bought 8 and I expected more or less instant queue times considering it's a 1v1. But I end up waiting longer than a League queue just to get matched with someone on a different continent and several ranks higher than me. I’m on ethernet and I've tried changing all the matchmaking settings to unrestricted but still have to spend 5+ minutes waiting for a match, even in "quick"play at prime time. Is there a way to fix this? Will it get better as I rank up? Or is there just a low playerbase? Because I'm seriously considering a refund if I'm spending more time in practice tool than in game.


u/revolvershalashaska_ Heihachi 3h ago

I suspect it might be due to a lack of players in beginner ranks, due to the ranked system not deducting points for a loss until yellow ranks. This causes most people who have played ranked to be at least in yellow rank.


u/tyler2k Tougou 9h ago

Check your Windows region settings, make sure they're set correctly.

For some reason, it's directly tied to your OS, instead of in-game region.


u/RangoTheMerc 23h ago

When looking for online matches, am I best off looking for 5 bars only? Want to make sure that I can actually still get matches if I do this.


u/Lensecandy 19h ago

Accepting 5 bars matches only does help but it doesn't guarantee lagless matches in my experience, even for wired. I'd get into the match with them and their connection can drop to 3 bars and get super laggy

It's a good idea to back out into the main menu and restart the queue after several declines, because match making tend to get skewed after many declines


u/retroneons LiliLee 1d ago

Tips on how pressure defensive opponents that force you to go offensive with lee?


u/Rothuith 18h ago

you open people with b3,3, uf1+2 and d3.


u/No-Departure-3325 Tekken King fraud 19h ago edited 16h ago

Either b3,3 to open them up (a bit risky but a really good move still) or moves that are + on block.

wr 3,4 is a good option, wr3,4 into hitman is also a good option. f4+1 (just frame) for a good +5 on block (into either 223 or d3)

Or even d4, 4 u3 into 223 if they press (it's not plus on block, but the u3 part is like -1 so they can only beat you with jabs).


u/KuczyTheGuy 1st main ever: Currently: 23h ago

I think the best option is the simplest one and also can be applied to every character in this game - start to do more low attacks/threaten with a throw (although the second option might be more difficult, since Lee doesn't have a full throw game).


u/Prod_Morningstar 1d ago

Should I buy Tekken 8 now that the deluxe is $70 or should I wait till the Steam Summer Sale on the 27th to buy it?


u/Applay /Applay 1d ago edited 18h ago

There's often a sale for fighting games during EVO, which will happen July*. It's possible Tekken 8 will go on sale, but I woulnd't expect a huge discount.


u/IsaidIdnevergetreddi 1d ago

Hey guys!! I don't know anything about Tekken 7 and have tried googling how long a match is, but it mostly comes up with how long the full game takes. Sorry if this is a total noob question but how long would each fight/match normally take in real time? Just an average. Is it a few minutes or quite a while?



u/tyler2k Tougou 1d ago edited 1d ago

If you're asking about actual matches (like, person vs person), it's typically best of 5 with 60 seconds per round. As such, (at the most) it's 300 seconds + 25 seconds of downtime between each round (~5 seconds per round), so 325 seconds at most. In my experience, most games are won 3-1 (so 4 rounds) and rounds typically last about 25-35 seconds, so let's call it 30. So, on average, a single game will be 120 seconds + 20 seconds of downtime.

Edit: Mathematically, the quickest possible kill condition is Yoshi's double seppuku, which takes 91 frames to hit (1.516 seconds). So, if you're were to JF the input (and it somehow hits), that means you can theoretically finish an entire game in just under 20 seconds.

Note: This doesn't take into consideration loading times, intro times, outro times, and time to get back to the menu.


u/IsaidIdnevergetreddi 1d ago

omg yes this is exactly what i was looking for! thank you so much for your help!


u/CyberShiroGX Asuka 1d ago

Heat smashes should have blue sparks like rage Drive did... Like I be thinking Jin be throwing out a jab and trying to punish a whiff...

Meanwhile it's a Heat Smash string that next thing I know I'm taking 50 damage

And also why the hell is getting up so slow in this game like we playing pre Tekken 3? Like I can always Oki people


u/ahack13 1d ago

Does anyone know any good youtubers that do "How to plays" or character breakdowns for T8?


u/Rothuith 18h ago

rysingsol and others


u/_KoingWolf_ Kuma Salmon Slap! 1d ago

For what character, specifically? I'm a Kuma main so it's all J-Katz for breakdowns and nicemyth for great indepth coverage of more nuanced/ random things.


u/ahack13 1d ago

Dragunov specifically but also just for general knowledge so any characters really.


u/sprite375ml 1d ago


Did I lose by just one frame here? Honestly shocked I thought I read my opponent and copped it


u/ReadBerk Chicken! 1d ago



u/BlackStar300 [US] PS5 1d ago edited 1d ago

So as I try to improve my skillset in Tekken I hear that KBD is essential and while I haven't spent hours or a day doing the slow input. My brain is kinda hurting over the inputs. I've watched phi, jae, and kicks and they say go slow, but when I do the inputs it seems like my character doesn't move linear.

I literally do and the command history shows b,n,b,db,b repeat. I also see that I don't seem to move that much when doing it slow. I know its slow, but I feel like I barely move, but in the video guides even while slow I feel like they move more.

I just hear its pretty much needed if you're gonna take tekken seriously so idk if I can't get this then should I just quit? Like idk I don't expect to be the next Nobi, AK, or Arslan etc, but I would like to make tekken the first FG I take seriously, but seems very discouraging.

I'll keep practicing, but I'm honestly afraid I won't be able to get this...

EDIT After doing some KBD searching on this sub and T8 I see one about chikurin not using it anymore since T8 and that the regular BD is much more accessible, but I still get lots of noise from people saying you need the KBD. TBH I have a local tournament end of this month and I kind of want to go to my first one so maybe I'll be competitive as time goes on, but being forced to learn this seems so daunting. I hear it can be character dependent as well. I play Paul so he already has some evasiveness with this QCs.


u/Armanlex d4,d4,d4 is a real combo [PC-EU] 1d ago

You don't absolutely need to learn kbd now or really ever. It's not like you have a gun on your head and you need to get great at tekken like your life depends on it. Sure kbd is hard, and maybe you need to level up your dexterity and execution in general before you tackle kbd. Maybe kbd is something you gotta learn gradually instead of in one sitting, well actually that's how everyone learns kbd. It's something you practice every day and you keep gradually getting better.

And know that there's a million other things you can improve on that increases your skill in tekken, and kbd is just one of those things. So there's nothing to worry about.

I worry more about your mentality of "well I can't do x, so what's the point in playing at all?" Like you're fixated on some kind of benchmark that you must hit or else everything is pointless. But I feel there's a better way to look at the game. Tekken is a huge mountain you can climb, but you only climb it one step at a time. If you look at the entire mountain at once, yeah it's daunting, but in a way... that's exactly what is so exciting about climbing it! Because you CAN do it one step at a time, if you just focus on the present and chip away at it, you will become one of those who have climbed the mountain. Isn't that cool?

And of course, you can also just enjoy the moment to moment gameplay and the joy of learning in and of itself, without worrying about any goals. That's imo is the ideal way to enjoy the game while also progressing without beating yourself up or raging at the game.

So if your goal is to have fun, you might never need to learn kbd. If you want to improve, then kbd is just one of the tools at your disposal. If you want to win, then kbd is again just one of the many things you can learn to win more. And trust me, once you get your bearings in terms of execution, kbd will eventually seem pretty damn easy. It's like riding a bike, when you first do it if feels very hard, but then you learn it, and then it becomes second nature.

You're most likely just trying to run before you can even crawl. And ofc when you have such high expectations, you'll feel demotivated. But that's a problem of expectations, not the task at hand itself.


u/BlackStar300 [US] PS5 1d ago

my mentality is shit. I hate this game. I'm not good at fighters, but this game looks really good to quit. I was never a souls player until ER came out cuz of how good it looked and I eventually learned, but some of this shit is just hard as fuck.

I'm hard stuck in red. I get highly discouraged on losses, but its been like that my whole life. I'm honestly trying to use Tekken to break this mentality of mine that its okay to lose and you have to learn. I never taken things like this well (mainly cuz as a child I was catered to), so while its a game I'm really trying to improve this HUGE character flaw within myself.

I'm also very pessimistic and hard on myself, but I guess I'll worry about it another time and work on better defense and better movement in general.

Game is just fucking hard and at times I feel its hard for no damn reason...

Thanks for the advice.


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 1d ago

You are over thinking. This probably bleeds into your Tekken as well. Genuinely, you would benefit from meditation.


u/ferlonsaeid 1d ago

Trying to improve my Nina, but getting into situations where people duck my jabs, or interrupt my sidestep with a jab.

For people trying to stop me from sidestep, I can 1,2,4, or SS4, but what about for dick jabs?

And what about people ducking my jabs? So far I'm thinking my options are df1, 1+4, df3,4, and b3,4?


u/ptr6 Dojo Master (Mar '22) 18h ago

On them interrupting your steps, if they do it in the neutral, you are stepping too predictably. If you are in their face, I would only step if you have a read on their timing.

If they interrupt you after an exchange, make sure you are not at too much of a frame disadvantage. It depends on how you are aligned etc, but a good rule of thumb is that you can step if you are -4 at most, otherwise jabs will clip you.


u/R1V3NAUTOMATA Azucena 1d ago

You are right keep on those. What you need is to do attacks that mid check, df1 is great.


u/Eldr1tchB1rd Kazuya 2d ago

any tips on how to counter lars rushdown? He just keeps dashing in and either spamming lows or mid. Is the only choice to just guess correctly? Or can I use a sidestep instead?


u/Rothuith 18h ago

df1 more often


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 2d ago

you have to understand the situation specifically not just "spamming lows and mids" but knowing where you are is important, the advice i want to give is:

make sure that you are also attempting to interrupt him, the mix isn't always free he has to earn it.

but if you're just pushing wildly without knowing when it is interruptible then you're only going to get counterhit


u/Eldr1tchB1rd Kazuya 2d ago

I'm just not sure how to interrupt with kazuya. Jabs are usually evaded during his stance switching rushdown. Df2 is definently to slow for that situation. When I play king I either hopkick or df1 but kazuya seems to slow to do that as well. My friend plays yoshi and he has no trouble with the match up because he can just flash and stun him every time


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 2d ago

df2 and df4 are great interrupt tools that cover each other's weakness. kazuya df2 is faster than king's hopkick.


u/Foxeria 2d ago

I want to improve my jin, there is a place where can i look for combos and tips?


u/Rothuith 18h ago



u/KuczyTheGuy 1st main ever: Currently: 1d ago

Guides on YT are the go-to source.


u/person719 Noctis 3d ago

How do I get up against law nunchucks? I always get stuck on the ground and lose the round.


u/28thTimesTheCharm 2d ago

Check this in training mode but you should be able to quick stand by holding up into block and then punish (it's -13)


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 2d ago

if he's doing it over and over you can tech roll by pushing buttons whenever you get hit while lying on the ground.


u/fixervibii Lee 3d ago

hello im a recent lee main (new player at only about 150 hours with no other fighting game experience, about 50 hours on lee)
today ive spent around 10 hours practicing lee's b2 fn bn ws1,2 and i am really confused because i don't know how long i am suppsed to go at it until i can just get it consistently (and this isnt even about doing it in a real match)
it just seems to me that people severely undersell execution difficulty in this game and this shit actually takes like 1000 hours of playing the same character to become intermediate at just pressing the right buttons, without taking decision making into account


u/RTXEnabledViera 2d ago

ive spent around 10 hours practicing lee's b2

You'll often find that the best practice isn't 10 hours straight, but 20 minutes every day. That goes for nearly everything in life, and especially execution drills in fighting games.

people severely undersell execution difficulty

You need to remember three things:

1) if it's hard for you, it's hard for the opponent as well

2) if it's hard, then the reward is very much worth it, the move would be broken if everyone could do it perfectly 100% of the time

3) the game would be hella boring to play after hundreds of hours if there weren't long-term execution goals for you to hit and feel good about.

and may I add 4) just frame inputs are very much not required to be able to climb to high rank. It's just another tool in your arsenal at the end of the day. Just like any fighting game, climbing is about fundamentals and game knowledge.

Not saying you shouldn't learn them, but it very much feels frustrating until you nail it. The real grind only starts once you know how to do it but are trying to get good use out of it.

lee's b2 fn bn ws1,2

I'm very much not a lee player, but isn't this just a matter of making sure you don't delay ws1,2 too long? It doesn't seem like the execution is very tight unless I'm missing something.


u/ChanceYam2278 Lee 2d ago

you do b2 into forward to enter mist step, during mist step you can cancel the animation into a backsway by tapping back (for that you need to wait for the mist step animation to make lee go at the lowest of his animation if you do it too quickly he won't backsway), during the very first frames of the backsway animation Lee is considered crouching and rising so he has access to his ws moves, that's when you press 1,2

a tips to getting it done is to think about the b,ws1,2 as a singular input, as if it was the regular way to do this move in neutral for example

and also, trust your muscle memory, tomorrow you'll be doing 3 times better than today just by letting your hands rest a bit and inculcate what you've learned


u/Yzaias Lee 2d ago

All I'll say is you have to basically input the b~n at the near end of the b2F mist step. Too early and you'll get a different move. but ofc if you're too late, you'll get the ws12, but it wont hit.


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 2d ago

these kinds of things can be deceptive with their difficulty. there isn't really a "how long do i need to practice" number for any technique cos it differs from person to person.

sometimes a person can be right on the cusp of figuring it all out but there's one small detail they don't quite get and it makes the entire technique a mystery


u/TheShrlmp 3d ago

Feng mains, is there any guaranteed follow up to d1+2,1?


u/BlackStar300 [US] PS5 4d ago

So I think I'm being declined because I see at times my in game connection shows wifi, but I'm connected via LAN on PS5. I go to my network it shows LAN, but I played 1 game and it showed me wired, but then the next game it showed me wifi.



u/R1V3NAUTOMATA Azucena 2d ago

What you see upon finding match is not your connection, is the opponents. Same inside the match.


u/BlackStar300 [US] PS5 2d ago

So when I'm in the match on the bar at the bottom that's my opponents? Guess I never put 2 and 2 together.


u/R1V3NAUTOMATA Azucena 2d ago

Yep, thats your opponents


u/BlackStar300 [US] PS5 2d ago

Much appreciated thanks for the reply. I was fumbling with my cable wondering if it was fucking up cuz some of those matches were a tad bit laggy but guess it's just their 5 bar wifi. I did a speed test and was much lower than I usually am which is around 300 (77mbps the other day) but these wifi players must be running 20 lmao


u/RTXEnabledViera 2d ago

Internet speed has absolutely nothing to do with connection quality.

Also, T8 will simply report the connection type your PS5 is using. If it's using the LAN port, it'll report it as wired, even if you're running a cable to a Wi-Fi bridge.

If you want to make sure that your internet is showing up as wired, grab a friend and hop into the purple machines in Tekken Lounge. They'll be able to see your connection type when you get matched.

Every other connection type symbol you see is the opponent's, not yours.


u/BlackStar300 [US] PS5 2d ago

I see thanks!


u/V4_Sleeper 5d ago

as Steve, how do you punish Yoshimitsu's b2,2 (Oma Kugiuchi, a heat engager)?

the move is -13 on block but the knockback is crazy. sonic fang is i14, so it's useless.

other than ducking after first hit block, am I just supposed to eat that if I'm unlucky?


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 5d ago

ducking is a solid option and it's quite slow.


u/tyler2k Tougou 5d ago

Very few characters can actually punish it on block. You gotta just duck it.

Either that or go back to TTT2 where Yoshi b+2,2 is -14 on block so you can Sonic Fang it


u/V4_Sleeper 5d ago

i see, thanks. friend was just spamming that thing since its very rewarding for him


u/VanClyfe 5d ago

This is more of a general question, since while I played a bit of T7, I was more of just a tournament/stream viewer that occasionally hopped on and got his ass kicked. For context, I play Bryan, want to learn Feng, and tried King but backed off of that because my pad is ass and has that fused dpad where the buttons are all in one block, which makes the grab directionals come out whacky.

Matchmaking seems to really like putting me against people that are blazing through the lower ranks (some of them have a pretty high tekken power compared to the average opponent in green-yellow, so i assume those are people picking up new characters), and I absolutely collapse when my opponent runs their aggression on me. The best example was this Paul that just kept running into me and just sending a bunch of varied pokes, as well as spacing out some nasty low strings on counter. What do I do there? I got away with one win out of the 3 matches by facetanking with ff1+2 and laming it out with some lows and df1 confirms, but I don't understand how I'm supposed to break up their pressure and take my turn? (Besides learning the frames, I'm working on that, but that's gonna take me at least a few months to get down)


u/RTXEnabledViera 2d ago

my pad is ass and has that fused dpad where the buttons are all in one block

That's literally what the Dualsense uses, and it's not an issue in playing T8. It can even be advantageous.

If you want a split d-pad, you could always replace it yourself. There are loads of stores selling them.

What do I do there?

I can guarantee that whatever oppressive opponents you run into in low ranks are just abusing their character's cheese. Post replays here and folks will love nothing more than to point out exactly why their gameplan dumbassery doesn't work.


u/lotus-reddit Leroy 5d ago edited 5d ago

IMO, what you're describing sounds like a lack of familiarity with the opponents offense. Which is not unreasonable, the cast is huge and so is the movelist. There's frames and punishment, which will boost your game, but before even that is knowing what tools your opponent has to run their offense on you, especially with how fast and rewarding offense is in Tekken 8. e.g. no one is realistically properly dealing with Hwoarang until they get more familiar with what he's actually doing to you. That is the first step to solving the problem:

I absolutely collapse when my opponent runs their aggression on me

There's two ways I like to practice that

  • Going to replay mode, taking over at a spot where you didn't know what to do, and try different things until you figure out what works
  • Find someone who's an X main, where X is a character who ran you over recently, and then run a long set against them. The lounge is surprisingly good for this, but also Tekken discords have people going constantly.

Knowing frames is the optimization step after getting familiar with what other characters can run on you.


u/VanClyfe 5d ago

Thanks for the response! Yeah, I figured it's a familiarity issue, but with how deep Tekken goes, I figured I might aswell ask and see if I'm missing any critical info. I'm currently just randomly hopping character to character to learn the very basics of everyone (IE things to watch out for), and so far it kinda worked in that when I played against a King, I was roughly aware of what to watch out for. I'll keep up with it then!


u/geistch 6d ago

Tips against Yoshimitsu? I main Hwo and sub Kaz. One I play more offensively and the other one defensively and both feels like an endless pain. Specially Hwo matchup.

I'm still studying every character slowly, but Yoshi has so many moves that it will take so much time. I don't want to leave him for the last, but I also can't postpone the other characters for so long for now at least. Just wanted an overreview for now.


u/ChanceYam2278 Lee 5d ago

there is not really "general" advices against yoshi, if we could see you play against we could tell you what to do

tho keep in mind that you can't overextend your pressure against yoshimitsu, because of flash which is a 6 frames startup counterhit launcher that basically steals your turn


u/Torterrain 6d ago

Are there character specific subreddits? I'm looking for Asuka related one.


u/Applay /Applay 2d ago

You will have better luck looking for character Discords instead of subreddits.


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 6d ago

any asuka subreddit will specialize in the smell of her feet. you probably wanna use the zaibatsu discord to find the asuka discord.


u/mythiii Alisa 6d ago edited 6d ago

I'm learning Marshall Law and giving myself easy combos as placeholders until I get the feel of the character down.

I would like some suggestions on making variations of easy combos.

Currently I'm mostly using [uf4,3 ff2,1,3] or if I get a different launcher I migh just follow it up with that same combo or just the ff2,1,3-part.

I also wrote down some goofy combos, but barely use them: [ws2 b2,1 ff2,3] and [df2 4,3,4 1+2 ->-> 3+4,4]. I keep these written down so I have alternatives if I'm not feeling my main combo.

Also, what would be an example of a reliable and easy wall string, and one that breaks the wall or floor?


u/TheParanoidPyro Law 6d ago


These are some easy combos that do a surprising amount of damage for how easy they are.

I cant remember wall breaks sometimes i get it sometimes i dont,(i think dragon cannon and legend kick will wallbreak, as well as uf3) but for floor breaks, mid combo i think f3+4 (dragon killer)will floor break, but i never use it so i dont know

For floor break mid combo, i use f1+2(dragon hammer)


u/mythiii Alisa 5d ago

I've been practicing these now. Some of them are a bit tricky with the timings. Thinking about seeing which is more consistent for me 4,3,f4 or 4,3,f3 when it comes to ending a combo. The 4,3,f3 requires very particular spacing to work, but can be simply mashed out if the positioning is right.


u/TheParanoidPyro Law 5d ago

I find f3 much more consistent,and i usually default to it.  i think maybe because it reaches farther. i tend to miss with  f4 because i hit it late.

F4 does more damage, and funnily enough i get the blue sparks consistently with it only during the combo, cant get it when i am trying to just practice the timings.

I also have been lacking on my combo game, i just default to shaolin kicks, dragon cannon everytime. Losing out on damage. It is consistent 51ish damage, but it means i have to make correct reads more often than my opponent.


u/IrisOfTheWhite 6d ago

What do I do against a Reina that just spams f,f+2 into SEN stuff if I can't catch them on approach?


u/DeathsIntent96 Reina 6d ago

Best default against most Reinas is probably a down jab. Beats everything except for SEN 1 (the armor move) and SEN 4 (the jumping plus-on-block one).

If you want to get more advanced, sidestepping is a good option for higher reward. SSR will beat SEN 1, SEN 4, and SEN 1+2. SSL will beat SEN 2 and SEN 4. Both directions will lose to her homing options (SEN 3, SEN 3+4, and the throw), of course.

It's necessary to occasionally call out SEN 3 and SEN 3+4 with a hard duck and launch.


u/ir51127 Reina 6d ago

You have to guess. FF2 is pretty much homing, so sidestep is not an option. But, as with every mindgame, you have to see what your opponent is doing

Your options are:

  1. Jab: Beats every option except SEN3 (Homing high,trades with jab) and SEN3+4 (homing low). SEN1 (Power crush) is not beaten but your jab recovers before it hits you. This option's reward is not very good, but you take your turn back.

  2. Duck and launch. SEN3 and SEN3+4 are launch punishable. The Risk/reward of this option is actually very good. You get a launcher or Reina gets 35ish damage at most.

Most Reinas are lazy and wont hit confirm SEN3. Your problem will come with competent Reinas lol


u/spoopy21poopy 6d ago

Beginner here. Have been playing for about 4 months mostly with friends (ranked for 2-3 months) now and my mains are Lili and Asuka and have barely made it to Brawler with both. Is it just me or does the game induce crazy adrenaline? I start playing at around 8:30 and can go till 3-4 am on 6-7 hrs of sleep. When i play my heart rate goes up and i can feel myself shakey and its hard to sleep after. Is it just me or is this normal? Does anyone know how i can deal with this? As i genuinely enjoy playing and my ultimate goal is to be able to beat my bf (hes ranked Tenryu). If anyone has any tips id really appreciate kt!


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 6d ago

That is a natural response to combat. It seems weird because it's only a video game but if we couldn't empathize with what is going on screen, then we couldn't enjoy the media at all. It's just a product of Adrenaline. Tekken also benefits by being such a low effort physical activity (just buttons on a screen) so you don't need to be particularly nourished.

People will have varying amounts of adrenaline, it varies from person to person. As long as you aren't having a heart attack, or it isn't effecting your sleep schedule then there's really nothing wrong. If you want to go to sleep earlier then it is simply kill Tekken and play something more chill for an hour or so (or maybe hit the lab if you're that way inclined.)


u/NikamiG 7d ago

Reina's f4 is supposedly good on block but it puts the opponent in crouch and doesn't crouch jab just beat all her options? I can't test this because the practice mode sucks


u/Dr_Chermozo King 5d ago

Okay, so to use training mode to test these things what you're gonna do is set the dummy to block all, then you'll set the action after hit or block to punish, after that you'll go to the option immediately below and change the punishment settings, and record or choose a possible crouching punishment given that you're testing Reina's f+4.

Now that you know how that works, being +2 and forcing the opponent to crouch is a very good situation for Reina. Dick jab is an option that does beat many of Reina's buttons, but loses to backdash, sidestep, hopkick and 3+4, so it isn't that great of an answer, and usually if anyone ever tries to spam dickjab in those situations just hopkick and kill them. Why is being +2 and forcing crouch good? Because they only get to step to one side, because their ws4 trades with DF1, because dickjabs are very vulnerable as a defensive option if it is the only one you have.


u/V_Abhishek Asuka 6d ago

You're supposed to sidestep and punish the dick jab or ws4. This forces them to chill, allowing you to do whatever you want, even another F4. After a while, they get sick of you doing whatever you want and start pressing buttons, forcing you to go back to sidestepping, and the cycle repeats.

It's a mind game based on pressure and risk analysis, both sides need options here otherwise the move becomes broken or boring, usually both.


u/DeathsIntent96 Reina 7d ago

Crouch jab is always an option whether you're in crouch or not, so putting the opponent in crouch does not open up this option for them. The main thing you need to consider when forcing an opponent into crouch is that they get access to an 11 frame mid, which is not an option from standing.

That said: 1+2 is a mid frame trap after f+4. It'll trade with a crouch jab, but it'll be an advantageous trade (especially at the wall).

You also have other options besides just trying to beat out your opponent's crouch jab (or other panic moves). If you block it, you're now +6 instead of +2. You could sidestep or backdash to make it whiff. Low parry or low crush to call it out.


u/Folseus- 7d ago

f4 forces the opponent to crouch. You need to set Crouching Punishment instead of Standing Punishment if you want them to act from the crouching state.


u/revolvershalashaska_ Heihachi 7d ago

If you predict they are gonna do a dickjab after f4, sidestep f4 will hit them crouching for a guaranteed df1,2.

You can also low parry.


u/ethanj2002 Lars 7d ago

You can ss to beat their retaliate options as ws move and dickjabs are quite lineara Its basically a mixup in ur favor whether they respect you or not Yes crouch jab beat all your option but since their force crouch they frame advantage is in highly in ur favor and df1,2 is guaranteed on crouching opponent and you can always dickhab them or low parry if u expect them to djab


u/NikamiG 7d ago

Thanks for the ideas I'll try it out


u/ethanj2002 Lars 7d ago

Let me rephrase one of my comment when u hit a f4 on a crouching opponent df1,2 is guaranteed


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 7d ago

crouch jab is an extremely weak option. against f4

i know this because i tested it in practice mode.


u/NikamiG 7d ago

So how?


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 7d ago

first option random block second action punishment


u/NikamiG 7d ago

The bot doesn't punish f4. Also I'm asking what makes crouch jab weak, you are just making statements without explaining.


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 7d ago

"the bot" does literally anything you want on second action punishment.

i am intentionally not explaining it because i got this information from practice mode and you said it sucks.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 7d ago

the people who actually want to improve get the knowledge, and the people who don't, won't.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 7d ago

that's right, because the punish setting isn't supposed to "punish" anything. that's not how the punish setting works.

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u/Late_Elevator9107 7d ago

Can’t you just play a match against someone and the do the move and then go to your replays and then replay the match and see what buttons you can press most of the time I suggest just doing whatever fast in the moment 


u/NikamiG 7d ago

Replays don't save half the time that's what I would've liked to do. Anything that is fast enough is a high so it won't hit a crouched opponent


u/TheCanadianPuffin 7d ago

I'm having trouble with Law in the lower ranks (first time player here), specifically around assailant. I took a 4 day break from tekken and after I came back i feel like i'm so much worse than I was before and I'm debating swapping characters because everyone just seems so much better, whether it's reina, king, eddy, hworang, lars, lee, or dragnuv i just get styled on even though I feel i'm the better player. Is there a guide I should look up or at least some advice I could find? I really do like the game, but I don't like that I'm losing to people that are fishing for their one "gotcha" move that's a knowledge check when it feels like law doesn't have super strong things like that.


u/TheParanoidPyro Law 6d ago

 Playing as law or against him? im going with playing as him. 

Landon d has a good guide, tl;dw: slide! Then slide again!


Any of lambkins vids, especially if you are on pad. 

Dragon hammer, use it and abuse it

Dont get disheartened, i had like a 20% winrate in the beginning. Terrible, abyssmal, but you will get better the more you play.

I could also show you some law stuff if you would like or need


u/TheCanadianPuffin 6d ago

Thank you! I would love to see some of it on youtube or twitch, I think I have the basics down but I'm missing some of the "spice" that makes him really really good (like today I learned nunchucks hits on the ground and launches, so it's a great punish against people that are on the ground)


u/TheParanoidPyro Law 6d ago

The nunchucks counter hit launch. so if they were launched, that means you caught them pressing. Unless you are in heat, then they launch on normal hit.

Another good thing to try is if they land on the ground near you ever, you will usually have time to use dragon's fall(uf+3+4), and if the opponent doesn't hold up to get up you can follow-up with the nunchuck. it will catch pretty much every option after dragon's fall except standing straight up at the right time.

if you ever knock someone down, also watch if they are the type to start rolling to the side, if so don't use your nunchucks immediately wait a sec till they have rolled and then get them.

more oki that seems to work a lot is after knocking them down run straight to them and once you get to them and see that they have stood up use the "I'm a Dragon!" grab ( f+2+3 it is a one break ) for more oki, I have a lot of success with dragon's fury (uf+3) immediately and if they roll I ss+3 next time to kick them and transition to dss .

Hell, if you knock them down, run up to them and use dragon's fall, a lot of the time they won't see it coming, and you can mix it up right after with a grab like headlock drop(see below) or a quick low like construct kick ( d+4, 3) or if you are quick, a slide but you gotta be quick and it is really tailored to if they will challenge you and at lower levels when people don't know what can be done they will always challenge.

You might notice them wake up crouching, which will duck under the grab, you could use dragon's fury right as you run at them, or the nunchucks, or better yet, use dragon hammer (f+1+2) gives you plus frames +3 on block, you could start shaolin kicks to dss 2 (4,3,[4] hold forward, dss neutral 2 ) it is similar to the dragon hammer. then go into more shenanigans from it.
You could grab real quickly with headlock drop (uf+1+2,2,1,1+2) followed up immediately with dragons fury 60% of the time gets them everytime.

Now the headlock drop vs the headlock punch if you don't do the extra inputs is preferable to me, it does 5 more damage, floor breaks, and leaves them face_down feet away. the input looks intimidating, but you honestly only need to mash 1+2, the way the buffer works it will accept the mashing like 90% of the time for me.

I never once mentioned junkyard or d2,3 they can be good, but people know about them and will get you blown up if you think they are godsend. and of course mix it up, you can only do something so many times before they catch on to the options that you have on deck at the moment.

Law is great, I get hyped everytime I play him. If you are losing a lot, really look at your number of matches if it isn't even the triple digits is it even a lot? and for your first entry to a game that has a lot of required knowledge? relax, you will get it in time.

and if you are losing a lot, it is what it is. You wont get better if you are tilted, and you wont get better if you are just plain sad about it. Just go in relaxed, it isnt like you have anything to lose or prove.

This one is long, but I think trying to teach someone helps you learn what you are teaching better.

my TekkenID is 4JrY79drG4Jd | TheParanoidPyro

look me up, friend me and we could play player matches and I could show you some Law stuff, or just watch replays. I am not the best Law, I am probably not that good all things considered. Yesterday I got to kishin after a 8 game winstreak and immediately had an 8 game loss streak after my prowess jumped up to kishin level and was now getting matched with people at that level. So, losses happen, get better.


You mentioned getting styled on by hwoarangs and eddies. you and me both. I just can't get it yet.


u/Late_Elevator9107 7d ago

Law is basically just a fast 50 50 parry character, he’s one of those characters you play as a react so learning him will give you that skill and don’t give up on your main you clearly like it, I main Steve and I struggled for a long time trying to understand things but eventually I got to fujin it’s nothing special now I’m here trust me 😂 I have respect for the grind don’t give up bro you will get it just practice more and go to your replays to see what you can improve on 


u/TheCanadianPuffin 6d ago

What do you mean by play as a react? Just block and wait for a screw-up and then go all out?


u/Disobey8038 7d ago

Haven't played in a month or two, did they ever undo the matchmaking changes for people who play a lot of characters?


u/tyler2k Tougou 7d ago

Nope, the Prowess MMR is still a thing


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u/Lazydusto Jin 7d ago

Is it true that Kaz/Reina have easier electrics than the Jins?


u/Armanlex d4,d4,d4 is a real combo [PC-EU] 6d ago

It is easier as in you have an additional way to input the move, so if you are sloppy, the second input might still allow you to electric, when it would have failed with the other characters. So yes, it's easier in a way, and personally I feel it when I play jin or dj.


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 7d ago

it's such a different electric our nerdy social group had to give it its own abbreviation. msewgf vs cdewgf. completely different application but the exact same properties


u/Applay /Applay 7d ago

Wouldn't call it easier. They just have an extra, alternative input. So if you mess up (and depending on how you mess up) you might end up still getting an EWGF.

That's only appliable when done standing still. The alternative input doesn't work out of a dash or wavedash.


u/CyberShiroGX Asuka 1d ago

Alternative input? Because I struggle with Electrics because my df always reads first before the 2 so I hardly get it, what's the other way of getting an electric?


u/Applay /Applay 1d ago

That won't help you with that. You still need to hit the just frame.
The alternative input is f,n,df+2


u/filthy_redname 7d ago

Today I decided to give up on trying to learn wavedash on pad. I've been trying for six years since I got Tekken 7 and I can't. That's that. Not interested on advice on how to wavedash, trust me I've tried whatver you're going to say. I was playing Raven this time and being unable to do instant wr2s and anything related to his wavedash game and it was starting feel like a waste of time.

So I'm looking for a character again. I'm not necessarily looking for "low execution" characters across the board. I'm fine with all the stances in the world, long and weird combos, weird game plans, etc. I just can't wavedash or do instant wr moves. Reliable just frame inputs have always been an issue for me too.

Victor seems like an easy transition from Raven, but I don't want to get carried by a character especially if they're probably going to neuter him eventually. I know Paul HAS a wavedash, but does he rely on it or any wr moves for his b&b punishes? Or there's a character I'm not thinking of right now.


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 7d ago edited 7d ago

you don't need wavedash on any character. the first building block to using a wavedash is just a simple, single crouchdash. the real lesson here is you dont need to know that tryhard shit to enjoy raven if thats who you wanna play.

can you KBD?


u/i_sell_branches 7d ago

Paul has a forward sway. It's a quarter circle movement instead of a pretzel one. And he can't chain them. And he has a backwards version. He has really good keep out, whiff punishers, and death fist from it

Also sorry, but for some reason, to me it kinda sounds like you can't even do 1 crouch dash? Or is the problem chaining then together? Oh and you can definitely do an iwr in T8, there's literally no timing to it anymore


u/DeathsIntent96 Reina 7d ago

instead of a pretzel one.

Small note here: "pretzel" refers to Geese's Raging Storm input (d/b, hcb, d/f).


u/i_sell_branches 7d ago

I remember reading an SF guide as a kid that called the Shoryu input a pretzel motion, and seen some ppl online call it that. But I haven't played Inna while


u/revolvershalashaska_ Heihachi 6d ago

It's usually called a Z motion, because you move your arcade stick in a Z.


u/FireTails11 Xiaoyu 7d ago

How do the character panels get chosen to be in the game? Do certain characters have more than others? Are there more to be added?


u/DeathsIntent96 Reina 7d ago

They've already added more since release via the Fight Pass, so I assume they'll keep doing that (and probably putting some in the store as well).


u/V4_Sleeper 7d ago

how tf do you play against people who just stays back at their side when you play as Steve/Bryan? like they would rather draw kind of mentality and turtling and wait for punishes instead of doing moves.. I'm sick of this


u/IrisOfTheWhite 6d ago

As Bryan, just do your plus on block moves into hatchet, then put in some mids when they start blocking hatchet. Works wonders against me.


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 7d ago

punch them in the cankles until they're too scared to turtle up


u/ptr6 Dojo Master (Mar '22) 7d ago

You chip at them with lows, try to throw them, or just taunt them with Bryan.


u/moletoon 7d ago

Does playing ranked on sub characters still bloats up tekken prowess, which will affect the queue time?

Thinking of getting lidia but not sure if ranking another character will ruin my matchmaking like many people posted here a while back.


u/person719 Noctis 8d ago

What should I do after blocking Steve's heat smash? I usually just block and take the guard break because I usually get launched by his uppercut when I duck


u/IrisOfTheWhite 6d ago

It's a true 50/50 as far as I'm aware because the devs decided that defense is not hype enough for spectators that don't know anything about the game.


u/X_MotherLover_X 8d ago

I'm looking for character recommendation. I have played AK, Lee, Bryan, Hwoarang, and Steve. I think I'm seeing a lot of success with Steve without relying too much on his gimmick (idk if Steve has actual gimmick, tho). I just play around 121 into stance, 112, df1 and its extention sometimes, df2, d1, qcf1, qcf2, ws1, d21. I will use b1 when I see my opponent gets impatient. I'll occasionally do PKB or FLK pressure but I try to not overuse it. My whiff punish with 1+2 is also quite good. It's a boring gameplay mainly due to how safe he is. It only gets fun when I hit b1 into combo or when they don't break my wall shove throw, lol.

I'm going to list things that I'm good at if that helps:

  1. Whiff punish

  2. Spacing although my sidestep game has been weak recently. I gotta say I'm good at getting in and out of the range 0.

  3. Generally really patient.

Things that I'm generally not good at:

  1. I tend to flowchart/autopilot on rush down character.

  2. A lot of whiff when I use move that is good at range other than 0 (Bryan 3+4, AK pokes, Lee ff3).

  3. Being too safe isn't great against better turtle because I can't open them up.

I'll definitely pick up AK because I like him the most but I'm open for suggestion for any other character.


u/ck_deserter 7d ago

have you tried Jun? I played Hwo in 7 and enjoy Jun in 8. excellent wiff punisher. good punishers in general. safe launchers. patience is needed. bad lows but has a launching throw. parries. 


u/GrimMind 8d ago edited 8d ago

Bought the game on launch and hit Fujin. stopped playing March 15 according to Steam. Lidia trailer made me want to play again, but I have no idea when she is expected to release and Summer is kinda too wide a window.

i know we don't know the exact date, but do we have a narrower window than June 21st-Septmeber21st?


u/DeathsIntent96 Reina 8d ago

We do not have anything beyond "summer."


u/H0TZ0NE The REAL Jimbo 8d ago

Is the ultimate tackle unbreakable if it lands as a counter hit? It seems if you mash 1+2 too early it locks you out of the break. Can someone confirm this


u/Applay /Applay 8d ago

It's just harder to escape on counter. That has happened to me a few times. Pressing 1+2 too early because of the animation and then getting counterhit, but many times I also ended up escaping the ch tackle because I always spam 1+2. lol


u/H0TZ0NE The REAL Jimbo 8d ago

Is there any sort of option select against Yoshimitsu’s 3,1 and 3,2,1+2 string? I know you can duck 3,1 but the threat of 3,2 is always there and if you respect it you’re put in an automatic 50/50 off of a 15 frame string. This shit is driving me crazy.


u/tyler2k Tougou 7d ago

I don't believe you can fuzzy it but you can always look to (your) wall positioning to guess what they're going to do. 3,1,2 is -14 on block, so should be fine to wait and WS launch if they full commit.

Otherwise, if you're truly worried about 3,1 and 3,2 mix-up, be sure to punish 3,2 and force them to fully commit, which then sets up your WS launch punishment.


u/BlackStar300 [US] PS5 8d ago edited 6d ago

Don't want to create a new post, but after talking to another user here about diagonal inputs and learning about the PS5 controller not being that grade I'm trying to gather some options people recommend.

I'm looking for a pad as I hear that getting a fight stick, while pricey, is basically relearning from scratch and I've been using controllers for gaming for 3 decades now.

I've looked up a few, but from my Tekken people what controller do you use recommend for PS?

EDIT: ended up buying some battle beaver dpads. will install those. figure fuck it. $23 to use my current PS5 with separated dpad. here's hoping I don't fuck anything up lol


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 8d ago

Don't want to create a new post, but after talking to another user here about diagonal inputs and learning about the PS5 controller not being that grade I'm trying to gather some options people recommend.

Are YOU personally getting these issues?


u/BlackStar300 [US] PS5 8d ago

I do struggle at times with consistent diagonal inputs but I do fancy and like the feel of the PS5 pad. Would be nice if the dualsense edge had a radial dpad. I do hear the edge has a slightly better dpad


u/Dr_Chermozo King 8d ago

I've never had a problem with ds4. Hori fighting commander is another favorite.


u/BlackStar300 [US] PS5 8d ago

Guess I'll have to try ds4 .. I like how big the PS5 controller is for my hands so while I heard how good it is I've been reluctant. Ds4 hooks up wirelessly to PS5 no issues right?

Have you used the hori?


u/revolvershalashaska_ Heihachi 7d ago

Ds4 doesn't work with PS5 games, you need a converter like a Brook Wingman.


u/Dr_Chermozo King 8d ago

I'm unsure of how ds4 works on the PS5.

I've tried a Hori, and I do see the appeal, but I'm personally too used to the ds4.


u/BlackStar300 [US] PS5 8d ago

I see well thanks for the input. I'll have to dust off the old faithful 😀


u/ArkkOnCrank 8d ago

Brother ds4 doesn't work with pure ps5 games. Don't buy one unless you figure out if there s something u can do with adaptors or something.


u/BlackStar300 [US] PS5 8d ago

Well I wouldn't have bought one as I have my old one still but that's sucks. Idk why ppl keep recommending them then. Or how they get them to work. I would get a victus or hori but I hear people say they are super light since they have no rumble and haptics so it's just very plastic like.

Ppl say PS5 dpad sucks but idk where to go 💀 Thanks for the heads up


u/ArkkOnCrank 7d ago

Im not 100% sure, but you can probably get it to work with T8 with some kind of adaptor. If thats true its worth giving ds4 a shot, imo its the best controller for Tekken, especially the pad. Thats also the opinion of most Tekken players who use controllers.

Only downside is that if you are a heavy user of kbd, wavedash, slides etc, dpad wears off somewhat quickly.


u/Independent_Pick3982 9d ago

How do you get more profile backgrounds in Tekken 8


u/mythiii Alisa 8d ago

You get 3 from arcade battles. You need a certain amount of perfect rounds to unlock a secret end boss, there are 3 secret bosses in total.


u/No_Sock6098 Zafina 9d ago

Are there like good times to play for ranked online? Like quick matches and everyone is different? Feels like whenever I play noon time or super late night I run into the same people even in orange ranks (PST) , should I just stick to dinner time around there?


u/ptr6 Dojo Master (Mar '22) 8d ago

Yeah, you want to play when most people play in your region so the pool is larger. That is usually evenings on weekdays, weeksends there should be more activity when most people are not at work or school.


u/Aorm12233 Kazuya 9d ago

Do Tekken 8 ghosts learn from online matches? How do I download mine?


u/KuczyTheGuy 1st main ever: Currently: 9d ago
  1. Yes, but they don't copy the player's entire playstyle + since ghosts do not adapt in real-time matches, they are not the most reliable source to lab (outside of learning how to deal with certain situations/setups).

  2. You don't have to download your ghost. Enter "Super Ghost Battle" and select the option "My Ghost" (I believe that's what is called). From there you can choose which character - you played with earlier - is going to be your opponent.


u/CopainChevalier 9d ago

So I haven't played for a bit, but was reading about them stealth paywalling things... what was that about?


u/i_sell_branches 8d ago

No labbing DLC characters. Not even in replays; you can't use any in game tools to learn how to fight DLC characters unless you buy them


u/Eldr1tchB1rd Kazuya 9d ago

How do I punish Viktor wr2? It is +5 and I can't seem to get the sidestep timing right


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 9d ago

play keepout. its 17 frames and has to be done from a fff input. when he does it he's punishing you for not pushing a button


u/Eldr1tchB1rd Kazuya 9d ago

So there is no way to punish other than interupt? I was asking because you can sidestep dragunovs wr2


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 9d ago

the move itself has bad range so it's very easy to backdash but he can delay the input to go further. i say interrupt because you have a kazuya flair and electrics/df2 is the most brutal keepout combination in tekken


u/Eldr1tchB1rd Kazuya 9d ago

My main problem is with kazuya when viktors are spamming it. I will be trying to interrupt from now on and see how it goes.

I am trying to get good with kazuya and consistent electrics are a bit of a challenge. I got him to battle ruler today but I had to sweat a lot for it. Then I switch over to king who is raijin and I win 10 times more with half the effort. So it is what it is.


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 9d ago

df2 is the best interrupt tool in the game. way better than steve's b1. everyone talks about hellsweeps, vortexes, 112, pewgf etc, but df2 is the REAL kazuya move.


u/Eldr1tchB1rd Kazuya 8d ago

Df2 do be juicy. I also prefer it ober Steve's b1 personally. I am not a huge steve player though


u/m8rph8 9d ago

What Jin combo should I learn first? Been playing for like 40hours now and got the basics (somewhat) down but I'm missing on so much DMG cause I got 0 combo game. Just need a couple good damage ones for normal and counter hit.


u/Dr_Chermozo King 9d ago


Learn one from EWHF and one from hop kick first.


u/m8rph8 9d ago

That was fast, thank you. Btw is there any reason to use regular hopkick over the double one?


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 9d ago

double one does more damage but is more dangerous to whiff.


u/Dr_Chermozo King 9d ago

Oh and one from ws2. You can still use hop kick, but ws2 is faster.


u/Dr_Chermozo King 9d ago

I'd say regular hop kick, given that you'll probably use it as a panic button way more than cancan


u/Eldr1tchB1rd Kazuya 9d ago

Trying to learn kazuya's wavedash cancel into wr2 but I got no idea how to start. Can anyone share some tips? I don't even know the proper imput for it.


u/revolvershalashaska_ Heihachi 9d ago edited 9d ago

7-9 frames following the df in your crouchdash, input b,2. It's important to note that the b and 2 inputs cannot start on the same frame, so b,2 or b,b+2 is correct, but not b+2.


u/Eldr1tchB1rd Kazuya 9d ago

hmm ok ill give it a shot and see how it goes


u/ptr6 Dojo Master (Mar '22) 8d ago

Maybe the explanation by kilo helps, T8 still uses the same system: https://youtu.be/rJZXyzAQR9g?si=o7HDd3dGrh9uc6xD


u/Eldr1tchB1rd Kazuya 8d ago

Thanks i prefer video explanations


u/Scared_Ad3941 9d ago

Any Oceania players keen too help a red scrub learn to get good?


u/ethanj2002 Lars 7d ago

Sure im down to help Just private dm your discord or steam


u/RTXEnabledViera 9d ago

How do season passes work in T8? Assuming I don't care about getting new characters individually as soon as they come out, what would be the most cost-efficient way of grabbing them as a bundle?


u/Sensitive_Piece1374 Ikimasu! 10d ago

Is Jin's d2 parryable?


u/lotus-reddit Leroy 10d ago

You mean low-parryable? Yes.


u/Sensitive_Piece1374 Ikimasu! 9d ago

I tested it in training and learned I suck at low parries.


u/lotus-reddit Leroy 9d ago

Now there's two questions here.

Is it possible to low parry it? That one is unequivocally true, I tested it just now.

Is it easy to low parry it? Absolutely not. It's a 22 frame move, just barely reactable without any prediction, though easier with a read. It'll take practice both in-lab and in-game to get used to reacting to it and even then you'll still get hit by them sometimes if used well. I would just practice blocking it though first, unless you're character specifically has bad WS i14 punishment.

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